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Sunday Call (Lady Nada, OWS, Shoshanna)

LADY NADA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Lady Nada.  I appreciate this time that I and my Beloved, Sananda, can be with you here now in these moments, these trying moments for many across the planet. 

These moments that you, those of you, the Light-Workers, the -Warriors, the Light-Bearers and -Sharers, this is what you have been working for, and waiting for, and praying for, for all to come to this point in love.  And even though it does not appear to some, those that are still deeply enmeshed within the third dimensional illusionary matrix, to them it seems like chaos is reigning, now. 

But to those of you that have prepared for these very moments that are ahead now, for those of you who see, you see beyond the curtain.  You see beyond the veil.   You see what is really there, what is really there now in this moment, not what is coming, but what is here now. 

Because if you focus on the now moment, then everything else you realize is exactly where it needs to be, and you, right there, within the eye of the storm.  Even now as the storm rages around you, you are safe within that eye, within the neutrality that you yourselves have created for yourselves.  Because it is in that ‘neutral point’ where many of you are finding yourselves more and more.  It is in that neutral point where you finally realize that everything is indeed being orchestrated. 

We do not want you to look and to see the fear that has arisen across the planet.  We want you to instead to see beyond that, and to see the joy and the love that also has arisen.  Because even in the darkest moments a light shines through, just as it is doing now.  You have a saying:  ‘it is always darkest before the dawn.’  And that is certainly true. 

And even now, as you look out upon the vistas in front of you, if you see with the eyes of all of those that are still enmeshed within the third dimension, then you see turmoil, you see travesty, you see ugliness.  But if you see with your third eye now that has been opened wide for most of you, and you see with that eye. then you see as we see.  And we see only purity, only love, even in the deepest shadows of darkness.  We see the light within.  And we know that that light can come forth again.  So if you are wanting to see all of those pay for their crimes, then you are still within that third dimension illusion.  You are still operating at those frequencies.  But if you can look as we do and see the glimmer of light, the glimmer of a flame still even within the darkest ones, then there is always a chance.  Will they take that chance?  Many will not.  But that is not for you, or for us, to determine.  That is their choice.  Just as it is your choice to live in the world, but not be of it.  To know that you are rising even in these moments into the higher vibrational frequencies within yourselves. 

And you have nothing to fear except fear itself.  Fear holds you back.  Fear holds down your immune system.  It doesn’t let it do what it is capable of doing.  Let go of all fear.  And what is left?  Only love.  And when you let go of all fear, you also let go of all pain and suffering.  

Because when you have let go of fear and there is only love, you have reached the neutral point within you.  And in that neutral point is where the God source within you resides.  The kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God is within you, within all of us.  Let that kingdom reign within you. 

Moving forward now, you have everything right there in front of you.  It is all being brought forward for all, not just those of you, but for all to see, for all to become aware of. 

For those that continue to reside within the shadows of darkness, they are being brought into the Light, yes, even at times kicking and screaming.  But they are coming forward.  Will they be brought before you, and their crimes told to all?  Maybe not.  But it is not for you to judge that. 

It is for you to accept that all is exactly as it needs to be, and the divine plan is working out exactly as it needs to.  And all of you are more a part of this divine plan than you can even begin to imagine, at this point. 

So continue raising your frequencies whenever you have the opportunity, whenever you can think about it.  And the more you do so, the more it will become easier for you to think about it.  And when you think about it, you bring about it.  So allow for the frequencies to continue to rise the vibrations within you.  To continue to reach up higher and higher, and find that sunlight that is coming through the clouds, now.  Look, and you can see it, and see ahead of you all of the clouds parting, and the beautiful blue sky coming through.  And the sunlight lighting up everything on the planet a with brilliant light.  And nothing within the atmosphere to hold it back.  That is what is ahead, that you, those of you, have created here. 

Continue now to trust in yourselves.  To trust in your brothers and sisters all around you.  To know that mankind has chosen love.  Mankind has chosen the Light, and nothing that anyone who still loves the darkness can hold that Light back.  For as you heard several weeks ago when KaRa spoke to you, she said you have arrived.  And you have all arrived now.  Everything, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, everything is right there now in front of you and within you.  Just reach out and take it for yourselves and for each other.  For nothing now can hold it back.  Continue to be right there in that eye of the storm as you are now, with the storm raging around you, but you safe and secure in the knowing right there in that eye that you again are exactly where you need to be.  You, being the collective you. 

That is my message for you at this time.  Many more messages are coming forward now from many different sources to continue to prepare you for all that is coming and all that is already here now. 

My peace and love be with all of you.  And Sananda also gives his love to each and every one of you.  For it is time. 

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here.  And we are ready to continue on. 

We hope that you have your popcorn and your candy or whatever it is that you use when you go to your movies, because the movie around you is quite profound, here, as we find it.  It is quite an enjoyable show if you look at it that way. 

It is when you go to a movie in your theaters and watch your movies.  You can sit there, and you can be bored with it, and you can think, ‘this is nothing, this is not enjoyable,’ or you can sit there and you can get into the movie.  You can experience it.  You can feel yourselves one with it.  And then it becomes a whole different process for you. 

Well, that is what you can do here.  You can be aware of everything that is happening around you.  You can even become involved in it in certain ways.  You can become involved in it in the higher vibrational frequency ways, if you understand what we are saying. 

Do not become involved in the fear part of it, become involved in the joy of it in what is coming, what is right around the corner.  What is already now in motion.  

We tell you this, and Lady Nada gave this to you:  everything is in motion now.  Everything is exactly where it needs to be.  The plan is being followed exactly.  And all of those of us, the Ascended Masters, the Company of Heaven, the Galactics, the Agarthans, all of us are sitting here with (what is your saying?)–‘bated breath’–crazy saying, but we are sitting here like that, and we are awaiting everything to occur here, and to see the joy in your faces as things continue to ramp up.  And they are going to ramp up. 

But as you also know, and as Lady Nada also said, “it is always darkest before the dawn.”  And the darkness is here now, if you see it that way.  But if you see it as the Light.  If you see it as joy, and oneness, and peace, and peace coming to the entire world, if you see it that way, then that is the way you will perceive it.  And we would say that is the higher consciousness way of perceiving everything, here. 

So allow it to be.  Allow yourselves to be.  Allow yourselves to be in joy in these moments knowing that you are on the cusp, or the verge, or the culmination of so much that you have been preparing for, and that we have been helping to prepare you for. 

We are ready now for questions if you have any.

Guest:   Yes, I have a question.  But I have a question for my friend.  He is a little bashful to come on and he wanted me to ask two questions.  The first question is what happens to us when we pass on?

OWS:   Oh, my goodness.  That is a long, involved question.  But we can tell you, and we know Shoshanna will likely have something to add here as well.  But what we can tell you is it is not anything to be afraid of.  It is something you have done many, many, many times before.  And when it happens, you remember.  The remembrance comes back to you. 

Now, as we are saying this, we also want to add here that most of you, many of you, will not go through this again in this lifetime.  It is not meant for you.  You came here to be a part of this expression of the ascension process here, and to do so by taking your bodies with you.  So most of you will not go through this dying process here again at this time.  But again, as we say, you have done it many, many times, and there is certainly nothing to be afraid of.  In fact, it is quite an enjoyable experience.  At some point, when you are ready for it, much way down the line for most, you will experience that and remember, here. 

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We can share on this.  May we share, dear sister? 

Guest:   Yes, you may.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   This process that human beings have gone through for millennia of passing out of their bodies has been an issue in this culture because there is much fear around this subject, and it is not talked about.  It is not discussed.  And, if someone brings up the idea of dying, they are shunned!  “Do not speak of this!”  But, we must speak of this because many will still go through that process. 

What we will tell you is, it is not what your culture has told you.  It is simply passing through a door.  When the body decides it is no longer useful in this environment, it is simply cast off, and the astral body moves beyond and walks through a door into another world and can take on any other body as spirit of that body moves forward.  It is an adventure.  So we will tell you to look forward if you think that your body will be cast aside in this lifetime, you can look forward to a wonderful adventure of moving forward and discovering things that are not on this planet.  That is what we have to share.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And we also add here that times long ago in your ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and others, when the dying process happened, it was not looked at in the respect that it is today in this culture, as Shoshanna has given.  It was looked at as just a passing on:  another adventure, as Shoshanna has also given, here.  And when that one passed on, they knew that they were going to come right back in, in a different body, and resume right back where they were when they left.  You see?  They just lay the body down and come back into a new one. 

But then there has been the religious control process that created the fear around the dying process, you see?  But it is certainly nothing to fear, and Shoshanna has given perfectly it is a new adventure. 

We are finding with The James, here, a movie, ‘Lord of the Rings, Return of the King,’ at the very end where the Bilbo says he is going off into a different dimension, as it turns out, and taking his physical body with him.  In a sense, he was ascending.  And he said, “I am going on a new adventure.”  So that is what we have for you on this.

Is there another question here on that?  Or do we move on?

Guest:   There was another part.  He wanted to know if we come with the same intelligence in the next incarnation that we had before.

OWS:   That is very difficult to answer here, because everyone is different.  Everyone has their own experiences, their own life contracts.

Shoshanna:   We can share.

OWS:   Yes, please, you can, yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share on this, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   The idea of intelligence is a judgment.  You see, it is a silly judgment.  Because what is intelligence?  And who has it?  And how much do they have?  And it is a measurement that is very third-dimensional, as we do not even think of this in the higher dimensions.  So what we would tell you is that what if you choose to come and reincarnate again in the third dimension, perhaps on another planet, perhaps on the third-dimensional Gaia, you will come based on what you need.  What you need to progress your soul and your moving of consciousness into complete compassion, love, and understanding for all.  It does not matter how you see it, or if you were an Einstein or a rock.  It does not matter.  It is what your soul prefers, and it is what you have agreed to as a Being of Light.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good. 

Shoshanna:   Does this answer your question?

Guest:   Yes, I do believe you’ve answered it for him.  I am speaking for him.  But it sure did answer it for me.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  Namaste. 

Guest:   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions, here?

Guest:   Yes, Dear One. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I would like to find out what’s going to be the knowledge or the understanding of the people of what just occurred.  I had always thought that this whole thing about having to bring things to light would mean that the population was going to know what had just been gone through, what atrocities, etc.  Not that you want to sit there and watch it, like Romans in the Coliseum watching the people being eaten by the lions or anything horrible like that, just for awareness so that they could move on.  And now we are hearing that maybe this will not come to the public’s attention of what had actually occurred in a dark sense.  So what is going to actually happen, and why is that the best way to do it?

OWS:   We can tell you that some will and some will not.  There will be some that will come forward and others that will not.  They will continue to remain in the shadows, and they will be taken out of the picture without fanfare, we will say, here.  That, in some cases, will be some of those that will be able to make that choice.  But others will not.  There will be much that will be revealed.  It is already coming to the forefront of your various human trafficking, and drugs, and all of these things, that are coming forward now that are being revealed to the public. 

Your media, your mass media we speak of, the media that many still do pay attention to, still listen to, although many have left that.  They do not respond to this anymore, or certainly react to it as they did before.  So that is changing and will continue to change.  And eventually the media will become a spokesperson for the people once again rather than for the corporation, you see.  That will be the major difference, here. 

So there will be much that will come forward, much that is going to be revealed, much that is already in the process now of being revealed, and each time these things come forward, it continue to raise awareness across the planet as well as consciousness. 

And again, don’t forget, these energies that are coming in, which is also greatly helping to raise consciousness much faster that it would have if it were not for these energies that have been granted by the Creator and by the Galactics to continue to assist this process, here. Okay?  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can share.  Would you prefer that we share our perspective on this, Dear Sister? 

Guest:  Yes please.

Shoshanna:   The being that you are, and the being that another is, are completely connected.  There is no separation.  What happens to you, happens to all, and what happens to all, happens to you.  Your soul is an individual consciousness of the Source.  And the path of your soul is enlightenment.  No matter what the course or the path that you take, the soul wishes to join back with Source and become the Light and become enlightenment, and assist all to become one once more. 

With that being said, what you need to know as a soul entity will be revealed to you for your enlightenment.  What you do not need to know will not be revealed to you, because it will not assist you in your enlightenment, you see.  It does not matter what the scuttlebutt is, it does not matter if he said, she said, that, this, and the other, what matters is the course that your soul wishes to take to achieve enlightenment, you see.  So if you need to know something that will create enlightenment for you, which creates enlightenment for all, it will be revealed, you see.  One must trust that this is how it goes.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.

Guest:   Thank you, thank you.   I have a Part B, may I ask it?

Ows:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   We love Part B!

Guest:   (Laughter)   We heard 99% of the people are ascending.  But that still leaves 8 million people not.  Is that a correct number, or will there be a lot more ascending than that, because 8 million seems like a lot of people. 

Shoshanna:   We can share.  Do you wish for us to share first?

OWS:   Yes, please do. 

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, here is our perspective.  If you are doing the math, then that will be your reality.  We suggest to all that the focus is on their personal ascension, because as we said before, that which you achieve, you achieve for all.  And that which all achieve, they achieve for you.  Because all is ONE. 

So we must tell you that there is a massive separation technique that has been designed in the third dimension to keep us disconnected from each other.  So we will tell you it does not matter if it is 8 million, 8 billion, 80 trillion—it does not matter.  Because your goal is to achieve your personal ascension.  And again, you personal ascension will uplift all of humanity to whatever level they need to be uplifted.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes. And we would add here that no one can predict how many there will be in the ascension process.  It is not possible to even do so, because everything changes in the moment-to-moment basis.  So one that would ascend, in the next moment might not, or vice versa.  So it cannot be given.  So anyone that has given this from any source:  there needs to be much discernment used here on this.  Okay? 

Guest:   Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Does that answer your question?

Guest:   Absolutely.  Thank you so much.

Shoshanna:   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Are there any other further questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question. 

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   I was wondering if there is a correlation, because the corona is also part of our sun, and it is the plasma part of our sun.  I just wondered does this virus have anything to do with the entire light that is coming in with the purification process?

OWS:   You have to understand that this particular virus is not new, No.1. 

And No. 2, it is in the process of changing in many respects, here in terms of those that utilize this for their own needs and sometimes their own nefarious needs here in terms of the dark forces utilizing this virus for purposes that are meant for control and power, and all of these types of things. 

But you also have to understand that it is also being co-opted, you might say, by those of the Light, the Alliance, whatever you want to call them, are utilizing this to bring about aspects that are needed to bring this entire ascension process forward.  You see, those that are wanting to hold back ascension are using this virus in a respect of doing so.  Those that want to bring ascension forward are using it in that respect, you see?  Does this answer your question first of all?

Guest:   Yes it does, thank you.

OWS:   Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to add here?

Shoshanna:   Well, we can add a perspective here, if we may. 

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we must explain that the name of a virus is irrelevant.  The scientist who named the group of viruses many years ago (we find it six decades ago), called ‘Corona,’ they named it for the shape of it.  Because scientists are very mathematically minded, and they saw the coronal shape of this virus, and said “oh, we will call it ‘Corona.’”  It is not with any depth of understanding, it is not with any depth of consciousness, it was a measurement in geometry that created the name.  What we will tell you though, is underlying any incident or situation that occurs on your planet is up to those that have the consciousness to bring it about in a higher frequency and a higher understanding for all of humanity.  So you see, the name is pretty irrelevant.   Namaste. 

OWS:   Yes.  Very good.

Shoshanna:   Does this make sense?

Guest:   Yes.  I think it is probably just a personal connection for me, then.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  And we will say that those that are analytical, which is most, because most beings have been given an analytical layer to their brains, will attempt to have a meaning behind everything.  All the time the meaning is created by the being that sees it, feels it, hears it, and experiences it—that is the meaning for that being.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions here, before we release channel?

Guest:   Hello, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   I just wanted to express to all of our ascended counterparts my gratitude my very deep, deep gratitude for all you have done for us to allow us to remember the unity and to come out of the separation.  And I just love you all so much.  And I just wanted to express that gratitude to you.  Thank you.

OWS:   We love you all so very much as well.  But we also express our gratitude to you to continue the fight here, the fight for Light, here.  And to be here now in these moments, after volunteering so long ago and continuing this process.  You could have passed a ways from this many times previously, but you always said before coming into the next life, you always said, “no, I need to complete this process; I volunteered for it, I need to complete it.”  And here you are now.  So we commend you.  We bow to you, as was given by Aramda some time ago, here.  We bow to you.  It is not the other way around.  Shoshanna, anything you wish to share on this?

Shoshanna:   We wish to share on this.  May we share our perspective, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes please, Sister.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, gratitude is the element of love that connects everything.  So, when any being experiences gratitude, they experience oneness!  They experience connection with all!  And that is all there is!  So, the more deeply in gratitude we all are for anything that is occurring, we bring about oneness.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good. 

Guest:   Thank you, Sister.

OWS:   Do you have parting message, here, Shoshanna?  Or was that it?

Shoshanna:   We will give a message.  May we?

OWS:   We will offer to all the being that have listened to this call, and that will listen to the recordings, that if you are listening and you are participating, you are all the harbingers of the Event, the ascension, and you will raise humanity to heights that it has never experienced before.  You are the ones you have been waiting for!  You are the change that you wish to see in the world. 

Congratulations to all of you, as we are deeply in love with each one of you, and we praise you, appreciate you, and are in deep gratitude because your frequency has raised ours.   Namaste. 

OWS:   Very good.  Wonderfully said.  And we simply add here to keep being where you are now in these moments.  Be in the moment.  Don’t be in the past.  Don’t hold yourself in the past.  Don’t remember the past.  Don’t hang onto the past.  Let it go. 

And, while you are letting it go, forgive everyone in any way, shape, or form, that harmed you, any time in that past.  Forget it all.  Let it all go. 

And then, once you have done that, you are now in the present moment, and in the present moment in that neutral place within you, then everything can continue to go all around you, and the storm and all of this, and you are perfectly safe and sound right here, now, in the moment; in this very moment, you are perfectly safe and sound.  That is all we wanted to say.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.


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Sunday Call (Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)
Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.  As always, I appreciate this time, these moments that I can be with you and communicate with you, and share various messages with you to help you to continue to understand who you are. 

And to realize that you are so much more than the body.  You are so much more than the brain that you have.  The mind is so powerful, powerful beyond measure.  You have no idea yet just how powerful your minds are.  Your ability to have an intention.  And then to take that intention and make it into something that you want in your life.  You are beginning to see that.  Some of you, many of you, are beginning to see that you have that power, that you can have mind over matter.  You are beginning to see that more and more.  And I ask you now, each and every one of you, to begin to utilize that power more. 

Begin to know yourself, so that you can come to the belief that you have these abilities, that you have this power within you to direct your bodies, to direct them in any way that you want them to be, to communicate with your physical body, to ask your physical body, “what is it that it needs,” and then to supply that need for it. 

Your body is only as sick or in illness as you let it be.  You have to come to understand that.  The energies that have been coming into this planet for some time now are increasing your immune systems.  You may not be aware of that, but all of your immune systems are becoming stronger and stronger. 

But it is the mind that must control the immune system.  You must come to understand that.  The mind can even either increase the immune system, or it can decrease the immune system.  And the mind operates from programming.  And if the programming continues to hold you down to the belief that you can have hereditary illnesses and all of these types of things, then it will do that. 

But, if you, as Lightworkers and Warriors, in these times and in these moments, if you can fully come to understand that you are in control.  You, your mind, your greater mind, and the connection of your mind to the universal mind, is everything.  Once you come to realize that, you can do anything.  And I do mean anything. 

Just as I showed those 2000 years plus ago when I walked the land as Yeshua, just as I showed at that time that the power of the mind is great, but that each time when I would assist another, I could only make a difference if they allowed it, if their programming allowed for it.  If they released the programming, and if they let the energies come through, then anything was possible.  Crippled walked again.  Blind people saw again.  But it was because of their faith.  That is what brought them through it.  That is what made them whole. 

Just as your faith, your belief, and the belief that changes to knowing within you, just as that in these times now will see you through any illness, any sickness, any malady of any kind and be simply healed by the word, the word of Light within you.  Just as I had you see the beginning of all of creation happened with the word, happened with the Light, began with all this (referring to the guided meditation just completed).  So too do you have that creative ability within you.  You have the creative source within each and every one of you and that creative source within you can perform miracles if you allow it. 

So let go of all of the programming now, all that has been placed in your consciousness for so many thousands of years, and so many lifetimes.  Programming that keeps holding you down if you let it.  See now all of the energy within you flowing freely up and down with no blockages within you, freed from anything that would hold you back now. 

This, my friends, is the ascension process.  You are in it, and you are it. 

All of my peace and love be with all of you.  Continue on.  Continue on.  Don’t give up, no matter how difficult times might become.  Always know that you can be in that eye of the storm, and let the storm continue to rage around you, but you are safe within your Light Body. 

Peace and love be with all of you. 

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is here.  And we are ready to go with your questions. 

We do not have message directly.  Do you, Shoshanna?

SHOSHANNA   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

Not at this time.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are ready to move on with your questions, which often lead to various messages as well.  Various ways to help you to continue to understand, as Sananda says, who you are.  That is the most important thing:  to remember who you are.  And now your questions? 

Guest:   Yes.  I have two questions from the e-mail. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   The first is from a brother who had an experience where he was told to put two crystals on a beach, and one was in a higher position than the other.  He is wondering if these crystals had anything to do with the opening of the gateway, which was on 2/2/2020.  This was also the date of the experience that he had. 

OWS:   Yes.  On the date of your Feb 2, 2020, that was the opening of a massive gateway at that point. 

And the particular direction that this one received to place those crystals as he did, and he followed the direction on this particular day, on this particular opening of the gateway.  And this assisted. 

He may not become completely aware of this, and you may not be fully aware as a whole, here, that one individual can make a difference, here, but that one can.  And this one did in the use of the quartz crystals to be able to place them in a direct indication that was given.  He followed this indication, one high, one low, one feminine manifestation, one masculine manifestation to fully understand what has occurred here.  To bring the balance within this gateway.  And this gateway has opened up across the entire planet, you see, it is the connection there. 

Not that you can simply walk through the gateway.  You are not ready to be able to do that, or most of you are not.  But you will be able to have access to this gateway as a gateway of light that is coming through.  It is not so much that you can walk through this gateway, it is a sense that the light can come through this gateway, and that is what happened.  And it came through on this particular area where this one had the experience, here.

But it was not only this one that was doing this at times.  There were others who were also directed to do similar type of experience here, working with the crystals in this way, in augmenting, we will say, the light coming through the gateway across the planet, here.  Okay?

Shoshanna, anything you can add here?

Shoshanna:   We can share just one aspect of this, although you have explained this in very good terms, very understandable terms. 

What we will share is that as all must already know that a crystal is an exponential instrument.  It magnifies its presence where it is placed.  It can magnify negative, and it can magnify positive, as it takes the energy from the area and magnifies it out. 

What we find is that the place where these crystals were placed, near water, gives the opportunity for these crystals to magnify a great energy, as the area is pristine with energy.  Water carries magnificent energy, and the area carries magnificent energy that would allow for a magnification to take place so that whatever is happening in that area can happen more easily.  That is all we have.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And we will also add here that intention is very important in these aspects, in these experiences.  If you have the intention, and you put that intention within the crystal, it can magnify this greatly.  And the more intention you have, the more power that you put behind your intention, the more it can magnify it.  And this is what this one did in terms of having the belief to follow through with this process. 

And this goes for everyone here.  Also, if you ever feel the need or the direction to do something similar to this, follow through with it.  Do it.  And realize that you have the ability to direct energy, to intend energy at great, great levels beyond what you may even begin to believe is possible, here.  Okay?

Are there other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes.  There is another one from the e-mail from another brother.  He was asking when are the ascension symptoms going to start to subside.  And how long after the solar flash will dark beings start to be removed or be removed?  He further wants clarification on the term, what does it mean to be ‘consumed by the light.’

OWS:   Very good.   Actually, we will answer the second question first.  In terms of those of the dark beings, the dark forces, and how they are going to be removed.  Or rather, we should say they are in the process of being removed, and have been for some time, now.  Not all, of course, have been taken off planet, but it is moving in that direction.  And when the Solar Flash, The Event, happens, certainly that will be a major catalyst to finish the job, you might say. 

And to understand when the saying has been given, those that come from the darkness will either join the light, or they will be consumed by light.  What that means is if they are willing to allow the light to come through them and become a part of them, then they will not have to go through the great consummation process at the Central Sun. 

And if they do decide, though, that they do not want to turn to the light, and they just are adamant about not doing that even after being given many, many opportunities to do so, then they will find themselves being consumed by the light in terms of being regenerated back to their beginning essence, we will say, with all of their memories, everything, wiped out.  Their soul memory, soul record, would begone.  So that is how that happens, here.

And what was the first question here again?

Guest:   Yes, he was asking when are the ascension symptoms going to subside.

OWS:   Yes, ascension symptoms.  We will say they will subside when they subside.  We really cannot answer that question directly because everyone is different, so it cannot be said when it will subside.  But certainly, as you come close to The Event, as you come close to that Solar Flash event, those symptoms will largely be gone at that point, and certainly after that.  That is what we can share here.  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can add to this.  The symptoms that many refer to are a result of resistance.  When an individual resists their potential, resists their movement in consciousness, the symptoms will dig their heels in and be augmented by resistance.  As we move forward as a collective and we embrace the movement of change that is taking place, the symptoms will calm themselves.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  Are there other questions now?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves, and Shoshanna, hello Dear Ones.  As long a no one else is jumping in quickly, I’ll jump in. 

I need a little bit of clarification, because this question mark is kind of blocking my ability to interact.  I have had the experiences of having what I then thought was a twin flame, which occurred to me as looking like Yeshua or being Yeshua, and we would go traveling back in time to the days of Yeshua.  And then along came this other that appeared to me more like Bob Marley, and we would travel into the inner Earth, and we still do.  At some point I thought it was the same person, same thing.  Then other times, though, I have come to think it is not the same individual, but there is a kind of a male-female experience to both.  I don’t want you to tell me who it is, but if you can just clarify are these the same individual?  I think my 3-D thing of what is appropriate about interacting with different beings in certain ways gets in the way of my experience with them both.  Can you give me clarity on this?

OWS:   Yes.  Shoshanna, do you want to begin?

Shoshanna:   We cannot at this point.  You must explain this.

Guest:   I must?

Shoshanna:   One Who Serves must take the lead. 

OWS:   Very good.  Then what we will say here to this is, of course, we cannot say directly who is your twin flame, because that would of course be ruining the surprise for you, so we would never do this.  We can tell you, though, that your connection here as you are finding it with the Yeshua and with the other one that you mentioned here, they are not one in the same, as you are saying, but they are aspects that you are connected with in some ways here.  Not that this one, they are directly your twin flame, we are not saying that, nor would we say that.  But it is up to you to allow for the process to continue. 

When the time comes, when the vibration increases enough within you, then you will have access to your twin flame directly, whether that is before The Event, or after The Event.  Whether it is after ascension or before ascension, or during ascension rather, that remains to be seen here yet as far as how you continue to raise your vibrations over a period of time, here.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   We will share on this.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share our perspective, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   The energy of the twin flame is a soul consciousness collective and can produce any experience that the human who is longing for the experience wishes to participate in.  So you must understand that whatever you see, whatever you feel, whatever you are taken in your travels, that the being that you are calling for, as One Who Serves has indicated, is an aspect.  So when you truly call forth the energy of the twin flame, the twin flame is a soul collective with many experiences, multiple personalities, multiple presences on multiple planets.  So you see you can have any experience you wish to have, and that being that is joining you is a collective.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.

Guest:   Thank you.  I appreciate that.  They seem to be coming sometimes together now, but separate from each other, but together to me at the same time.  So now that explains it that they also must be somehow connected.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   They are a collective.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Great.  Thank you.

OWS:   Would there be any other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes please.  I would like to speak. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:  I would like to speak about a dream.  I have memories of this.  It tends to surface on occasion as this dream.  The dream took place when I was a child. 

Shoshanna:   Yes.  We will tell you two things, if we may share our perspective with you? 

Guest:   I would love it.

Shoshanna:   You may do two things: 

You may write about this.  You may begin to journal this memory in great detail, and you will find that as you write about it, many details will be filled in for you that you do not have currently in your memory, so that these things will be filled in for you if you write about it.    

The second thing we will tell you to do is ask in a dream to fill in more details and participate in the dream as a lucid player in the dream.  We would tell you to attempt this and to practice this. 

We can tell you that this is clearly, as you know, a past life memory.  What you are seeking is a reason for the memory and a root to the memory.  And you can do this by doing those two things we suggest.  Does this make sense, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes.  I never had considered that it could possibly have been from a past life experience.  Thank you. 

Shoshanna:   Yes it is.   Namaste.

Guest:   May I ask one more question? 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  I have been noticing that there tends to be movement in the plates in my head, in my skull.  And sometimes the right side will be in the back, or what used to be the opening in my skull as an infant.  It tends to get larger.  And then the other side gets smaller and it kind of goes back and forth.  I heard some reasoning about this a long time ago, but I would like some clarification.  I’m sure other people might be interested on experiencing similar things as well on the shape of the skull changing as it progresses in their growth. 

OWS:   We did not quite understand.  Are you speaking of a physical manifestation here ofsomething happening within your skull?  Is that what you are saying? 

Guest:   Yes. 

OWS:   And how do you know that this is happening?

Guest:   By touch.  It essentially is a plate.  Because there are four plates in the skull.  I am noticing that toward the back of my head that one seems to rise, and the one seems to lower, and go back and forth.  I’m not sure how to ask it into a question other than that is this a common experience? 

OWS:   Are you asking is this a common experience? 

Shoshanna:   She is asking if it is a common experience as one grows in consciousness.

Guest:   Yes.

OWS:   Very good. 

Shoshanna:   We can answer.  May we share?

Guest:   Yes, Honey.

Shoshanna:   We find you to be a very interesting specimen, Our Dear Sister.  You are an experiment.  You have come to this planet to be something different than most.  And you are an experiment in consciousness.  And those that wish to provide a broader experience for you are shifting your plates in your brain to attempt to reach you and provide more information to you on who you are, what your mission is, and how you can participate with humanity at a more expanded level.  This is an experiment that is occurring, and you have agreed to this.  And it is is for your broader understanding and your consciousness.  This is what we find.   Namaste.

Guest:   Excellent.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here, before we release channel?

Guest:   Hi One Who Serves.  What was just being spoken about her brain, which she was feeling with expansion and whatever was going on, I have been experiencing for about two weeks now, maybe, oh maybe not that long, a little more than a week.  Anyway, discomfort in my brain area.  The top, and now the back, way back, right above the neck.  The discomfort comes and goes.  So I pay attention to it, because I don’t get headaches at all.  So when something occurs around my head, I really pay attention to it, because then I realize they are doing work.  Obviously, something is happening that is being needed to be looked at or worked on, and so forth, so I allow it, and so forth and acknowledge it. 

Anyhow, a few nights ago while I was doing some work.  I was in conversation, and I don’t recall who it was, but I was in conversation with one of the higher spirits, and I felt their hands go back around my head on the back part of my head, and it stayed there during whatever I was doing with them at the moment, and could really feel it strongly.  I couldn’t come out of what I was doing to break that, so I just allowed, you know, and acknowledged it for a moment. 

But it happened more than once.  It happened at least two or three times right after that.  So my question to you is was that our beautiful divine Light Beings doing the work?  Or was that the person I was in conversation with?

OWS:   First of all, you already know the answer to that, because you have already said that they are working with you and on you in this respect. 

But we are going to move this into more of a generalized understanding here.  Not so much for this one who directly asked this question, but for all of you, to understand that there are various symptoms that are happening now, or are going to happen more and more to many of you that are going to be different.  They are going to be foreign to you.  They are going to be out of the ordinary, you might say.  And they are going to happen with more frequency.  Not that they will cause pain or anything, but they will bring your attention, it will get your attention, here.  Just as these ones that are speaking here, it is doing for them. 

And it is, as Shoshanna has said, an expansion of consciousness.  And this is all a part of the ascension process that is occurring.  So again, more and more of you will have these types of experiences.  They are nothing to be concerned about or worried about.  And certainly do not create any fear around it.  It is just a happenstance that needs to occur as your consciousness is expanding, as DNA is changing, we will say, rather, it is becoming more back to what it was originally, in terms of the strands of DNA.  And you are receiving various downloads that are coming in.  And they are going to affect, again, more and more of you.  We will leave it up to Shoshanna, though, if she wishes to be more specific here.

Shoshanna:   We wish to share on this.  This is very exciting news.  May we share?

Guest:   Yes, of course.

Shoshanna:   We find that the one who shared before you, and the one who is sharing now that we speak to are part of the forerunners.  They are harbingers of the change.  You have both agreed to participate at a higher level to bring about the changes that are occurring in the world more quickly, and that you have given permission that you could be, we will use a term that is difficult to use, but you will be used as the ones that are reshaped as the harbingers of things to come.  We believe this because of who you are and how you have participated thus far in these great changes that are occurring.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.

Guest:   Thank you so much.

OWS:   Is there any one further question?  We need to release channel.  One more question:

Guest:   Well, I was going to say, if no one else is jumping in, can I ask one more, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  I wonder if you could say a little bit more about the Kumaras.  I know that theoretically most people think there are four, but then I’ve seen also that there are seven.  I believe the gentleman that I do visit, my love in the Inner Earth, may be one of them.  Can you say more about the Kumaras, how many there are, and what they are? 

OWS:   We can tell you that there are many, not just four or seven, there are many.  But you are speaking of are the Seven Flame Lords from Venus.  And Sanat Kumara and Sananda Kumara are two of them.  And there are certainly many, many more that have been assisting here with the planetary ascension process over a very long period of time.  Many have gone on.  Many have left this system and have gone on.  But some are still here. 

Sanat Kumara, of course, is one who said he would stay until the end here, you might say.  Or in this case, more the beginning of the New Age.  And he left for some time, and he returns here and there, you might say. 

They are here.  We will just say that.  And they are here to assist mankind in any way that is possible to do so.  And they are very, very strong and powerful in being able to assist here.  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can share. 

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share?

Guest:    Please.

Shoshanna:   Kumara is an achievement of body-mind consciousness that transcends all that you know.  This is a state of what you might call supernatural.  This is a state of mind-body consciousness achieved by these beings that is beyond three-dimensional understanding, and they have become transcendent beings and, again, as you call it in your understanding, supernatural.  They are beyond understanding.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you. 

OWS:   Then we are ready to release channel, here. 

Shoshanna, do you have any message to give here at the end?

Shoshanna:   Not at this time.

OWS:   Very good. 

Then we just simply say just a simple keep on keeping on.  Don’t give up.  Keep it going.  Do everything that you can to continue to raise your vibrations wherever you have the opportunity.  Become aware of yourself.  Become aware of your body.  Listen to your body.  Do not succumb to the programming of the medical profession or anything of this nature that continues to hold you to that programming and continues to keep your bodies sick and aging and dying.  And that is not what the body was meant for.  So take charge of it. 

Shanti.   Peace be with you.   Be the one.

2020.02.02 – Find That Zero Point Within You, That Neutral Point

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Sunday Call (SANANDA, OWS, Shoshanna)
Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.  And as always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and communicate with you in these ways.  For so much is in the process of change now. 

Many of you are feeling the energies, the waves of energies that are coming in.  And they are coming in stronger and stronger. 

And in this day now, today, a major gateway has opened up that is allowing for many more of these energies to come through, and for all of you, the Light Workers and Light Warriors across the planet, to be able to take these energies in and continue to acclimate to them as they continue to work on your central nervous system. 

And many of you feel the symptoms of this, because your central nervous system is not quite ready in some cases for these energies.  Some of you it is.  But some are having difficulty with this.  It can be in stomach pains.  It can be in bodily pains.  It can be in heart fluctuations.  It can be in rather severe headaches at times.  Energy is either expanded or contracted in those times.  You may feel like you need to sleep for long periods of time.  You may also feel energetic and like you can conquer the world in these moments.  You may even begin to feel more of a blissful feeling come over you.  This again is acclimating to these energies.  

For this day, this February 2, 2020 has not happened in this way for over a thousand years, the last time being January 1, 1010.  And the next would be March 3, 3030.  So this is an auspicious time that you are in now in these moments. 

And all of you are being prepared, and are preparing, for this ascension, for your own personal ascension, as well as the collective ascension of mankind.  Because this is a collective venture.  You have a saying:  “no man or woman is left behind.”  And that is the case here.  For no one will be left behind that wants to continue on, that chooses to do so. 

Yes, there are definitely things that you can do, processes that you can take, tools that you can utilize to help you in this ascension process.  But I tell you now, as Sananda, no one will be left behind that chooses to move on. 

For it is destined for all of you, all of you the Light Warriors and Light Workers, the Way Showers, the Light Bearers, all of you are destined that you shall move on.  For these are your moments.  This is your time.  Times that you have been preparing for for many thousands of years and many, many lifetimes.  These are the moments that will be arriving, are arriving now.  You just simply need to sit back, watch the show, and look at it as a show, maybe even as a movie that is playing out in front of you. 

When you watch a movie, you observe it.  You are not actually a part of it.  You are not one of the actors in the movie.  But this particular movie you are one of the actors.  You are the actors, you are the directors, you are the fans.  You are even the producer of this movie.  While all of this is going on around you, be aware of it, but not involved in it. 

As some of you, and many across the planet are beginning to become frightened about this so-called pandemic that is spreading, it is yet but another attempt, or another ruse, by those of the dark forces to both take attention away from something that they do not want you to attend to, or to bring fear so that they can feed off this fear.  And where many of those now that are seeking to flee from the light are going is where there is much fear happening now in these moments on your planet.  That is in the Asian area. 

But there is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Except the programming of fear.  For if you remain within the eye of the storm as the storm continues to rage around, and rage around it shall still, not for much longer.  For those that attempt to raise the storm are finding out that they do not have the power anymore to do so.  And as they realize this more and more, the storm will diminish. 

And the storm then that is raised by the forces of Light shall take over.  You are that storm.  Each and every one of you.  You are storm that raises the Light, raises the love, raises the consciousness across the planet.  So continue to do so.  Every opportunity that you have.  But you do so by remaining neutral in all situations.  

Find that neutral stance within you, that neutral state within you.  Because that, more than anything, my friends, is preparing you for your ascension.  Find the neutral point.  Find the zero point within you and remain there as much and as often as you can, and you will find then that the 3-D matrix, the illusion of the 3-D matrix, will dissipate right in front of your eyes. 

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, that you might continue on each every day, each and every moment.  Find that neutral point within each of you. 

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is standing by, and we are ready to go.

Before we do, though, we wish to reiterate what Sananda has given here, and how important it is for you to continue to find that neutral point within yourself.  It is so important to not react in any situation.  To find that love connection within yourself, and listen to that love connection. 

Listen to that wee whisper of love that comes deep within you, comes from the Source within you.  And as you do that, you will always, always, and in all ways, be directed in the way of love, in the way of Light.  And you will continue to move into those higher vibrations and remain in those higher vibrations longer and longer and longer. 

And the more that you find yourselves in those higher dimensions, or higher vibrational frequencies, you will then find yourself also in the fifth dimension more and more.  And, as you are in the fifth dimension more and more, the 3-D world that you know of will dissipate more and more.  This is a promise to all of you. 

Do this every day.  Find something in your life that you can change to change the programming in your life, anything.  Something small can begin to shift the programming.  Can begin to shift the programming for yourselves. 

This is what you need to do more and more, here, and everything will take care of itself.  As we say many times, to ‘go with the flow,’ here.  And if you go with the flow, then you are going with your Higher Self directing you.  Okay? 

Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share, here, before we start with questions? 

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):  

We will contribute when there is a question.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are open for questions now.  You can unmute your phone. 

We do have one question here, The James is sharing with us right now that came from your e-mail.  It is about the ones that are the non-carbon-based.  It has been said at times that they were attempting to take over the planet, take over humankind, and that type of thing. 

Of course, it is a scare tactic.  It is fear.  But there was also some truth to what those forces of the darkness were attempting to do.  In many cases, their plan was to overtake the planet at some point in the future.  This was the earlier predictions of earth changes and all of these things that were going to happen, as well as a potential pandemic or a third world war with nuclear expression with it, all of these types of things were planned by those nefarious forces of the darkness. 

But, as you know it, that has all been curtailed by the forces of Light.  And the forces of Light are much, much stronger than the forces of darkness.  And certainly now as the Source of all creation here in this universe has taken charge, you might say, has taken an interest in everything that is happening, here, and at one point finally said, “enough is enough!” and were going to allow for the Prime Directive, if you will, to be overturned here in some respects. 

And this has happened greatly with all of the ones that we call The Galactics that have come here to assist the Earth here, the planet, here, to overcome the forces of darkness.  And this has certainly happened, and is happening now in this moment.  The Light shall prevail – there is no question about this. 

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add, here?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

OWS:   Very good.  Then are there any questions from the ‘peanut gallery’ out there? 

OWS:   Hello Dear One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  We were talking earlier about the distinction between emotion and feelings, and what to do with them and what is

the distinction between them.  I was wondering if you could say a little more on what you see is the distinctions between them, like the emotions of human beings and the feelings that we are speaking of in a higher sense, I guess, and also when we need to deal with those emotions so they don’t kind of get stuck in our body, and when we don’t. 

OWS:   Very good.  Shoshanna, do you want to share?

Shoshanna:   No, I do not have anything at this point.

OWS:   Very good. Then we will share with you a distinction, you might say, between feelings and emotion.  In some ways, they are one and the same.  But your emotional content within yourselves can lead to many different things.  It can lead to hatred, it can lead to anger, judgment, fear, all of these types of things can be your emotions. 

Your feelings, though, come from deeper within you.  So that is a distinction you can look at here.  Because your feelings are deep within you.  Your feelings can trigger emotion in different respects, as we are saying.  The emotions can be of the Light side, or they can be of the dark side as well, within your own nature we are speaking of, here. 

Shoshanna:   We will share.

OWS:   Yes, please, yes.

Shoshanna:   We can share our perspective on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   This is simple.  An emotion is a reaction to a program.  It is a reaction that is triggered by a program that the human has learned to react to.  A feeling is a present-moment instruction that guides, that shows the being what direction to move toward.   Namaste. 

OWS:   Very well said.  Yes.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you. 

There was a second part to that, that I don’t know if you heard.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   When would you say, because I know that also with emotions sometimes they can get stuck inside of us if we don’t let them out.  So when would you say it is important to express emotions or let them out, as to where we are.  Maybe we don’t need to anymore. Maybe we are high enough of a vibration.  But is it still important?  Or when is it still important? 

Shoshanna:   If you wish, may we share once more?

Guest:   Please do.

Shoshanna:   If you wish to express an emotion that you feel has been trapped, you may do this privately.  You must do this privately.  You can write about it.  You can talk about it into a recorder.  You can speak about it to yourself.  The challenge that we find is that when a being feels the need to emote, it is generally not a good thing. 

And it victimizes them almost immediately, and victimizes the other that is listening. 

So we will tell you that if you or any individual feels a need to emote, they must do it in writing or privately, not to another unless, let us say that you decide to go to a professional, and even then you will find that the emotion is a circular thin—it just goes round and round and round, and is never resolved, you see.  So please, if you feel that something is trapped, write about it.   Namaste.

OWS:   And we add here that as you move into the higher vibrational frequencies, the need to emote, as you are saying, will become less and less.  You will not have a desire or a need to do that, because the programming that created those emotions will be curtailed, will be gone in many respects.

Shoshanna:   And diminished.

OWS:  Diminished, yes.  Because all of that programming comes from your past.  And as you let go of the past, as we have said before, ‘forgive, forget, and move on,’ as you forget the past, if you forgive those that came before you, then everything will continue to take care of itself as you move into those higher vibrations, and you will never have this question again.  There will be no need for it.

Shoshanna:   We must share one more aspect of this. 

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share one more aspect, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   In your progressive culture, man developed a science that they called ‘psychoanalysis.’  And what this did for man is keep their brain in a loop.  You see, you can analyze things forever and ever and ever, and it will not diminish the program, it will keep you in the program.  So we would say that if an individual is the person that requires to analyze something, that they simply stop doing that.  You see, if something is occurring, it is not necessary to analyze it, it is necessary to move past it, you see.  And moving past it requires consciousness and an understanding of why you must move past it, not what it is.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  And when you are analyzing something, you remain in the past.  But when you begin to let go of the analyzing, then you are in the moment.

Shoshanna:   In the moment, yes.

OWS:   When you are in the moment, then nothing else matters anymore.  You just continue to be in the moment.  Alright?

Shoshanna:   And we will add one more thing, if we may.  This is a very important question.  May we add one more thing?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   There are many things that trigger emotions.  There are many programs that trigger emotions:  self-doubt, fear, lack of feeling loved.  All these things will trigger emotions, but have no basis in true reality.  We must truly understand these are reactions to programs that are false, that do not belong in the human heart.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Do we have any other questions here, now?  

No further questions?  You can feel free to ask, if you wish.  

Remember, when you ask a question, even if you think it is not important, if you think others will think it is not important, it can be important to others.  Someone may be wanting to ask the same question, but afraid to do that. 

Guest:   Well, if no one else is going to jump in, can I ask another?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Mostly because I hate to have you guys go (laughs)!  No, I’m just kidding. 

Shoshanna:   We rely on you, Dear Sister, we rely on you!  You get the ball rolling!

Guest:   Well I do, I hate it when I sit there and go, ‘get on there and ask a question, because I don’t want them to leave!’ (laughter). 

But seriously, can you tell us a little more about entities, and how they and they are around, how we can recognize they might be around.  Not necessarily inside of ourselves, but inside of others, and what is a way to deal with that. 

OWS:   We are glad that you have brought this up, because it is something that is of concern more and more to those of you that are of the Light and the Lightworkers, and certainly even more so, the Warriors, here.  But we can tell you that you have sufficient Light within all of you, each of you, that you have no concern about this for your own personal selves. 

Only if you open up to it.  You open up to it by the use, or abuse rather, of drugs, or abuse of alcohol.  Or it can be a bad fall that opens up a certain area of your spine to this connection, here.  So it can be various things.  It can be if you turn all of a sudden to the dark side.  But certainly none of you are going to do that.  So again, you have no concern about this for yourselves. 

Now for others, the way for you to be of assistance to others is to not necessarily to attempt to remove the entity, because you do not do that yourself.  You ask for help or guidance from those who are available to do this to help you out.  It can be your Higher Self.  But it can also be ones such as Hilarion or the Archangel Michael, certainly.  They can help in this instance at all times, here. 

But again, not to be concerned for yourselves.  And the important thing about your ascension process, your own personal ascension process is that it is just that, it is personal to you.  So you cannot control what happens to others.  You can assist, but you can’t control it.  Shoshanna, anything to add? 

Shoshanna:   Yes, we can share on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please. 

Shoshanna:   The attachment of a consciousness to your consciousness that you believe is negative can be transmuted through love.  You see, if you feel a consciousness is invading you, and it is hurting you, and steering you in a wrong direction, you can ignite your heart with Light and love, and it will be transmuted.  It will go into the Light. 

If another is perhaps exhibiting an attachment, love is always the answer.  Light is always the answer.  To love, to feel compassion, to shine a light, your light, on that which is negative, and it will be transmuted.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions now before we release channel?

Guest:   I have a question. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?

OWS:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?  Very intersecting that you have come to this idea, or this concept.  Because the reason you are coming to it is because it has come to you.  It is coming to you as a remembrance, an understanding that is beyond the three-dimensional conscious understanding.  So we congratulate you, Dear One, for coming to realize that there is so much more to the universe, and so much of a connection between the universe and the individual such as you are.  Because you have chakras, the galaxy has chakras, and the universe has chakras.  So in retrospect, you are correct.

Guest:   Wonderful.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Anything you want to add, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not have an answer.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions?

Guest:  I have a question. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Since I have been in my family supposedly experiencing a walk-in, I would like a definition of what is a walk-in.  I have a feeling that I know, but I don’t exactly know all the concepts of it.  And why are they walk-ins.  And I understand there are many walk-ins now coming in, and what is that purpose?

OWS:   You are correct.  There are many more that are occurring at this time.  But of course, many people around those of the walk-ins would not even realize that that one is a walk-in, as you are saying. 

And for those of you that may not know, a walk-in is normally an agreement that has been made prior to the lifetime where at a certain point the one who is living the life, the personality that is living the life, will exit the body and exit it in a rather, we will say easy way, for the most part.  And that one that comes in as the walk-in will take over the body and have the memories and everything from that lifetime.  But oftentimes there is a change that happens, because this one coming in is there to carry out a mission now.  And in order to carry out the mission, it must be in a proper vehicle at the time.  In other words, if there was a disease of some type, say cancer or something of this nature, then the personality exits the body and the new one coming in heals the body immediately.  This often happens, here.  You do not hear about it very often.  But if you know someone, such as this one is speaking here that she has an indication of one that is a walk-in in her life, and she has received some guidance about how to work with this situation.  That is all we can say on this now.  It is happening more, and will continue to happen more, because many have made the choice before coming into this lifetime to exit the body at a certain point.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   May we share?

Guest:   Yes.  Oh yes, please do.

Shoshanna:   The soul consciousness that steps into to share a third-dimensional consciousness is for the purpose of advancing humanity.  It is for the purpose of showing us what we need to do to increase our own vibration and to raise in consciousness.  That is why they step in.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Yes.  You just answered the next question I was going to ask.  Thank you.  

Something else I wanted to ask:  I had heard, or I think it was Ruth Montgomery’s book that sometimes the other soul does not have to leave.  Can there be two souls in the same body, the other one did not have to leave? 

Shoshanna:   We will share on this.  We will share, Dear Sister.  One Who Serves, may we share? 

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share our perspective?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  This is correct.  Because the soul that enters the consciousness that another soul is occupying is for the purpose of uniting in consciousness and bringing forth a stronger understanding that is necessary for humanity to raise their consciousness and move forward in their lives, you see.  It is common.   Namaste.

Guest:   Another part of this, if I may take time, is okay now, we are saying a whole lot of new walk-ins are coming in.  Okay, so it must be to help us with this ascension, that they need to help the collective or society.  So what is the purpose, or is there one purpose, or is there just no answer?

Shoshanna:   We gave the purpose, Dear Sister. 

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:  We gave it twice. 

Guest:   Okay, say it again, then (laughs).

Shoshanna:  To augment man’s consciousness.  To move man forward.  To propel him forward in consciousness and vibration.  That is the purpose.

OWS:   Yes.  To help the collective consciousness in ascension.

Guest:   Okay, I got ya.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Are there any further questions, now?

Guest:   Yes, I have a question, if I may. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I know a person that for years and years and years has been in the loop of negative emotions.  She has been in that loop forever, for many, many years.  And now she is making a conscious effort to break this loop of many years, but it seems like she is incapable of doing this, even though she has a strong intention.  And she is using the tools that have been presented to her or she found, but very unsuccessful.  How can she be capable to break this, when she seems to be completely overpowered.  I want to understand that.

Shoshanna:   Can we share on this, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes.  Please do.

Shoshanna:   May we share, Dear Sister? 

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   One of the things that keeps another in what you call a ‘loop’ is the way we see them.  You have described this individual in terms that are very low vibration.  You must begin now to see her differently.  That is the first thing you must do. 

The second thing, if you wish to help her, is if she requests your help, then she will receive your help.  If you are attempting to help her and she is resisting that, then you must step away.  Because she must give you permission.  You must ask permission each time you have something to offer her. 

And the third thing is we find that this individual that you are speaking of is steeped in her past.  She speaks of her past.  She continues to lament her past.  And as long as this one continues to speak in terms of her past, she will stay there.  She will continue to trigger those programs of trauma as she stays in the past.  She must change her story.  She must find a way to get past her past and be in the moment. 

And the only way that one can assist another in this process is not to join in.  Do not join another who wishes to speak of their past.  You must help her if she wishes this to raise her vibration by asking her to speak in terms of the now moment, what she enjoys in this moment, what is she doing in this moment, and how she is paving her future in the moment.  That is the only way that another can break the program loop of emotions.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are needing to release channel, here, now.   Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to add here at the end?

Guest:   Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We will share.  We find, well, JoAnna finds that she will listen to these messages.  Once they are given, she will go on the website and listen to the messages to reinforce the message. 

Because many messages that are given are layered with greatness, layered with wisdom from the One Who Serves and from the higher aspects of JoAnna, ourselves, Shoshanna, and to truly allow this information to be received in its fullest form.  It is important for the human to listen again and again, because the human is deeply programmed.   Namaste. 

OWS:   Very good.  And we close with this:  because of this major gateway that has opened here on this day today (02/02/2020) you will experience much more light coming in, into the planet, into your bodies, your central nervous system, these waves of energy, to continue to raise the frequency across the planet.  And that is what this is all about. 

And as the frequency continues to raise across the planet, then you will find that the 3-D illusionary matrix will begin to dissolve more and more and more.  And all of those things that you are seeing in the news, and these types of things, will become less and less important. 

Just as you are seeing now where many across this country especially are not even paying attention to what is occurring by those so-called leaders in your government, here.  They are turning a deaf ear to it all in many respects, because it is more of the ‘same old,’ same old.’    

Guest:   I would just like to say thank you to everybody.  There have been so many great and wonderful things discussed here today.


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Sunday Call   (Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.  I come at this time, and the beginning of this next year, your 2020, with wonderful news. 

Wonderful news that as you know, everything is in process.  Everything is in process of changing.  Many things are occurring across the planet.  Some that you are not yet aware of.  Some that are still yet in the background.  But many are coming forth.  Many shifts, many changes.  Consciousness is rising everywhere.  Even though you may not see it in your fellow man, it is happening. 

You are all moving from the third dimensional reality that you have known as a reality, although it has always been but an illusion.  But this reality is changing for you.  Many of you have moved beyond the third dimension and into the fourth and even higher fourth-dimension, and find yourselves there more and more often, within site of that fifth-dimensional barrier, if you will, although there is really no barrier there. 

It is only in your mind that it is.  It is not a place that you are going to.  It is a consciousness that you are rising to.  The only thing that is keeping you in that third-dimensional illusionary realm is you, is your mind, is your programming, is the veil that is still pulled down over your eyes.  But that veil itself is an illusion.  It is a creation.  A creation that you have all put there, and those of the dark forces have kept there. 

But those of those dark forces are now losing their way, are losing their power.  It is being replaced by the Light.  And the Light and love is and will win out, for it cannot be anything but.  Yes, there are times in your far-back memories where the Light seemingly did not win, when the dark took over.  But always, the Light always finds a way in the end. 

And just here now in this place, in your realm now, it is the same again.  You have come from many systems where you have opened those systems wide.  You, those of you on your mission, known as the ‘System Busters.’  You have gone from system to system and had done exactly what you are doing again now, busting this system wide open.  But busting it open with love with caring, with compassion, with oneness, bringing the oneness back again to this realm–not to the third-dimension, but to the higher fourth, and into the fifth-dimension.  For it is destined for man to move through this evolutionary process and to move out of this third-dimensional programmed illusion and into the higher vibrations. 

And as they move, as you move, into these higher dimensions, you will find that love, that peace, that harmony, that order that you so longed for, that you have so missed.  So many of you now remember where you came from, even if it is not at a conscious level yet, it is deep there within you.  You have that longing, that longing in many of you to return home.  That longing, many of you, to move into these higher vibrations and to take as many along with you as you can.  Because that, my friends, is what you came here to do. 

And over these many long lifetimes that you have had here, moving through one travail to another and to another, you have always had your sites on these end times.  You have always had your sites on coming to this point, this NOW point, where you are now moving into this next year, this next year of fulfillment, this next year of disclosure. 

Because much has been held back, much that has been held in the shadows is now coming forward into the light.  And the truth shall prevail, just as it was foretold many thousands of years ago.  The truth shall indeed set you free.  But know that each and every one of you are the truth.  You are the truth within your very being.  Come to know that.  Come to know who you are.  Come to remember __(audio dropping out)__ here. 

I am Sananda, and I leave you now.  In this time and in this moment, that you continue to visualize as much as you can, peace and love across the planet. Because you are the ones that you have been waiting for.

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here, Shoshanna standing by, and we are ready to go, here.  You can now unmute your phones, and we will take questions if you have any. 

We do not have direct message for you.  Shoshanna, do you have message. 

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):  
Not at this time.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are ready to move ahead with your questions if you have any.  We will give you a moment to unmute your phones.

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Hello.  Yesterday I had an experience with a rather jarring situation.  I was meeting one of the sisters from the group here at Whole Foods, and I had my two dogs with me on leashes.  We were outside the Whole Foods, waiting for another one of the sisters of the group to join us. 

My dogs are young, and they have a lot of energy, and they are very friendly.  One of them tried to jump up on a lady and a man that were walking by, but she didn’t really jump up on her.  I pulled her back before she jumped up on her.  The woman and the man became very aggressive and really nasty, and almost violent.  Both my friend and I were in our censor, but it was very jarring.  She called me names, and I thought she was going to hit me or knock me over.  And both of my doggies are very sensitive.  I think that they took some of that in. 

The reason why I am asking, is because later we went to the beach, and both of my dogs always stay right with me.  They never run away.  If they go travel, they’ll come right back if I whistle.  Little Keona, the red one, ran away in the other direction.  I felt fear from her.  She was running away, like really far away.  I whistled and she didn’t come back.  And she ran, ran, ran like almost to the parking lot, and I thought, oh, oh!  Finally, she turned around and came back, and came back to us. 

I want to know why this happened.  I think she had some fear, or took in some of the energy from the negative couple; I don’t know.  And is there any reason for me to be concerned about this going forward?

OWS:   As we find it, no reason for you to be concerned about this.  This was an isolated incident with this one.  Know that they are in the moment always, your dogs, your cats, your horses, as you spoke of earlier, they are in the moment.  And they will do whatever is needed in that moment.  And in that very moment, This One thought she just simply needed to run.  She needed to get away.  But, at a certain point, she realized at the level that they realize, that she could not go any further and she needed to return back to comfort, back to what she knows as her home.  And you are her home, obviously. 

So there is no need for concern, here.  Other than know that these animals feel greatly.  They feel the tension around them.  They feel anger.  They feel sadness.  They feel love, certainly.  And the more that you can provide that love for them, the more that they will continue to sustain themselves and be in a wonderful place, both for themselves and for you as well.  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We have something to share with you, Dear Sister.  May we share our perspective, here?

Guest:   Yes, Sister, please.

Shoshanna:  We find that these puppies have a great deal of curiosity.  They are curious beings.  And you must recognize and realize that curiosity is a moment emotion.  It is not in the past, it is not in the future, it is a present moment emotion that these animals express. 

We find that these babies are extremely curious, and that the environment that you place them in is foreign to them.  They do not resonate to this environment, this city, these people.  And that is why the experience occurred for you, to remind you that they do not experience the city the way you do. 

And the couple that were fearful are not animal people.  They do not understand animals.  They are closed off, and they are terrified of being injured, and they expressed that.  It is not personal.  It is not personal to the animal or personal to you.  It is an incident that will occur in a fearful environment. 

And even though you may think that you are in a positive area, there are many that live in the city that are fraught with fear because that is the vibration given in the city from all the others.  So you must understand that this is not personal, and that your animals wish not to be in that environment.  And that is what occurred.   Namaste. 

Guest:   Thank you very much. 

OWS:   Remember, it is always about vibration and consciousness.  Vibration and consciousness. 

Shoshanna:   And their vibration is very high, and the vibration of that area was foreign to them.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   So they prefer a quieter place, a little more relaxed, quieter place with less people and dogs. 

OWS & Shoshanna:   Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there further questions? 

Guest:   I have a question. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I would like to know, have some guidance, of how we can help those in our families who are suffering, maybe from physical pain or from stress, from being overworked, without being judgmental toward them, but also without sinking to their level of suffering.  I just wanted some guidance on how we can help them.  Because it seems like when I paint a positive picture sometimes, it is not what they want to hear.  So I just was hoping for some guidance on that.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We can share on this. 

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share first, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share a perspective here?

Guest:   Yes, please. 

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, it is a great think to wish to alleviate the pain of others.  This is a great thing. 

But in wishing to alleviate suffering or alleviate pain, you change the path of that person.  And they may need the path that they are on to wake up.  Suffering and pain are a way to wake up.  The challenge for all us is __(audio transmission dropping, inaudible)__ we are plugged into the concept of time and we wish for this to be over.  So we wish to alleviate pain and suffering because it causes us pain and suffering.  It causes us emotional turmoil to see this in others. 

What we would tell you to do is nothing.  Simply send them Light and love.  And in the moment of their complaints, of their frustrations that they express to you, you must acknowledge them.  You must acknowledge their pain, not try to erase it.  Because in the acknowledgment of the pain, in the acknowledgement of the suffering, it will be lessened.  It will be alleviated because you are acknowledging them in what they are feeling. 

Even though the feeling may be deemed by yourself as a negative thing, they wish to be acknowledged.  They wish you to express to them that you understand them.  You cannot change their story.  They need to change their story. 

When an individual attempts to change the story of another, the other fights against that, is upset by that.  So you simply need to send them Light, send them love and, in the moment that you hear the compliant, acknowledge that you understand their suffering.  Does this make sense?

Guest:   Yes, thank you so much.

Shoshanna:   Yes.   Namaste, Dear Sister.

OWS:   Yes, and we add here one technique that you can use.  We call it ‘the back door approach.”  You can ‘back door’ them through into their Higher Self.  You can contact their Higher Self and send Light and love through that Higher Self, and whatever is needed at that point will then be dispersed from that.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   And we might add—may we add something, here?  May we add another perspective?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   We will say based on what One Who Serves has just indicated that you can ask your Higher Self to speak with their Higher Self.  You do not have to intervene.  Your Higher Self can speak directly to their Higher Self, and you can see much improvement through that.  So thank you, One Who Serves, for acknowledging that piece that we did not remember.  Thank you.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Would there be any further questions, here?

Guest:   I would just like to know about his silly impeachment that is going on.  I know there has never been any questions come up here with having you on the call.  But can you just give us some words of relief, here, that this is going to be over soon, in a good way?

OWS:   You just used an apropos word, here:  ‘silly.’  It is quite silly.  Silly in a sense that as the American public looks on this, many of them are seeing the ridiculousness of this entire process.  But also understand that this process is occurring for a reason, part of the greater orchestration, here, you might say.  Because it is bringing the truth forward.  And that is what is important, here.  The ridiculousness of the situation is showing the people across the country that your media is conspiring to continue the ‘same-old, same old’ here.  They do not want change. 

Now not so much the journalists and those that are directly reporting.  Because they are controlled in many respects to keep their jobs.  If they do not follow the line that they are given to follow, they will lose their jobs.  Or, in some cases, even worse, their families can be threatened, and these types of things.  So they are just following along as they need to. 

But the truth is coming forward, and this type of process that is occurring is bringing this forward, bringing more and more people to see how the parties, in this case the two parties, are so diametrically opposed to each other, and they are just following the party line, you might say.  And as they are following the party line, the people are realizing that they are not for them, they are for themselves.  And this is what is occurring, here.  That is what we will say, here.  Shoshanna, do you have other perspective?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we can share.  May we share on this, Dear Sister? 

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   What we would offer is that you change your attitude.  Because what is occurring here is a transformation.  The process is a transformational process and must be done.  This must go forward.  This must be done.  And all of this craziness and chaotic news media frenzy, it must be done.  And that individual that you know as ‘Trump’ is the trump card.  His name is not a mistake!  He is the Trump card!  He will trump all of them!  And you must see this individual as the beginning of the transformation of the world!  Not just this country!  He is wishing to raise the vibration of the entire world!  That is why he called the North Korean Leader his friend!  Oh my goodness!  This causes great concern for the other party because no one is their friend, you see? 

So you please, all of you, when you observe what is going on, tell yourself, “Oh my goodness, we are transforming!  Thank you, God!”   This is what we have.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.  And I see him as that, absolutely.  I just have a little bit of fear that I know they are trying everything, the other side, to weasel something in.  They know also the power he has and the support he has, and all that, so they can find something, some loophole where they can get him impeached, even though they have nothing.  But I know they are looking everywhere.

Shoshanna:   And this is necessary.  This is necessary to prove their folly, you see.  This is necessary.  So as you see the other side looking for the loophole, you say, “Oh, praise God, this is transformative!” in that instance, you see, Dear Sister. 

Guest:   Okay, so he is not going to be impeached, there won’t be any impeachment, no? 

Shoshanna:   We cannot say that.  But we know the answer, but we cannot tell you.  (Laughter)   But you do know that this one known as Trump is a powerful force.  And we will tell you that even if he is removed from office, his family will take over!  They will continue.  The transformation has begun, Dear Sister, and it cannot stop! 

Guest:   Hallelujah!

Shoshanna:   Because that is the wish of the people.  Yes.   Namaste.

OWS:   And remember when they said to him, to President Trump, that a storm is coming.  How did he respond?  He said, “I am the storm!” 

Guest:   Yes, yes.

OWS:   He knows who he is.  He knows what this is all about.  He knows his place in all of this.  It has been planned for a very long time.  As a matter of fact, he came into this lifetime knowing what he was going to do, and it is all being orchestrated, so have no concerns, here.  It is all part of the process. 

Shoshanna:   And we must share another aspect.  May we share one more aspect, here?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   The Trump is a great observer.  He stands on his perch and he looks at what is occurring and he gets a chuckle.  He knows he cannot be defeated.  This is a powerful man that knows who he is, as One Who Serves has indicated.  You must trust and have faith in that power.   Namaste.

Guest:   Namaste.  And I do, I know. 
OWS:   Are there any further questions, here, before we release channel?

Guest:   Yes, I have a question.  Is there any information or perspective either of you can share about the energies of Lemuria in particular coming forward in this year and during this transformation to work with us? 

OWS:   My goodness.  The energies of Lemuria are within all of you.  All of you that are within this group are part of the Lemurian energy.  Many of the groups across the planet that meet such as this are also part of this Lemurian energy.  It is returning.  It is the Lemurian and the Atlantean energy, but not the dark Atlantean energy, but the Light Atlantean energy that is also returning. 

And know that this energy is becoming stronger and stronger and stronger.  If you remember, there is the one, Casey, that spoke about the return of Atlantis and Lemuria.  He said they would rise again.  He was not speaking necessarily of the land itself, but of the energy that is again rising. 

Shoshanna:   May we offer? 

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   May we share, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   As One Who Serves has indicated, there are many that carry the Lemurian energy.  They carry it with them. 

What we would say to you, Dear Sister, that if you wish to experience this, if you wish to experience the energy of the Lemurians, find the energy within you.  And when you find that energy within you, the energy of the beings that are ancient and ascended with join with you and uplift you.  But first, you must find it within yourself.  And when you do, it will join you.   Namaste.

OWS:   And know that when you were in Lemuria, those of you on this call that are a part of this process, when you were in Lemuria, you were in the fifth dimension.  You were in fifth dimensional consciousness and you purposefully chose to drop back, you might say, to be able to become a part of this evolution and this whole process of bringing Gaia back up again, and that is what you are doing here.  So you were there at that time, fifth-dimension.  You are returning again to fifth-dimension, and beyond—it is not just simply the fifth-dimension, it is beyond that as well. 

Would there be any other questions, here, before we release channel now? 

Guest:   Is there any cause to these horrendous fires in Australia? 

OWS:   Is there any cause?

Guest:   Well, I mean, it just doesn’t make sense.  It’s the whole country basically that’s burning up.  It’s just crazy. 

OWS:   Well, know that there are always two sides to every story, or more than two sides, as some people say.  And there is the purging that is going on for Gaia herself that is purging the lands and, in this respect, it is doing this.  It is ridding the land of the negative dark energies.  And this purging process is a part of that.  But there is also those that created the fires as well that are a part of the cabal, you might say. 

There are two-processes occurring here.  There is one where all of this is creating oneness, love, compassion, understanding among the people there.  So that in its own is wonderful.  But there is also that negative part as well with the pain and suffering, and all of this that goes on. 

But it is a purging process, both for those that are going through the pain and suffering, and for those who are feeling the love and sharing with each other, not a purging process for them, but a growing process for them, an awakening process, we will use that term, an awakening process.  Okay?

Guest:   I was not aware that the cabal was involved in that.  How did they start them, how did they do it?

OWS:   That is not important here at this point, only that it is ongoing and it is in the process of being extinguished. 

Shoshanna:   We have a question for this one.  May we ask a question of you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   We would ask do you wish to see?  What do you wish to experience when you see this? 

Guest:   I just see the suffering of the animals and the death of the animals.  They’ve lost over half a billion animals.  Birds are falling out of the sky dead, and they have lost 30 percent of the koala population.  It’s just so sad.  I was on a meditation the other day, it was worldwide, with intention to create rain and all of that, and I was on that and I was hoping for the rain to start, but I don’t think it is over yet.

Shoshanna:   Yes, we must give a little advice here, please.  May we offer advice?

Guest:   Please do.

Shoshanna:   Do not hope for rain, see it. 

Guest:   I did.  I did.  I have done that.

Shoshanna:   Imagine it.  You must continue to do that.  But we must tell you that all things that live and breathe are eternal.  They will incarnate in other planets.  They will find another place.  They are eternal. 

So we also must tell you, even though you see this as a sad event, and it may perhaps be sad, but what you must do is understand it is a transformation.  Once again, the earth, the Gaia spirit is wishing for transformation so that all will benefit and raise in consciousness.  That is the end goal.  The end goal is to raise up in consciousness, and those that are praying and meditating and imaging are raising the vibration.  You would not have an opportunity to raise the vibration if this other thing did not occur.  It is all working as an orchestration of transformation.  Please understand this.   Namaste.

Guest:   I do.  Thank you.

OWS:   We need to release channel now.

Guest:   I have a quick question.

OWS:   We take one more question then, and then we release channel.

Guest:   I have a question for Ascended Master.  Why is it even possible to allow that, fire after first happened on Gaia.  I think Gaia suffered enough already.  Enough is enough.  I want to see when this will end, this suffering here.  How much more suffering Gaia needs to go through to heal and have to change here.  You know thousands and thousands of years of suffering she has gone through, here.  You know, you think that you are helping us, but can you help us more?  But that wouldn’t even allow it to happen?  This is my question–not a question, I will say, maybe a statement, however you would look at it.  That’s all. 

OWS:   You have to understand, just as I had already given, this is a transformation process.  And the transformation does not come easily from your understanding from a point of view of the larger picture, it is not so much.  Because as Shoshanna has given here, that those that have pain and suffering and perish from this type of incident, they move on.  There is never an end to anything other than an end to the physical body.  Consciousness, the life spark within you continues on forever.  You are eternal. 

So to look at this from a small picture as you are doing, is not the way to do this.  You must take a look at the larger picture, here, and see all of this that is happening.  And you look at all of the lifetimes that you have had here, you and all of those others as a collective have had here, you have gone through many travails, many, many worse than this.  And you’re here!  You’ve gone through it all!  So if you look at it from the bigger picture, it is just a small part of the larger picture, here.  That is what we would wish for you to look at here, okay?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we agree.

OWS:   We need to now move on and release this channel.  Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to say, here?

Shoshanna:   We do not have a specific message.  And we would ask that all that are concerned about all things that are occurring, to become the observer of it.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Be the observer, and do not become emotionally involved.  As you become emotionally involved in this, you put that out into the Collective Consciousness and into the Universal Mind, and that…

Shoshanna:   Causes more pain.

OWS:   Causes more pain, as Shoshanna has said, bringing more pain, fear, out into the Collective.  And that is what you want to work on releasing, here.  So be neutral.  Do not be concerned about this.  This is part of the orchestration.  Do what you can as to visualization.  Visualize the rain, as Sananda did in your meditation, here, and that is all you can do at this point.  Do not be concerned.  Everything will work out as it needs to.  That is all we have to say, here. 

Shoshanna:   Namaste.

OWS:   And as you continue to move on into this next year, be ready.  Be ready for a great transformation that is occurring in many different respects.  And you are a part of that transformation right here, right now, in this moment.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

Guests:   Shanti.   Thank you.


New Year’s Eve Call       (OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.  

Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here, and we are going to attempt to do what we had planned, even though there are those noises that are going on here in here in the background, even here in this room where we are, where the dogs are.  And that is just to be expected, and it will calm down, and everything will be just, what is your saying, “hunky-dory.”  Okay? 

We are ready to go, here.  We have much to discuss, here.  Much to give to you all as to message.  But before we do, before message, before we speak about what is coming in your next year, we wish first to speak about what has already occurred, what you have already gone through.  And not only in this year that you have just finished, but in your entire decade

This is the end of a decade, not just a year.  And what a decade it has been, has it not?!!  It included your 2012 in there, when everyone expected to go off into the clouds, and that everything would change on that day, that December 21, 2012.  And everybody went to sleep that night and expected to be in the fifth dimension the next day!  That was actually planned for many at that time, but it did not occur.   Because those of you, not your conscious knowing selves necessarily, but your Higher Selves and the Collective came together and decided to wait, decided to hold off until more of the Collective Consciousness of the planet could be raised so that so many more of those here on the planet, the human population, would also be able to go through the ascension.  That is exactly what has happened. 

We are here now, seven years, almost eight years later, and here you are still, still not being where you want to be.  But, and this is a bigbut, people:  is that really true?  Are you not where you want to be?  Yes, we know that you want the financial changes, and you want the major arrests, and all of these things to happen, and you want the Galactics to show themselves, and all of these things.  That is wonderful, and that is all going to happen, but what has already occurred?  What has already happened with so many of you? 

Many of you have begun to come into your gifts, into your powers, you might say, that you had long ago.  And here you are beginning to have them again now—even the psychic abilities, many different types of gifts of spirit, that we call it, are coming back to you now. 

And the energies.  Many of you are feeling the energies.  Whereas ten years ago, you would not have felt anything, most of you would not have.  But you are now, are you not? 

So rather than we tell you all these things about what has transpired, we are going to ask you to speak about what you have noticed, not only over this year that has just passed, but your entire last ten years, or looking at it from 2012, if you will, the last eight years, here. 

Who would like to share what they believe has occurred over these times, how you have changed or, as you can speak about it, how the world has changed even at this point.  Anyone wish to share here about that?

Guest:   I can share, Dear Ones.

OWS:   Yes, please speak loudly, here.

Guest:   Okay, can you hear me now?

OWS:   Yes, that’s better.  Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  I want to say that I am so, so, so grateful that this did not happen in 2012, because I would have been one of the ones left behind!  In 2013 I had a real severe financial crash, and that is when I had to let my kids go live with their aunt and uncle.  At the time, I thought so negatively of myself after all this personal growth work I had done, and suddenly I, me, you know, was the one having to give up her kids and everything else.  But what I see now as I look back, and it was years of severe deprivation (like three or four) before I got back on my feet a little bit, is that I didn’t even know what ascension was!  I didn’t even know that this was going to happen!  I had no idea!

OWS:   Yes!

Guest:   So all of this kicked me onto this path, and I am so very grateful that I am on this path, and that it didn’t happen in 2012! 

OWS:   We are so glad that you have brought this up about ascension.  Because back at that time in 2010, even 2012, how many of you did not even know what ascension was?  Or, when you thought of ascension, you thought of the resurrection of Jesus, that was the extent of your thinking about what ascension is.  How many of you were like that?  You don’t need to go into story here, but just say, yes, you had experience like this and you did not know those kinds of things back then, and now you do.  Anyone?

Guests:   Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  Yes. 

OWS:   Very good, very good.  And Shoshanna, please, anytime you wish to jump in, you can do so, okay?

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):  
Yes, we will jump in when there is a question.

OWS:   Very good, very good. 

Then we would continue on.  Let us look at this past year, here now.  As we have said, we can look at the entire decade, and you can see how many things have shifted and changed.  Many of you would even, and we would say this because of this one, the James, here, and even the JoAnna, here, as well, and also many others of you in the group, how many of you were interested in the politics of things?  How many of you were interested in the governmental types of things?  How many of you even knew anything about disclosure, about the Galactics, even?  Do you know what we are saying, here?  How so much has changed! 

And you say over and over, “but nothing is happening, nothing is happening.”  Oh, really?  Look back!  Look how much has happened in just this last decade, how much has changed, how much has shifted!  The energies have shifted everything greatly.  Many of the falsehoods that you have been programmed into believing over so long a period of time, many of those things that you have been told over and over and over again, you realize now they are not true. 

Look at your mass media, and how so much of it you believed for so long in your life.  How many of you ten years ago were still getting the newspaper every day, and reading through it?  You see?  Or you were turning on the news in the morning to see what was happening in the world at that time, you see?  How many of you do it now? 

Guest:   None.

OWS:   Pretty much nobody does it now, not in that way, anyway.  Yes, you go on the internet and you do your Google searches, and things like that, and that is all wonderful because that is part of the new technology.  That is part of the technocratic society that you are becoming, and are going to become even more so of.  So get ready, because it is going to change a lot more. 

But we are not ready yet to get to that, as far as is coming.  We still want to look at where you have come from.

So you realize that so much is changing, and it is happening so fast for our point of view.  It is happening at light speed as far as what is going. 

Because it wasn’t that long ago in the Galactic councils when they were meeting, they were saying, “we cannot resurrect this Earth, we cannot help it, we cannot save it!  The human population here on the Earth are not going to be able to save themselves!  It is over!”  Many were saying this.  But a few came forward and said, “yes, we can!”  Sanat Kamara was one of them.  And many others in the Pleiadian councils, as well as Sirian councils also stepped forward.  Of course, Sananda–Sananda Yeshua came forward, Saint Germain, all of them have come forward over the period of time and have said, “wait, wait, we can help them help themselves!”  And that is what this is all about:  not us doing it for you, but you doing it for yourselves with guidance. 

And you have been getting much guidance, let me tell you that!  Because if it were not for those Galactics and the Ascended Masters watching out for you, you would not be here, as you know it now, today!  It would have been your movies of after the holocaust-type of movies that you have watched.  That is where this entire planet was headed, here, or a major illness, or a major epidemic of some sort, a major virus, the Ebola virus, or whatever it might be, you know, that they have told you everybody was going to contract and you had to make sure that you got your vaccinations, and all those types of things.  You all are beginning to know more and more that the vaccinations. 

You have come through so many things, and the many catastrophes, and all of these things that have been averted, even to the point of a solar flash that was going to come and was going to burn much of the planet, and that was protected.  You were protected by those Galactic Forces that were able to make that flash not even come to the Earth, not even be a part of it.  They were able to help avert it.  They have the technology to do these things. 

So you have protection, and you have many things that are occurring that are keeping you on track for your ascension process.  And my goodness, people, you are on track for your ascension.  Everything, as we say many times, is being orchestrated, and you are right where you need to be.  You may not think so, but we hope that you will take what we are saying here into consideration that so much has already changed. 

So, no one can anymore say nothing is changing, nothing is happening.  And if that is the case, if you believe that, then that is the way it’s going to be for you.  You’re going to stay right there in that three-dimensional illusionary space, and that’s it!  That’s going to be your continued life:  do not choose that!  Choose to let the energies continue to lift you up and take you away into the higher vibrations.  But, as we say that, now, you must also be in the now.  Do not focus on the past. 

Yes, we are telling you about the past now, we are focused on that, so we are not following our own advice as this is seen right now.  But there is purpose for this.  We want you to know where you have come from and, once you know where you have come from, then you can focus right here in the perfect NOW moment, which you are.  And in this NOW moment, you are preparing the perfect future moments for you, each and every moment of your lives.  Okay? 

Now, we are going to move ahead a little bit, here.  But before we do, please understand that everything that we are about to say here is based on probability and possibility.  It is not prediction in terms of a psychic prediction, if you were to go to one of those psychics and pay your ten dollars or twenty dollars, or fifty dollars, or whatever it is, and ask this person to tell you what your future is, and then they begin to tell you all these things that may or may not happen, and that is because they are looking at it from the point of the NOW moment, just as we are.  And we are looking at the possibilities and the probabilities of these things happening based on this perfect moment right now. 

But, even as we are saying this, the moment is changing.  So what we are going to tell you is going to shift and change over a period of time, here.  And that, of course, is looking at time.  And as you are beginning to realize more and more, there really is no time. 

Time is part of the illusionary process, here, in the third-dimension, but it is not going to be there in your fifth-dimensional consciousness and in those vibrations, because everything in those fifth-dimensional vibrations will be in the perfect NOW moment.  That is what you are practicing for now, to be in the now, to find the joy in every moment right now

And as you do that, you are looking at this next year coming up and all of the things that have been spoken of previously are going to begin to manifest more and more.  Can we tell you exactly what is going to happen when it is going to happen?  No.  Because it is based, again, on the probability and possibility in this moment right now. 

But we can give you, with some certainty based on the Collective Consciousness at this moment what it looks like is going to occur.  And you are already looking, many of you are realizing this, as you have looked up into the skies more and more and have been seeing so many more of those that are decloaking themselves and showing themselves, just as Ashtar, just as KaRa, just as others have suggested would happen.  And this is definitely happening now, and is going to increase tremendously, not necessarily to the point where they will land at an airport or anything of this nature yet, but it could be.  That could happen in your 2020.  It is very possible. 

Because it looks like more and more disclosure is going to come from those of your leaders now.  For a while it was looking the opposite, like they were not going to bring this out.  But now it is looking more and more as if they will be the ones making these announcements.  Because it is time.  Even your president, Donald Trump, has created the Space Force now.  Not that it was not already in existence, but now it is in existence to the media!  Now they know about it.  And because of that, all of these secret operations and covert projects, and all of this will begin to come forward.  They will begin to share this information with the mass public, here. And the media will be a part of this. 

The media as you know it now is going away.  They are not going to continue to be controlled by the controllers too much longer, because they must survive themselves.  And they are realizing that their readership and their listenership (is that a right word?) are turning away from listening and watching them now, and they are understanding that, so now they know they have to begin to tell the truth. 

What has your Donald Trump been saying?  “Fake news!  Fake news!  Fake news!”  People are listening to that!  They are hearing that.  Fake news!  So more and more are turning away in droves to find other sources of their news. 

And everything is not going to be negative news as it has always been.  There is going to be much more positive news coming forward, much more revealing news to come forward.  When it will be, we cannot say exactly as we said, and we cannot say exactly what it will be.  But you can know that it will be.  It is coming, and very likely in this early part of this next year you are going to begin to see more and more of this. 

The sham that is in your political scene here in this country is going to come to a close.  That is almost a for-certain, here, because it cannot continue on.  And even those that are attempting to continue this sham are going to realize that, and if not, are already realizing that, that they cannot continue this either. 

And your election toward the end of this year is going to be largely controlled by the right wing conservative group, here.  That is almost a for-certain as well, because it cannot go any other way.  If it were to go another way, it goes against the Founding Fathers of this country to create a republic, here.  And a socialist environment, or socialist government is not a republic, and it cannot be.  So therefore the people of this country are rising up, not so much in arms, not so much in fighting—yes, in a sense they are fighting back, but they are fighting back with words, they are fighting back by not paying attention to the falsehoods that are coming from the media, from your television, from your news broadcasts, and all of these things.  And how many people are even buying those newspapers anymore, you see?  So all of this is changing. 

This one’s voice is going, here, so can we turn this over to Shoshanna for a few moments?

Shoshanna:   We wish to share.

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We wish to share what everyone knows already.  And if you do not know this, you must begin to acknowledge this.  All that is changing has changed because you have changed.  There cannot be an external change in your world if you are not changing.  You see, all of the things that are happening are because you are waking up.  And what all of you must understand is that as you wake up, others wake up around you.  It is as if it is a domino effect. 

You see, when you possibly listened to the news ten years ago, and you perhaps believed something in that newscast, and today you do not believe it, it is because you have awakened.  You are awake. 

You know the illusion that you live in.  You know that those that are outside of you create the illusion and, if you do not buy the illusion, it cannot progress.  As long as you do not buy into the illusion, it cannot have a life.  It goes away.  It ‘poofs’ out of existence because you do not give it energy, you see.

So what we will tell you is, we heard, JoAnna heard, a beautiful story that we must share, because this is so important as in this moment now to continue to move ahead toward an ascended consciousness. Our friend, and we must ask this This One if we may share her story, may we share your story, Dear One?  Your story of your discovering of entanglement.

Guest:   Of course, you can.

Shoshanna:   We would like to share.  This is significant.  Our friend, this Dear One, was participating in some meditations, and in a moment she decided that she did not have to participate, that she did not really want to repeat the words or move ahead with the meditation, until she realized that what she participated in would participate for all, for all those in the present moment would gain from her willingness to ascend in her own consciousness.  So what that means is that as you participate in higher understanding, if you behave differently, if you decide to be compassionate or loving when it is difficult to do that, you do that for all, and all awaken from that. 

So if you wish to continue on the road to ascension, it requires that you understand that what you do gives everyone else the opportunity to do that.  What you do, what you think, what you say, how you be is contagious, and it can affect everyone.  That is why consciousness is changing so dramatically, because those that wish to ascend are behaving differently, are thinking differently, are moving differently, are changing the very way that they exist.  And this is why the world is changing.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Wonderful. 

And we will continue on with what we were speaking about, moving on to your financial situation and the financial system that you have now, which you already know is _____, it does not work.  And it could not work, or certainly for much longer.  And it is going to change.  But it is the people of the planet, and of this country as well, that are going to bring this change about.  Because the system, as it is, your debt system, certainly cannot, can never be profitable for everyone on the planet.  And if it is not profitable for everyone, then it is no good for anyone, you see? 

So that system is certainly going to change drastically because those of the Galactics have brought their system forward.  And this will replace the monetary system that you have now, temporarily, for a bit of time, until you can move to the point where there is no need for any monetary system at all.  There will be a need for energetic system of exchange, but not in terms of a financial money debt-based system. 

And, as many of you know, this is going to be replaced with what is considered a quantum financial system.   And this quantum financial system is light years beyond this system that you have now, which was perpetrated purposefully by the cabal, by the Illuminati, by those that have been hiding in the shadows and keeping the world under their control as much as they could.  But they are realizing now that they are realizing now that they are fighting a losing battle, here. 

And many of them are coming forward and beginning to say, “what can we do to make this right?”  Because they do not want to go to prison.  They do not want to be taken to the Central Sun and disintegrated, and all of these things.  So they are doing what they can to make amends, you might say. 

And some of them, if they turn to the Light, they will be accepted by the Light.  But there are still many more that are not turning to the Light, and it is looking more and more like they will not. 

So many will continue on in the third-dimensional illusionary program, not with you.  You will all be beyond that into the higher vibrations.  You see, the lower vibrations and the higher vibrations are not going to be together too much longer in the Earth.  They think they are, but that is not going to continue, we will just say not much longer, here, okay?  With the actual time frame, of course.  But know that this will be changing.  Yes, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  Part of the solution of moving forward with what you call a financial system, is to have a mental construct within yourself of abundance.  If you wish for something to change outside of yourself, it must first change within yourself. 

We notice that more and more and more people have given up the idea that money means anything!  That it means that you are better, or worse, or the same, or more advanced, or smarter—none of that matters!  Money has noenergy except for that which you give it.  We have noticed that many of you have decided not to give it any thought anymore.  “Oh, I am broke” – we do not hear that too much anymore.  “Oh, I cannot do that” – we do not hear that too much anymore. 

As you give energy to something, it grows.  So you must give energy to the advancement of humanity so that all can live well.  Because that is what the Earth has meant for all of you to live well, to learn your lessons. 

But we are not saying live in abundance with a basement full of gold.  We are saying live in abundance because you live in the moment.  And that in the moment, all is well.  If you just take stock of the moment, you sit in the moment, are you wealthy in the moment?  Are you broke in the moment?  You cannot be either, because in the moment money does not exist.  Only the mind exists.  So you see, if you need for the financial system to change, first you must change your idea of what money means.  This is what we have to share.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good. 

And we move on with another portion of what is likely to occur in this next year, here.  And many of you have already heard this from various sources that the energies as they continue to rise more and more in these waves of energy that are coming in, and they are the prelude to the ‘large energy wave,’ or the ‘Solar Flash,’ or called ‘The Event,’ or the ‘Changeover,’ all of these names for the same thing, that particular pulse of energy coming from the Universal Central Sun that is going to create massive shift of consciousness across the planet in terms of moments.  Now ‘moments’ can be minutes, and ‘moments’ can be hours, or even days, or even weeks, here, you see? 

So it is going to drastically bring about those many changes, though, that have been spoken of.  And they are all in the process now of occurring, in your financial system, in your political system, in your idea of mass arrests, in the coming forward of the many truths to overcome the falsehoods that have been programmed into mankind, to the disclosure that you are not alone in the universe.  Ha ha!  How many of you think that, anymore!  And for that matter, if you did a certain poll of the mass of humanity at this point now, a large percentage would now say that is ridiculous to think that we can be alone here in this massive universe.  But you can thank the many scientists that have come forward, and they have shared that there are billions and billions and billions of planets like the Earth out there, and they all could sustain life, and many of them do.  So that is also coming forward, somewhat slowly maybe, but it is going to pick up tremendously in this next year, here. 

So you have The Event very possibly in this next year, looking around your Spring of this next year.  Not so much The Event directly at that time, although that is possible, for there is a major window of opportunity that is going to open up based on the celestial alignments that are going to be occurring at that time and all of the preludes that need to happen in order to bring this about.  These preludes would be the mass consciousness of man raising in vibration.  And that is what is needed to trigger the event. 

Those of the Alliance, here, which is consisting of those here on the Earth, below the Earth, and above the Earth, are all looking toward mass consciousness changing in order to trigger that event, in order to say yes, now it is time to bring this about.  But of course, it is the Universal Source, the God Source, Prime Creator, you might say, that is the One that gives the final, what you call, ‘green light’ to go ahead with this.  And then it will occur.  And it will be a biblical occurrence, here.  That is what we can say about that. 

Now, we think we have covered most of what you have to look forward to in this next year.  But predominantly, just be yourselves.  Just be ourselves.  When you get up every morning, look in the mirror.  And when you see yourself in the mirror, see the God Source within you as you look in that mirror.  Don’t see the body that is out of shape, don’t see the wrinkles that are appearing more and more as you continue to age—don’t see that.  Don’t even think about the idea of aging anymore. 

Think about the idea that the body is immortal, and it is.  The body is immortal because the consciousness within the body is immortal.  And because of that immortality of your consciousness, you can continue to keep the body going as long as you want to.  And that is coming in those higher vibrations as well. 

You have many technology changes that are coming forward, new innovations, new inventions, although they are not so new.  Many of you are going to realize as these come forward that you had them long ago.  You will remember even having some of these.  But it will be like Christmas morning for many of you as you open your gifts and you see all these wonderful new surprises and new technological advances that are coming forward. 

Again, look back ten years, and look at your phones that you have now today.  Ten years ago you still had those flip phones, did you not?  And now look what you have.  Now you have smart phones.  And your smart phones are smarter than the computers were twenty years ago, ten years ago, even.  You see? 

So everything is coming forward.  Everything is changing.  And the technologies that are coming forward are going to blow you away, many of you.  Some of you have heard some of them.  But they are going to come forward more and more. 

Medical establishments, or medical advancements are coming forward that are going to be so far beyond your medical science that you have today.  The idea of taking a knife and cutting someone open is going to become so ridiculous as you continue to move forward.  You will never need to do that again, because that is archaic in many respects. 

Shoshanna:   Barbaric.

OWS:   Barbaric, even better word, yes.  Yes, very much so.  And that is changing, and going to, more so.  You already have the beginnings of that in your med beds, and your tachyon chambers that are coming forward more and more now, and many other advances are going to show themselves.  

Not to mention your free energy is going to be established, or begin to be established.  We will not say it is going to become established, because it is fighting against the entire oil industry and all of this that so much controls the world at this time.  But that is going to change, because the people are changing it.  You are changing it.  You don’t want the Earth to be used up anymore and its natural resources used.  You want to have energy available to everyone on the planet for free, do you not?  So why not have it.  And that is where it is going. 

As the Galactics are introduced more and more, and the people get the idea that yes, indeed, we are not alone, and yes indeed they are there to help us, and it is not like the movies that are shown, and your books and all of these things, even your comic books and things of this nature—all of these things have shown the aliens to be evil and want to take over the planet.  How ridiculous is that when you think about it?  They come from light years and light years away in the blink of an eye they can travel, and yet they haven’t taken over your planet, but yet they are still going to do that—come on, now, be reasonable, here!  This is somewhat ridiculous to think that this is even a potential possibility.  They are here to assist.  And that is all they are here for.  To assist and to observe.  Many are here to observe all of the happenings that are coming to this planet and already happening at this time.  And they are watching the greatest show on Earth, greatest show in the universe, even, or at least in the galaxy, here, the greatest show.  But guess what?  They are watching it—you are living it!  So there is a big difference there.  Shoshanna, anything you can add here?

Shoshanna:   We can share the one who asked us of your technology, that we wish for you to recognize that your phone is a oneness device.  It is a device that connects you with anyone on the planet that has another device.  It is designed to create great communication among human beings and for you to get to know each other across the seas, across the continents.  It is a marvelous thing.  And your internet was designed to connect you all.  You see, you can talk to someone in Africa, in Australia, anywhere on the planet you can speak to someone, you can see their face.  You can recognize and realize that you are all connected.  The technology that you have in this moment was designed to show you that you are connected.  That is the true reason behind that technology.  It is not to make things fancier or make things more exciting for you, or you have a new toy.  That is not it.  It is a oneness device.  Isn’t that marvelous?   Namaste.

OWS:   Very marvelous indeed, those little devices that you have.  We call them contraptions, because they are even at this time they seem wonderful to you, but they are so, what is your saying that you said earlier, Shoshanna?   ‘Barbaric.’  Or archaic, here, in terms of what is coming, in terms of what you are going to have.  For you will not only be able to communicate with these devices across your planet, but across the entire galaxy.  Think about that.  You can call your friends or your family members in another planet somewhere. 

Shoshanna:   That is true oneness.  That is true oneness.

OWS:   Yes, true oneness, yes. 

And it will come to a point where you will not even need those contraptions at some point as well.  You will be able to do the communication without even need of that.  Just as we, when we come to you in this respect, we are not using any contraption or device.  We are just simply doing it with consciousness.  And you will also have that ability as well as you move through the ascension process. 

But as we have said many, many times, and many of you disagree at this point.  You say no way, never again.  We are not going to ever volunteer for anything ever again, certainly not for coming to a planet such as this and do this again.  And we say, “well, yes you will.  Get ready.”  It is going to happen at some point, because that is just who you are.  You have been called ‘System Busters,’ by the Pleiadians especially are the ones that call you this.  Because that is what you do.  You go from system to system and bust those systems wide open.  That is what you are doing. 

Many of you began this in your hippie generation in terms of loving, and living, doing drugs, and all of these things, and just living in the moment.   That was what that was all about, to learn to live in the moment. 

And then you had your harmonic convergence in your 1987, which noting at that time their alarm clocks went off and you woke up at that point, many of you did.  And then again many, many more awakened in the 2012. 

And now you are coming to the point where it is time for the next step.  The next step in your evolutionary process, a new awakening, you might say.  And this awakening is coming upon you fast where you will then begin to look more wholly at not what you can do for yourself, but what you can do for others, what you can do for the entire planet, or the entire solar system, or even the galaxy. 

You will be looking at it in this respect more and more.  Because you are mission-oriented.  You are system busters.  You are the ones that go from system to system and take what is there and help to break it down so that you can make it what it needs to be, what it needs to be to bring the oneness, the one consciousness to all.  And that is where you are headed now. 

Is it going to happen in this next year?  Who knows, but it is a possibility and a probability that you are fast on your way, here.   Yes, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:  I wish that they would mute their phones. 

OWS:   Yes, please mute your phones, yes.  We will have ones that are not doing that, or they have their phones open and think that no one can hear, but we can. 

Guest:   It’s the Zoom mikes.  Four of them have Zoom mikes on. 

OWS:   Please turn your Zoom mikes off, then.   It is a single button down in the left corner as you are looking at your screen.  Just click it off.  It is very simple. 

Shoshanna:   Or just be quiet (laughter).

OWS:  That is the other way. 

Guest:   I was going to say the just be quiet method isn’t the best way, because you can’t be quiet enough.  People think they can, but it doesn’t work. 

OWS:   Oftentimes that is correct.  But you can do your best.  But it is good now.  But this one is fast losing his voice, here, and we do not know if we can continue this much longer.  But, before we do not be able to do that, there is one that is pounding on the door, here, that wants to come in and just share with you just a bit, here.  So we are going to step aside and This One is ready to come forward and give you a piece of his mind, you might say

OWS:   Om, mani, padme;, hum;  om, mani, padme;, hum; hum, hum.  Greetings here!  Greetings to you all, Loved Ones!  Wonderful to be here with you again in another celebration time on your New Year’s Eve!  And what a wonderful time this is going to be!  What a wonderful time it is right now! 

We are not going to so much speak about the future as our other friend did, here, but we are going to speak about the NOW moment.  This is your time.  This is your moment!  Make the best of this time and moment, every single moment!  So as you move into this next year, be cognizant of that, be knowing that this is your time.  Make it the best that you can possibly be.  And you never know how things will turn out for yourself.  You never know if you are going to experience the major shift, like when that is going to happen.  It could be tomorrow, even!  You see?  We have been telling you over and over it is coming.  Many sources have been telling you these things are coming.  You within yourselves know that it is coming.  But you still think that since it is not here yet, that it is never coming.  But it is! 

And one of these days you’re going to wake up and it’s gonna be here!  That energy wave is going to be here, and it’s going to knock you flat—some of you. 

Some of you, though, will feel that energy and, because you have been experiencing this for so long now, acclimating to these energies, it will lift you up into the highest heavens of your being in that moment.  You will feel such bliss come over you.  And let me tell you, that bliss is something else.  How many of you have done drugs?  You know?  You have done your mushrooms, or you have done your marijuana, or all of these things, you see?  You’ve done these things, but you haven’t done anything yet compared to the blissful feeling that you’re going to have from The Event when this comes, when that wave of energy strikes the Earth. 

It is going to be so beautiful for us to watch it!  We can’t wait to see this.  Because we went through it ourselves individually, yes, not as a Collective as you are going to, and that makes it even more special that you are doing it as a Collective, here.  But it was pretty special as an individual, we have to say, too.  Very special, indeed.

So at this point, we are going to take questions.  And Shoshanna is ready to take questions, are you not, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   Yes, I am ready.

OWS:   Very good.  You have been ready all this time.  You’re saying, “when are we going to get to the damn questions, hah?  (Laughter)  That’s what you think, right? 

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   We are ready.  Do you have questions here, anyone?  This is where you can unmute your phones, but please only do it if you are asking a question.

Shoshanna:   And anyone in the room can ask a question if you have one.

OWS:   Yes.   Now we get quiet! 

Guest:   (Laughter)  Well, we’ve been missing you.  I was going to ask a question earlier, “Where are you?  We’re waiting for you!  And we love you!” 

OWS:   And we love you too, but we are right here!.  And we have always been right here!  We’ve never been any place else but right here!

Guest:   (Laughter)  I love the other One Who Serves too, he has taught me so much.   But, you know, I was thinking, “when is the Funny One coming?”  We are happy you are here. 

OWS:   Very good.  We are happy to be here too.  Anyone, any questions out there in the peanut gallery, as you call it?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves, and Shoshanna, I do. 

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   The past two or three nights I have had dreams where my cat was in the dream, and I was getting out of the situation, or like one time the house was on fire and I was getting the cat out.  And the other one was with the cat, and again getting out of the situation, and taking the cat with me.  Can you give me any words of understanding of this? 

OWS:   First of all, whenever you have dreams of anything, when there are people in dreams, or animals in dreams, it is a portion of yourself.  It is a part of your consciousness.  So we have to ask you a question:  what does a cat mean to you? 

Guest:   Hmm, he is very lovable, very unconditionally loving.  I am attached to him definitely.  I don’t want to leave him behind.  Part of me also thinks it is about getting out of this particular house and situation.  I’m not sure if that is correct, nor not. 

OWS:   You said your house was burning down?

Guest:   Well, there was a fire, and then I got the cat out, but for some reason the house wasn’t burning up, but I was trying to get the cat out.  But then when we went outside, there was water flooding the streets as well.  That was really weird.  I wasn’t sure what that was.

Shoshanna:   We can share on this.

OWS:   Yes.  Please do.

Shoshanna:   May we share? 

Guest:   Yes please.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We find that there is much turmoil in your house.  There is much discomfort in this house.  And, you do not have a great opportunity to be the loving person that you are, the unconditional loving person that you are, in this environment that you have.  Your dream is telling you to get the hell out!  Your dream is telling you to take your unconditional love with you!  Take that which is important to you with you!  Do not leave it behind!  You are living in an environment that is difficult and the loving conscious self that you are is escaping!  That is what your dream is about.   Namaste.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you.  I appreciate that.

OWS:   Whenever you have a house in your dream, it is your house of consciousness.  And the house of consciousness that you have is burning down, or is coming down in terms of the old consciousness. 

Shoshanna:   Get the hell out!

OWS:   Yes.  Time to ‘get the hell out,’ as Shoshanna is saying.  Time to move on.  Create your new consciousness.  Okay?

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you so much.

OWS:   Would there be other questions, here?  We would prefer there to be questions that are not so much a personal nature, but more associated with the group consciousness or collective consciousness, more those type of questions. 

Shoshanna:   But we will take the personal questions. 

OWS:   Then you take the personal questions.

Shoshanna:   I will take them. 

OWS:   We are kidding here, we are joking.  No questions?

Shoshanna:   We hear one.

OWS:   Yes, we hear two, now.

Guest:   Okay.  May I speak first?

OWS and Shoshanna:   Yes.

Guest:   Thank you.  And this is kind of a personal nature.  This is in regard to the celery juice that we have been hearing a lot about.  Also, I had a query about anything like celery juice, or vitamins and supplements, how does that resonate with taking responsivity with what we create and to create ourselves with healing.  I am not sure how to word this.  Personally, I have been dealing with an issue for a good portion of my life and so now I discovered this, and I am willing to step up and do the celery juice thing.  But I also have been using supplements and everything else.  But I know for myself that I am responsible for what I have created, and it is my wish and desire to uncreate it.  So if you have any feedback on this, Shoshanna, I would greatly and lovingly appreciate it.

OWS:   One Who Serves has something to say, though, first, here.  That is, listen to your body.  Your body will talk to you if you hear it, if you listen to it, and it will tell you exactly what it needs.  If you are feeling that the celery juice, or whatever else it might be, is helpful for you, then you want to continue to do that.  And your body will tell you if it is right for you or not.  Certainly something so innocuous as the celery juice, though, could not be harmful to you in any way anyway.  So let your body do the talking here, okay?

Guest:   Indeed.  Thank you. 

OWS:   Let your fingers to the walking?  Let your body do the talking. 

Shoshanna:   We can share.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   We wish to share our perspective with you, Dear Sister, may we share?

Guest:   Indeed.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   That which you experience that is long-term is not of a physical nature.  It manifests physically.  You see, that which you have experienced as a long-term challenge, originated in your emotional body.  You have a long-term emotion, you see.  So you can address physical challenges and this will assist your body.  But until you address the long-term emotional issue, you can drink celery juice until the cows come home, and it will not resolve your issue.  So we find, as we speak to you, that you know what we are speaking about, and that the emotional issue must cleanse itself, and you may assist your body.  We cannot say that taking the correct supplements and drinking celery juice to clean your liver and your circulatory system is not of great benefit to the body.  We cannot say that.  It is of great benefit to the body.  But if you are looking to resolve this long-term issue, look to the emotion that you have stuck.  It is stuck.  Do you understand what we speak of? 

Guest:   Yes, and I’m not sure where to begin, but I will find out.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  We can tell you there are many that would assist you in finding this emotion that you carry with you.  And we find that it is not an emotion that is in this present-day life—you brought it with you! 

Guest:   Aha.  That makes sense. 

Shoshanna:   Does this make sense to you?

Guest:   I recently came across the information called ‘the emotion code’ and I am looking into that. 

Shoshanna:   Perfect.

Guest:   Yeah, okay. 

Shoshanna:   Yes, that is a great source.  The one we speak through knows of that source, and it is a great source for you, so you must pursue that, as well as perhaps other avenues that would assist you in finding this long-term emotion that is unresolved in you.   Namaste Dear Sister.

Guest:   Thank you.  Much gratitude.

Shoshanna:   Yes.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.   We are ready to release channel here now.

Before we do, though, Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share here in terms of the end of this year and the coming next year, here?

Shoshanna:   We do not wish to live in the future. 

OWS:   Very good.

Shoshanna:   But we wish to remind everyone here that is listening to remember that you are the creator of your life.  That when you recognize and realize completely that you are created and the creator of your entire life in every moment, this is a powerful understanding.  And if you use this with great power, the great power that you have, you can accomplish anything you wish.  You can create a life of any magnitude that you wish to have.  And we are not speaking about great wealth, or great stature, we are looking more at the divine qualities of life:  joy, peace, compassion, love, understanding, a great sense of quiet.  A great sense of joy will descend upon you when you recognize you are creating everything!  This is what we have to share.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And as many of you make your New Years resolutions, and you have all these wonderful things that you create in your mind, and then you begin to say what you are going to do, and you have all of the intention of following through, and your so gung ho and ready to do it, and the next day you forgot what you even said the day before.  Many of you do this. 

But we are not telling you to have that type of resolution.  We are telling you to have one simple resolution for this next year, here.  Very simple.  Just simply be in the moment.  Forget about all of the promises that you make, or your loved one makes to you, or whatever it might be.  Just focus each and every moment on being in the now moment.  And if you do that, everything will take care of itself in this next year, here.  You will find that you will be in the perfect place at the perfect time, just as you need to be, especially as these higher wave energies begin to flood in in this next year.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

Guest:   One Who Serves, there is someone in our group that asked us to pray for them, and I was wondering if it would be okay to at least call them into the Light since they have asked us to pray for them?  Would that be appropriate very quickly? 

OWS:   You bring us back here, now! 

Guest:   I’m sorry.  I didn’t really get a chance beforehand.

OWS:   No, you forgot!

Guest:   I did not forget!  (Laughter)  I’m not the one that forgets!

OWS:   Anyway, what we are going to do, yes, as you are asking here, certainly.  Whenever you have someone that you are what you call ‘praying for,’ it is not so much a prayer of supplication in terms of ‘please make this one well’ or whatever it is.  Make it so that it is the best for all concerned.  And as you have that intention, lift them into the Light.  So just simply now lift them into the Light.  Say the person’s name, or whoever it is, and we lift them into the Light, here.

Guest:   I am calling into the Light our Dear Sister, who is part of our family here.  She has had some adverse things happen in her family, so we call her and her family into the Light. 

Guest called into Light:  Thank you, Dear Sister, and thank you One Who Serves!

Guest:   Of course.

OWS:   Very good.  Those of you who don’t know this Dear Sister, just simply say the name within yourself and see that person, however you think they would look, into the Light, or the family of this person in this case, into the Light.  Just simply visualize it.

Guest:   Let thy will be done, not my will, but thy will be done. 

OWS:   Yes.  Very good.

Another Guest:   I also would like to request another Dear Sister to be called into the Light. 

OWS:   Very good.  See this other Dear Sister in the Light.  Would there be any others?

Shoshanna:   May we share with this one Dear Sister?

Guest:  Yes, thank you.

Shoshanna:   Our Dear Sister, we know that you have much pain, and you have much concern for those around you, for those who have chosen a difficult path, and we feel your empathy, your love, and your compassion.  What you must do is give up all guilt.  Give up and release any thought that you have caused any of this.  It was not you.  They agreed to their path, as you have agreed to yours.  All is one.  All is one, and all is in service of the other.  You must understand that you are a being of Light, and you came here to raise your consciousness to an ascended state, and that which is occurring around you is assisting you in that.  We must tell you that you are loved beyond measure.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  I appreciate it.
Shoshanna:   Yes.


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Sunday Call  (Yeshua, OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell

Yeshua  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Yeshua.  I come now at this time, in this moment of peace of oneness, your Christmas season, your holiday season. 

[I AM] Not coming because this was my time of birth.  You are not celebrating my birth those two thousand years ago.  You are celebrating the birth of the Christ Consciousness within all.  Whether it is this time of year, or another time of the year, whenever it is, it is all about a celebration of the Light, a celebration of love, of higher consciousness here on the planet.  Of bringing the Christ Consciousness down to this planet, anchoring it here, holding it here, and then spreading it with good cheer amongst all of your brothers and sisters.  That all of your brothers and sisters across the planet, whether it is this day, or your 25th of December, or in the Spring of each year, whenever it is, can celebrate the rising of the Christ Energy amongst all of you and within all of you. 

The birth of the Christ, not my birth.  I wasn’t even born at this time of your year, as many of you have now become aware.  I was born in the Springtime, in the time of new energies coming forth.  The perfect time for the Christ to be born amongst the Spring, amongst the new growth everywhere. 

Many of you are aware of why your 25th of December was chosen as the birthday of myself, and I am not going to go into that, but only that the Christ Energy–that is what it is, it is an energy, it is not a being, it is a title, yes, that can be taken on, but it is the energy, Source energy that comes into all who are ready for it, all who call to it. 

And all of you are calling for this energy, especially at this time of the year.  Because at this time of the year, what is this about among many of you?  It is about giving.  It is about giving forth your Light, your energy, your love, whether it is in gifts, or whether it is simply sharing the energy in however way you can do it, sharing the light, bringing peace to the planet and good will to all men and women of the planet, raising consciousness everywhere. 

And consciousness is raising, my friends, everywhere.  People are waking up everywhere.  Yes, there are many who still find themselves in a deep slumber.  But they do not even know that they are yet asleep.  They think this is the only reality, a reality that they have been programmed into believing. 

But those of you who have awakened, you are the ones that are reaching out and sharing with your brothers and sisters whenever you have the opportunity.  And those opportunities do arise.  And there are those times, as you spoke of earlier in your discussion, where the energies will exacerbate either into higher vibrations or lower vibrations.  But the energies do bring out whatever is within you in the moment that needs to be looked at and worked on. 

You call it tests, you are being tested.  You are not being tested.  Not by us.  Not by the Creator.  You are only being tested by yourselves within yourselves.  It is in your perception that there is a test here, and whether you pass it or fail it.  There is no passing or failing. 

There just is, in the moment, working with these energies, and allowing these energies to bring you up whenever you can, finding that neutral state within you.  And when you find that neutral state, it matters not how strong the energies are, or remaining in neutral.  You will remain in the moment, and the Source energy within you will come forward and speak loudly.  You will find yourself then in your power, in a power of love within you.  That is what will speak forward. 

Just as I spoke with the power of love coming through me when I overturned those tables.  But it was in righteousness, it was in love, not in anger.  It may have appeared to be anger to those around, and many have taken what occurred in those moments and have changed it into whatever would work for them to bring control into this situation.  It was not in anger.  It was always in love.  Always in oneness. 

That is what you are all here to do in this time of the year, in this season.  To continue to hold that Light, hold that love within you, raise that Christ Consciousness within you and let it come forward and spring out into so many more lights to share with all around you.  Literally see yourself as the Light.  See the light flowing from you, shooting out from you and touching your brothers and sisters around you.  And see them then taking that light in and making it their own. 

And if there is one who requires some healing sustenance, be that Light bringing that healing to them.  But you must see the health within that one, not the sickness.  Not the disease.  Not the crimplenes.  Not the blindness.  See them in perfect health. 
Then they will begin to manifest that perfect health. 

Find yourselves now in this time of the season and in the coming new year, find yourselves as much as you can being the bearers of Light.  Being the ones who go forward, the wayshowers, the forerunners, bringing the Light to all who are ready for it, helping more and more to awaken from that slumber.  You can do it.  And it is only you that can do it. 

I am Yeshua, and I leave you at this time in peace and love and oneness, to take you through the rest of this year to the end of this year, and into the glorious next year that is fast approaching now, as the New Dawn approaches. 

ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is standing by. 

And we are ready to continue to rock and roll, and we are getting ready for this New Year’s Eve celebration.  And speaking of rocking and rolling, get ready for that, because Yours Truly, the one you call ‘The Funny One,’ we call ‘the Stand-Up’ here, he is going to be bringing in the new year with you.  And he may even have a drink or two through this one James, here, kind of imbibing through this one rather than directly, if you understand what we say, here. 

We are ready for your questions if there are any.  Would you have questions?  You can now unmute your phones, and we are ready to go, here. 

Guest:    Yes.  May I speak? 

OWS:   Yes.  You are already doing so.

Guest:   Alright.  Woof, woof!  (Laughter)   There seems to be a spirit walking the land here where I live in New Mexico.  She appears as an indigenous female.  She showed herself to me a number of years past. 

A neighbor who is talking the Light path has seen her as me, or a version of me.  For example, I was out in the yard this summer cutting down some grass with some hedge clippers in the driveway and he was driving away.  He lives right behind here in a small compound on this property.  So when he looked over to me, he noticed it wasn’t me, but a woman with a long black braid, and that is one of the features of this female spirit that seems to be here. 

I have often wondered if I might have some relationship with her, and that my friend may have a relationship with her as well.  But she did appear to me first.  And if there is anything that I can do to support her journey if she happens to be earthbound and that she needs to move on, or that she has chosen to be here for a purpose.  And if I could assist her by in knowing that reason or having a hint of that reason or purpose that I could assist her in some way in her journey.  Can you provide me with information and support with that, please? 

OWS:   Yes, we can.  This is an example of what has been coming for some time more and more, and will occur to more and more of you, where this blending effect between the dimensions is going to become more and more prevalent, and the connections with those of your multidimensional selves are also going to become more prevalent and prominent to you, and this is what is occurring. 

You certainly have connection with this one that is showing up now in your experience.  She is there to assist you in continuing on with what is coming for you in the times ahead.  And there is also connection in that particular area where you live as well where this one has a connection there with this, just as you do. 

And again, we put this out, not only to you who asked this question, but to many out there that are beginning to experience this, and are going to experience this even more and more as these energies continue to ramp up, and the veil, the illusionary veil, we will say, because it is really not there, but it is still there according to your three-dimensional perception, here.  But that particular veil is continuing to fade away more and more, because your programming is fading away more and more as these energies continue to ramp up.  And that is what is going to continue to happen, here. 

Shoshanna, do you have something to add, here? 

Shoshanna   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):  
Yes, we can share.  May we offer our perspective to you, Dear Sister?

Guest:  yes, of course, Dear One.

Shoshanna:  As we tune into this one that you are experiencing, we find a deep connection.  And we find that she is solemn.  She is not wishing for you to assist her, she does not need that.  She is here to assist you and others that see her.  She has shown herself in hopes that you will connect with her on a more consistent basis.  She has much to show you.  She has much to tell you if you can tune into this.  She, as a native, as a Native-American female, she has much in common with you, as she sees the world as you do, (laughs), if you can understand what we are saying.  So please offer the connection to her, as she will show you many things.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there other questions, here?  Any other questions?  No?  then if there are no other questions, then we are through for the time, here. 

Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to impart as ending wisdom here for this time?

Shoshanna:   We are going to save our message for the New Year’s call. 

OWS:   Yes.  Wonderful.  We are going to have a good time, New Year’s Eve, are we not? 

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   We are gearing up for this.  I hope you are all gearing up, not only for this particular call, but for this next year, all of you.  It is going to be quite a ride, especially for those who are in that awakened state already.  Not so much maybe for those who are still asleep, because it will be an awakening for many of them throughout this next year, here.  But more of this to come on the New Year’s Eve celebration.

With that, we will, what you call, ‘sign off.’ 

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one


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Advance Tues. Eve. Call   (OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell

One Who Serves  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Much flowing here.  Let me tell you, here!  It’s going to get quite hot, as a matter of fact!  Many of you will need your fans or something to bring the heat down, because we are going to raise the heat a lot here.  We are going to raise the energies here.  We, not being us only, you also—all of you.  We are going to raise the roof, you might say, here.  So are you ready for this? 

Now we are here to help to answer a question that was raised here.  And we know it is changing your agenda, but nothing is ever written in stone, is it?  So even your agendas are not written in stone.  We are going to do this because it is important.  Everything is being orchestrated, as has been given, and the James was given this reading here to the channeling through the Michael Love so that you could understand more fully here what is happening in the NOW moment right now. 

Those things that you heard and that are largely very accurate, we will say, here.  Not that it is all 100%, it never will be, because human consciousness and the collective consciousness doesn’t allow for everything to be exactly as it is said here. 

Now that is not to say that what was said is not going to happen in your 2020.  But we are not going to say too much about that, because then we are taking away from the surprise that we planned for your New Year’s Eve, assuming that you are going to be able to get together and have the New Year’s Eve show that is being planned here.  And we will tell you that you want to be there if possible because there are going to be some major revelations that are coming for your next year. 

But again, we are not in the prediction way of doing things here.  We are not here to predict.  We are here to just simply give possibilities, probabilities, things that very well could come true and likely will. 

Because of the time shift that has gone on, your time lines have been shifting for some time.  But now they are, what you might call ‘slowing down’ here.  You are not going to go through so many time shifts, here.  Because with your advent into that which is the Photon Belt that for some time now you have been in it, but you are moving in it more and more fully and strongly, here, and the energies have been picking up greatly. 

There is distraction here.  Not just your phone, now.  Now you have this other one called the ‘Zoom?’  Zoom!  We zooming off into the cosmos here!  Yes!  That is actually quite an apropos term, here.  We like that!  Zoom!  We are zooming away!  We are zooming on!  Yes!  But while we are zooming, please mute your zoom, okay?
(Audience laughter)

Anyway, we are/you are moving the solar system.  We say we, because we are part of this as well.  Many of us are here on the planet, we have been for some time.  We have been for some time.  We have physical bodies—not like your physical bodies necessarily, but we do have bodies.  We have the bodies like you are going to have very shortly, here. 

And everything that is occurring in terms of moving into this Photon Belt, as you are doing, is bringing about these changes.  And these gamma rays that are coming in, gamma rays which raise your consciousness—that is what is going on, here.  And it cannot be done in the old way with your old brain waves.  It is not possible.  That keeps you in the 3-D expression, in the illusion of the 3-D expression. 

But you are creating a new illusion.  And yes, in some ways, it is going to be an illusion.  It is a creation process.  So being a creation process, it is an illusionary process as well.  But the reality of what it will be will be much stronger to you.  And those things which you think about or imaging, or want to become in your lives will be much more immediate, especially as you learn and grow in this process, as you learn to work with the energies, as you learn to work with your thoughts.  And as your thoughts become reality, you will be able to then control that thought process even more. 

Just think for a moment:  if you could just think about something now in your reality now, this illusionary reality, we will say here that you are in now, if you were able to think something to appear in front of you, and it appeared in front of you, don’t you think it would be easier each time to do this then?  Because you know it is possible, you see?  We have told you for some time now:  ‘believing is seeing.’  Believe it and you will see it.  Believe that everything is changing and it is going to change, and it is changing in the moment right now. 

So the idea of coming to a point where you can begin to stop the aging process—how many of you would like to stop the aging process right here now?  Raise your hands high!  Raise your hands!  Say ‘halleluiah’ brother!  Halleluiah!  Everybody say now, “We want it!”  (Audience:  “We want it!  We are ready for it!”)

If you could do that now, it would become so much easier for you.  So that is what is coming.  As you move into the thought processes of the 5-D world, you will be able to manifest so much quicker.  And as you manifest your thought processes much faster, and they become reality in your perceived reality in that moment, then it will be so much easier for you to do each time.  But we will tell you this:  it is a learning experience. 

Just as you had to learn to experience in the 3-D expression from long, long ago when you were angelic expression and you decided you wanted to have a physical expression of some sort, you played with it.  You played with the various life forms that were here.  You moved into them.  You moved your life force energy into those physical forms and played.  That is what you are going to do again.  You are going to play in your new life form. 

Now your physical body, you are still going to have a physical body.  It will still be there.  But it will be much lighter.  It will be so much easier to work with, we will say here, than your dense, physical body.  Your vibration will be so much higher, you see? 

So everything is coming together exactly as it needs to.  Is that written in stone?  No.  None of what is being given in any of these channeling sessions is written in stone.  Nothing we say, nothing any of the sources are giving is written in stone.  If you go back to earlier channelings where they spoke of earth expression or earth changes, and that there would have to be evacuations from the surface of the earth, and you would be taken up in starships, and all of these wonderful things—that is not going to happen now.  That was then.  This is now.  So be in the NOW.  Have we not been saying that over and over and over? 

Be in the now.  Let go of the past.  Forget the past.  Forgive everyone around you that you possibly can.  Forgive.  Do not hold any grudges any longer.  And then, once you have forgiven, you have forgotten, you are ready to move on.  Forgive, forget, move on, okay? 

Shoshanna we do not want to exclude you here, of course.  We wanted very much for you to bring your input, your very wise input into all of this.  Do you have anything you wish to share about what has been given here so far?  And then we can take questions.  But then we would also like to do an experiential session here as well this evening.  Do you have something, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell) 
We can share if you wish. 

OWS:   Yes, you have our permission, yes.  Please do so, yes.

Shoshanna:   We share often based on the input of another.  And we offer our perspective when we are asked to do so.  So we are not certain in this moment what you are asking us to have a perspective on. 

OWS:   Very good.  Would you like us to ask you a question.

Shoshanna:   You may.
OWS:   Very good.  Then it was brought up by Yours Truly that you are working through there that is this written in stone, that which was just read here by the Pleiadians sources.  Is it written in stone?  Is it something that is going to happen, or is it just possible that it can happen?  Is it likely to happen?  That type of thing.

Shoshanna:   So are you asking us giving perspective on the future?

OWS:   No.  Not the future.  Because you are in the now moment.  But everyone wonders, everyone being the human population, wonders when are these things going to happen.  Is it possible that this could be happening—the Solar Flash, The Event, all of these things happening in 2020.

Shoshanna:   What we would offer here, and this is so important to any process, is to ask yourself what you would like to have, what you would like to experience, you see.  That is all it really is, because the human is the creator of his reality.  There is nothing outside of any of us. 

We create our reality moment by moment through consciousness.  And consciousness is the only thing that exists in any part of the galaxy, the universe, and beyond.  It is just consciousness, and consciousness is the matter, the construct, of the reality.  So you see, every human being sees it differently, isn’t that so?  And that is because they are individual creators of their own reality, so they see things differently.  You can have a conversation with someone, and you actually think that they understand you (laughter) when they do not.  Because they have their own reality.  That is the challenge.  

The challenge is to find a common reality.  And, is what you call 2020, or the future, or what you wish to have, if enough beings on the planet share that common reality, they can participate in it.  However, it will still be an individual experience, you see. 

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   So, do you agree that you want these things? 

Guests:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Well, if you agree, then you must do what is necessary to manifest that reality, you see. 

Guest:   We are doing that.

Shoshanna:   Perhaps.  And perhaps you are not.  Because we hear often through One Who Serves says do not focus on the past.  Do not focus on what was.  So would you say in all authenticity and honesty that you do not do that?  Can you say for a certainty that you do not do that? 

Guest:   No. 

Shoshanna:   So then you see, the challenge of achieving what you wish to achieve lies in the work of forgetting the past.  Moving past the past.  And I will tell you from my perspective, and from the perspective of the cynical being that I speak through (guests laughing), and you know she is somewhat cynical (guests laughing).  Is that not correct?

Guests:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   But she is a feisty personality and she loves everyone.  And she is cynical.  (Guests laughing).  (She is.  She does not want us to say that, but that is correct.) 

So, we will say that if you wish to achieve the things that were talked about in the great channeling that was read, you have to buckle down, people!  You have to watch yourself in every second.  You have to be in the moment.  And when you speak about the past, lamenting the past, being victimized by the past, you see?  And everything is in the past.  So everything—what we said just now is in the past.  So everything is in the past.  So that means you have nothing to talk about.  You have nothing to say to each other, unless you are speaking in the present moment.  Do you see that? 

Guests:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   So if you wish to manifest this light reality of the fifth dimension, they do not have a past.  They do not acknowledge time.  We promise you this.  They do not have.  And every time—there’s that word!  So when we hear, and we apologize for this, but when we hear words like time shift, time line, time, you are staying in the third dimension.  Because there is no time beyond the third dimension. 

There is a construct of time in the fourth dimension that allows the third dimension to have its experiences, which is great.  We have many good experiences, here.  Yet, every time you refer to time, you are in the past.  So we would tell you that all things come through based on, guess what the word is? 

Guests:   Now.

Shoshanna:   Based on consciousness.  So where you are now in this moment in your conscious knowing self is what you are manifesting.  We hope we have answered that.   Namaste.

Guests:   Thank you.  (Clapping)

Guest:   Could I ask Shoshanna something?

Shoshanna:   You may ask me a question.  We are prolific. 

Guest:   Okay (laughter).  Being in the joy of this moment as we think for the future, is that an okay 5-D expression?  And then when we get to the future, we deal with that.  Now we’re here.  If we get to the future and it feels a little different, we deal with that and try to bring that 5-D.  Do you see what I am saying?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

Guest:   Okay.  I guess Joanna’s concern was that if we are in here now and we are excited about the future, but we don’t really know that future is going to happen, right?  So about when that future happens and then it is not that, then everybody gets cynical.  But wouldn’t it be acceptable and okay in a 5-D sense to be in this joy now, and then deal with the future when the future gets here?

Shoshanna:   There is no future.

Guest:   Ahhh!

Shoshanna:   The challenge of the human is the future.  That is where that desire lies.  That is where disappointment lies.  That is where frustration lies.  That is where expectation lies.  And it is a time construct.  We tell you, if you wish to have joy, if you wish to live free of the bond of time, stop speaking about the future.  This is our message to you, Dear Sister.

Guest:   Okay. 

OWS:   And stop living in the past.  Let it go.  Move beyond it.  Change the story.  Many of you go over and over and over and over the same story again and again and again.  It is time to let that go.  Change the story.  Do not hold on to the same old thing. 

Because what is the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something to change.

Shoshanna:   We must offer something here.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   We must offer a fuller understanding as it is our perspective.  If everyone can imagining their future as if it was real, and when you get there, does it look like anything you imagine?  Is it mostly not?  It’s mostly not because it does not exist.  You are reacting your life in a moment-by-moment basis, and when you get to the point where you think it is the future and it didn’t show up the way you thought it was going to be, it is because it didn’t exist.  It only exists in the construct of consciousness.  So don’t be surprised.  Don’t bother, you see.  Does this make sense to you?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Okay.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other questions before we move on with the experiential session, here?  Then we are ready to do so, here.

(Meditation with OWS)
Please everyone get into a comfortable state of expression.  Relax.  Relax your body.  Begin to breathe evenly and deeply.  Get in touch with your breathing.  Let your breath take you deeper into yourself into a centered self, here.  Just breathe in and exhale out.  Breathe in, and exhale out.  Breathe in the light, exhale out negativity of any kind.  There is no reason to have anything negative whatsoever brought here, whether you are here in person or whether you are on these contraptions, here.  It matters not.  Let it all go.  Focus on your breathing.  Become centered within your breathing.  Letting go.  Relaxing. 

We are going to count down from 5 to 1, and with each descending number allow yourselves to go deeper with each number, here.  Deeper and deeper.  Five, four, three, deeper, deeper, going down, down; two, and one.  Deeply relaxed.  Not focused outside of your body, just simply within your consciousness. 

Now as you are breathing in the light, let that light move throughout your body, filling your body with light.  Let that light go to every corner, every crevice of your body.  Just see yourself filling with light.  Golden white light.  Brilliant light. 

Now I would like you to move through your third eye center, your consciousness out through that doorway in your third eye, as if it were a doorway or a window, out into the astral world.  Let yourself go out through that third eye. 

Specifically, do it this way.  Don’t go out through your third chakra, your solar plexus.  Go out through your third eye. 

Find yourself in the room wherever you may be, whether you are here in this room, or wherever you are, it matters not.  See your physical body there, separate from your conscious knowing self.  Think of yourself as a little ball of light dancing above your physical body, looking down at your physical body. 

Now let yourself move into your merkaba light vehicle, your light body.  Those of you that don’t have a sense of this, just simply see a star tetrahedron.  That can be as a six-pointed star, a three-dimensional six-pointed star.  Visualize that.  See that just outside, or just connected somewhat to your physical body.  You may see it all around your physical body, or you may see it just simply attached to your physical body. 

But now, as a little ball of light, as the consciousness that you are, let yourself move into that star tetrahedron, into that three-dimensional six-pointed star, as if you are moving into a small craft.  This being your light body. 

And as you move into it now, sit yourself down into it.  You can begin to take on a body now.  You don’t need to be that little ball of light.  You can have your astral body.  Make it anything you want it to be.  Simply create your body.  You want to be the most beautiful woman in the world, do that if you like.  If you want to be an Adonis, a god, do that.  Whatever it is.  Do you want to be a blob of light?  Be that.  Have it be you, though.  Make it you, in your astral body, within your merkaba light vehicle. 

Surround yourself with your light body.  And in that light body, now, begin to rise upward, just a little bit above your physical body.  Don’t go too far yet.  Just rise up.  Then rise up to the ceiling of wherever you are, and through the ceiling out into the outside of the building into the sky, but not far up.  Just a bit above the roof.  Feel a sense of motion as you do so as you are riding in this vehicle.  

But now, don’t make it a vehicle anymore.  Make it your light body surrounding you, as if it was your aura.  And it is your auridic field.  So as whatever you created yourself to be in your astral body, see yourself surrounded by your merkaba light body, and begin to feel the sense of motion as you ride around.  Maybe you do some summersaults, you dance, whatever it might be.  You can do this in the air.  Fly, soar.  But don’t go up too far yet. 

Look down and see the roof of the building wherever you are.  See the trees.  If it is nighttime, as it is here, see the lights all around.  Get a sense of being outside of your physical form.  You can see your physical body down there, can you not?  Just see it laying there or sitting there. 

Now as you are floating around, do a little flying, here.  Go from wherever you are now, and fly off in the distance somewhat.  Notice you can take the viewpoint as if you are in a plane, or you are a bird, or something of this nature, and fly over all the scenery.  Or you can simply think yourself to be somewhere, and there you are.  If you want to be back home wherever you came from, then think it and you are there.  And then think it again, and you are right back again. 

Motion leads to awareness of consciousness.  For as you feel that motion, you raise your consciousness.  You raise your vibration. 

Now I want you to let yourself rise up above the roof of the building again wherever you find yourself.  Rise up to a point approximately 500 feet above the roof.  You will know, or your Higher Self will know where that 500-foot level is. 

Those of you that have done this before, and we took you back into past lives or whatever it might have been, this is a little different this time,  Because this time you are going in your light body and, you are not going to go so much back in time because, as you know, in the higher expression time does not exist. 

So this is going to be all about going up multidimensionally.  This is called the multi-awareness process. Multi-awareness means you can be in many different places at once.  You can be in the past.  You can be in the future, if you stay along the time line.  But you can also go up in expression.  The multi-level awareness allows you to have many different levels of awareness. 

And just for a moment, before we go further here, just to see how you do with this,
being multi-level awareness, see if you can be at that 500-foot level and see your physical body down there.  Can you see your physical body down there, people?  And be at that 500-foot level as well?  So you are in two places at once, correct?   Your consciousness in two places.  You could go back and forth.  You could be there sitting or laying down, looking up at yourself, your light body high above.  And then in the next moment you can be up there looking back down, can you not? 

Now let’s try something else.  Split yourself into a third point of view.  See if you can do that.  Split yourself away from the light body that you are there into another portion of yourself and be in three places at once.  Can you do that?  It’s not that difficult, is it? 

It is interesting, because when we first did this with this one, James, he had great difficulty with this a long time ago.  Because he was not acclimated to these energies yet.  But you, those of you, have been acclimating to these energies.  You have been raising your vibration not only daily, but at every moment you have been raising your vibration over a period of time, now. 

We know we are using the expression, ‘time,’ but we are speaking to your three-dimensional consciousness predominantly, here.  So we need to use the terminology that is apropos for your consciousness at this point.  When you are fully in the 5-D expression, you will not need to use this terminology any more except when you are working with those who are in the 3-D expression in themselves at that time. 

So you are able to split yourself into three.  See if you can do it into four.  It is going to become more and more difficult to do so. 

But think in terms of what is coming, in terms of your expression that is going to become a part of you.  Because at some point, you will be able to remember how to not only separate yourself into one or two or three different parts of yourself, but many multi-dimensional parts of yourself, and become aware in all of those parts.  Just as we, the ones who are working with this group, we can be in many places at once and still be here speaking to you in this respect. 

And if we wish, we could be fully here in the room with you, even more so than normal.  But we do not do that at this time, because you are not quite ready to receive our vibration—it will be too much for you to handle at this time.  But, if your vibration is raised enough, then we could do so. 

Now, we could also lower our vibration, which we do at times in order to be of service to those that are needing that expression of service from us.  And we do that.  We do that in our native land of Tibet.  We do that in South America at times when there is a need.  When we can be of service.  Just as you will be able to do, as well, as you move into the 5-D expression more permanently, and then step back and assist those who are needing assistance.  You will be able to be of service in this respect, just as we are doing with you, if you wish. 

Now, we are ready for the next process, here.  Are you at that 500-foot level?  If not, go back to it.  Yes, everyone go back to the 500-foot level.  And we want you to create a brilliant bright light.  Just imagine, visualize a brilliant white light all around you, as if you are looking at the sun, and the sun became brilliant, brilliant white or golden-white light, blinding your eyes if you were to look at it directly.  Just brilliant light.  Do you have that?  If you like, you can take out your sunglasses from your pocket and put them on. 

But once you have that brilliant, brilliant light, this is where the multi-level awareness part comes in.  For now you are going to let yourself go.  Let yourself rise up.  Or, if you feel a sense of needing to go back, you can go back in time.  Of if you feel like you want to go ahead, you can go ahead. 

But for this particular expression, we would ask for you to call upon your guides, whoever they might be, and most of you already know who they are, and ask them, or even ask your Higher Self, to take you where you need to go as far as if you are wanting to know your family, your home area, where you came from.  Perhaps a system long, long ago, far, far away, a galaxy far, far away, you know that saying.  Wherever it might be, let your guide, your Higher Self, take you there, take you to the expression of who you were perhaps before, or where you came from, your home area, or perhaps multi-dimensionally in terms of seeing other multi-dimensional aspects of yourself. 

You may go into a parallel world where there is you possibly in a parallel world at the same time, here.  You may be male, you may be female, maybe opposite of what you are now, or you may be the same.  You may have expression that is very similar to what you are here now, or it may be completely different, or have some similarities, just to show you that it is a parallel world, here.  Let that be, if that is where you are guided.  Whatever it is, let yourself go now, and be guided here. 

We are going to be quiet, here, for a little bit and let James also experience this as well.  He usually does not get to experience these expressions, but we are wanting him to do so at this time.  So let yourself go, and we will be calling you back here in a little bit, here. 

Very good.  We were simply wanting you to have a glimpse of this.  Not a full expression, not at this time.  But know that at any time you want to, you can use this same expression, this same technique, this tool, and you can do the same thing.  You do not need to have us guiding it.  You can guide it yourself or have a friend who would be able to assist you in this process and be able to do this, or anything else that you want in a multi-level basis such as this. 

So allow yourselves now to come back.  Come back if you split yourself into more than two.  Come back into your second one, the astral form that you chose within your merkaba light vehicle, your light body, and come back toward your physical body.  But as you do so, become that little ball of light again. 

You have all seen movies or TV shows where there is this little ball of light, this little consciousness speck.  This is what you are, here. 

Allow yourselves to come back into your physical form.  Tuck yourself all back in.  Make sure you are fully in. 

And your expression, which is your merkaba light vehicle, or light body, let that surround your physical body, now, and leave it there like that.  Let that be the auric field that is around you.  Your light body.  That auric field, that light body can protect you from anything, predominantly, negative thoughts.  If you are ever feeling like you are being bombarded by negative thought processes, simply be aware of your light body around you, and that will act as a barrier to push back any kind of negative thought whatsoever.  Try it.  You’ll see.  It works. 

It is one of the many tools that you have at your disposal.  Many that you are given.  Just simply pick the ones that you like and work with them, and become proficient at them and with them. 

Now let yourselves come back into a complete state of consciousness and circulation, fully revitalized and refreshed. 

Would anyone care to share where they were guided to?  And if you do so, please come up to the microphone here, so that those that are on the phone and the Zoom here can hear you.  Anyone wish to share?

Guest:   I don’t mean to be negative or anything, but I didn’t feel anything.  Either I’m too tired or hungry, or I was just behind my eyes I had a hard time imaging all those things, and am a little frustrated.  I didn’t get it.

OWS:   Very good.  But your first concept here is where you are going off the deep end, you might say.  That which you said you were imagining.  Your idea of imagining is not reality to you.  You are thinking when you imagine something, it is simply a figment of your imagination.  Is this not correct? 

Guest:  Yeah.  I have to think about it to imagine it. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:  It’s like work, and I’m having a rough time focusing on going anywhere.  It’s almost impossible.

OWS:   Because you do not see it as real.

Guest:   Okay.

OWS:   You see it as, as we say, a ‘figment.’  That was a programming that was given to you long ago, and you grew up with it.  Not only you, but everyone here for the most part.  You all heard that, did you not?  “That is just a figment of your imagination, there is no one really there, there is no ‘Special Friend.’”  Like when you are a child and you had those Special Friends.  Most of you had that, did you not?  Those special invisible friends?  That your parents could not see.  And you said, “but Mommy, Daddy, they are right there, they are right there in front of you, can you not see them?”  And they would say to you, “That is just your imagination, that is just a figment of your imagination, it is not real.”  And you heard that, and you were programmed into that.  And in school you heard it.  You heard it over and over and over and over again, that it is not real. 

But, we are telling you, it is real.  It has all been real.  You all had (you may not remember, or you may have blocked it out), but every single one of you, being the Starseed and the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that you are, every single one of you had those invisible friends at one time or another when you were little.  You had that.  Some of you kept it somewhat.  But for the most part, it was lost.  But it is coming back now.  It is coming back through these types of processes, through our helping to reprogram yourselves to know that it is not a figment of your imagination—it is a reality. 

Have we not said many times that imagination, visualization is the thought process of the fifth dimension?  When you imagine something, that is thought in the fifth dimension, and it is immediately manifested.  You have to come to that understanding. 

So, in understanding where you are, Dear Brother, do not be frustrated by this.  We have one in our midst, here, the one, Cynthia, she can tell you all about these frustrations, can she not?  She has been frustrated for many, many years, decades even, as we find it, here.  But little by little it has come to her. 

Now, we tell you also, just as we gave to her some time ago and she experienced this for herself as well, we tell you that because of where you come from, you do not have the sight processes as much as you do the feeling process. 

Guest:   Right.

OWS:   You feel more deeply than you can see.  You do not see reality directly even though it is there right in front of you.  So it is something that can come, but do not be concerned about this, for it is what it is at this point.  If you continue to work with it, you will begin to have some success with expression, here. 

It is true, though, you are tired.  You may be hungry.  All of these things are taking up your consciousness, here, taking you in a different direction, not allowing you to be in the experience.  And that is what you need to be.  You need to be in the experience or, even more importantly, be the experience.  You see?  But you cannot do it if you are expecting something to happen, and it is not happening, and then you become more and more frustrated by it, you see? 

Guest:   Yes.

OWS:   Very good.  We preverbally hit the nail on the noggin, did we not?  (Guests laughing)  Very good.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Would there be other comments, questions, sharing here, more sharing?  We are interested in the sharing process, here.

Guest:   I can share. 

OWS:   Yes.  Come forward please.  “Come forward, my Dear Sister.” (Guests laughing) 

Guest:   I was taken to what I would call like the moment of origin.  I could feel like the light was streaming down on me, and there was “let there be light, let there be light, let there be light.”  And I just knew that I had been a part of that creation of that thing.  And then it was just like “I AM, I AM, I AM.”  There was such as profound joy that I was seeing and I AM, and that I actually had a part of creation of that, whatever that was.  And that was me.  Oh my goodness, that was so delicious. 

OWS:   Very good.  We appreciate your sharing this.  And have you not been told by many different sources through various channeling expressions and knowings through your own self, a deeper knowing, have you not known that you have had these expressions before?  For you were creators of worlds, creators of galaxies even at times.  In your play that you did, you created and played many, many, many millions and millions of times, here, as your angelic expression that you were and are, even to this day. 

You are an angel, an angel expression within your human body.  You may not think of yourselves as angels, and sometimes you probably think of yourselves as devils.  (Guests laughing)  But you are angelic expression, here.  You see?  And you have had the power, the god power, the creative god power within you always, and in all ways.  You just forgot. 

But you purposefully forgot, to be a part of this experiment and to create this experiment into being, to bring about duality so that there is freedom of choice, you see? 

But the freedom of choice experiment, here, is coming to an end, as you know it, here.  Not that it will not be in other places of the universe.  And, as we have said many times, you will likely be called upon again to be of service.  And you will hear that clarion call again, and you will go to that conclave that is called upon, and you will be there with all of your brothers and sisters, and everyone excited, ad they will say, “Well, we have another planet for you to go to, and we want you to consider becoming apart of this new evolution, are you ready to do it?”  And you will all look at each other, and you will remember back to what it was like here, and then you will say, “Sign me up!  I’m ready!”  You say no now, but we tell you, you will do it again.  Because that’s who you are!  That is the angelic expression that you are, to be of service, you see?  Not the way you are necessarily here in your physical body.  You say, “no way am I going back and doing that again!”  But you will.  We promise you.  We make you a bet, okay?!  (Guests laughing)  Can we bet here?  We are somewhat joking, here. 

You will have the freedom of choice to do whatever you want, because you will not be a part of this displayed expression here anymore on this planet, which some are calling ‘the prison planet.’  And it is only a prison planet if you believe it is, though.  You see?  It can be ‘heaven on earth,’ here, as well. 

Guests:   Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be anyone else who wishes to share here?  It can be someone here on the phone or in your video conferencing here as well.  Anyone?

Guest:   I will share.

OWS:   Yes please, on the phone, here.

Guest:   Yes.  Hi.  I was taken to a past life, I guess.  It was a native girl, a Native American, and she was kind of on her knees, just very sad, crying.  I realized her family was killed, her land was taken, and there was just so much sadness and anger.  So I just reminded her that all of those people that did that to her and her family were aspects of her and it was her own creation so that she could forgive them, even though she didn’t get to do that in that life.  So I just stayed in that moment with her and tried to bring light into her body and just send it out to her village and to all of her people, and asked her to join with me and bring that part of me back.

OWS:   Wonderful.  So that little girl was an expression of you, was it not?

Guest:   Yeah.  I think so.

OWS:   Yes.  You are speaking as if you are speaking about another being, but it is you, in that aspect.  You see?  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Yes.

OWS:   Yes.  Do not say ‘her,’ say ‘me.’  There is a difference, here.  And as you do that, you become more fully a part of that expression of who you were at that time, and who you are continuing to be at this time now.  All of it is one, even though that is an expression from a part life, here.  That expression that was you at that time is a part of you now in this time.  You see?  And the forgiving that was needed to do there, is the forgiving that is needed to do also here in this lifetime, as well.  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Shoshanna wishes to share.

OWS:   Yes please, Shoshanna share, yes.

Shoshanna:   Shoshanna wishes to share with you, our perspective on this.  May we share? 

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Our Dear Sister, what a wonderful experience.  What an enlightening experience that you had.  And we will tell you, you are an enlightened being, and we know you.  We will tell you that that experience was a fragmented part of you that you got to heal, that you got to bring light to in that experience to heal in the presence moment that which you suffer from.  There are things that you suffer in the present moment from that life that you lived you brought with you, so you see you went back to heal that and in healing what you call the pasts, you completely healed the present.  Do you see this? 

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you. 

Shoshanna:   Yes, and we love you so much.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Wonderful.  Now would there be another here that is wanting to share?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  First of all, I would just like to say, I’ve never thought of myself as a devil, but I do admit to sometimes feeling light a naughty angel. 

OWS:   Very good.  What is your saying, “to-MA-to, to-MAH-to?”

Guest:  (Laughter)  Okay, thanks.   I just had a very brief glimpse of a feline woman who was a queen.  And what I’m not sure about is if I was seeing family or myself, and so I am wondering if you can give me any feedback on this?

OWS:   You are speaking of the feline expression of yourself?  And where do you know from feline, here?  Where does it come from?

Guest:   From Lyra. 

OWS:   Yes.  Sirius. 

Guest:   Sirius.  They had to go to Sirius.

OWS:   So you understand, then, why you are experiencing this?  Because you come from that constellation.  As one of your experiences, one of your expression. 

Guest:   Right.

OWS:   You have many more than this.  But this one is a predominant one that is calling to you.  They are calling to you, Dear Sister.  Do you understand what we say, here?

Guest:   Yes, because I feel very much calling to them, and I really, really want to see them. 

OWS:   We will say you will, but you are as well.  They are very much with you, and they have expressed themselves to you at times in the sky, have they not?

Guest:   Yes, I was just telling my sister the other day, explaining my experience again, when I watched this beautiful dark cloud formation just transform itself in front of my eyes to a lion’s head with clear blue eyes.  Yeah, that’s something that I will never forget.  And right before that, I saw the expression in that cloud that I saw was of a sideways view of a bird head.  Am I correct because I am thinking that that is my Arcturian family, am I right with that?

OWS:   Not so much Arcturian, but you are correct in terms of the aviary expression.

Guest:   Avian, right.

OWS:   Avian, yes, avian, not aviary, [but] avian.

Guest:   Okay, can you straighten me out, because I always want to somehow put the Arcturians with the Avians.  Are the Avians, what planet are they from?  That we cannot go into here.  We apologize, but we cannot give too much to you here, because it is all coming.  It is all going to be a part of your expression.  It is there right now within you if you search deeply within yourself.  Not so much go do your Google search, you will not find it there.  But do the Google search within yourself! 

Guest:   Okay, my Google search has telling me that more recently they would be considered from Venus, is that correct? 

OWS:   No.  That is not quite correct.  But we are not going to play 20 questions here with you.  (Guests laughing)  We are not going to give you the answer that you are looking for, because you need to look for the answer yourself within.  Okay?

Guest:   Alright.  Thank you.

OWS:   Would there be other sharing, here?

Guest:   I would like to share.  I went some place where I was making a speech.  And I remember the speech.  I said I am the lady that always has the owl on her shoulder, and the owl represents her god.  And the owl represents that the owl can see behind the scenes and knows what is going on with his eyes. 

OWS:   An owl can see through the darkness, can it not?  Yes?  And the owl is wise, is it not?  Yes.

Guest:   So what this speech also said was we are now at the place when all this will come and be disclosed.  That is what the owl is seeing as I was speaking.

OWS:   Yes.  But what you are not directly getting, here, and we will give you somewhat of it, you were one of those that gave the speech at the clarion call, along with Sananda and others. 

Guest:   Okay.  I get to know more every time, don’t I?

OWS:   Yes.  “Ask and ye shall receive.”  But not all the time!  (Laughter)

Guest:   Also, I felt that part of me that I don’t recognize in my human body here, but I know that I have been speaking because, I hesitate to mention my real name, because I don’t want to seem like I’m better or anything from anyone else.  I’m always worried I don’t want to do that.  But can I speak that now, can I do that now? 

OWS:   And what purpose would that be for you, here?  Or how would it be purposeful for anyone else here?

Guest:   To me, it would be more authority-like, the truth coming from my being, and the message I think would be more accepted maybe.

OWS:   That is not correct.  You do not need to be anything but what you are now, no matter who you were before, or who you are in your multi-dimensional aspects of yourself matters not.  You just simply need to be in the now moment and who you are now, and you being the higher expression within yourself.  In other words, you have a Higher Self, do you not?  And that Higher Self you are speaking of, here, does not need to be named, here, necessarily.  Because all it does is bring the ego process into this.  But, you can know within yourself who you are.  Not who you were, but who you are.  Because that expression that is you, no matter who you look at it, here.

Shoshanna:   May we add here?

OWS:   Yes, please, Shoshanna.

Shoshanna:   May we offer, Dear Sister, our perspective?

Guest:   You bet.  I’d love it.

Shoshanna:   There are many here on this planet that have been dismissed, that have not been valued, and they do not understand that those that have not been acknowledged, those that have been dismissed, do not heal this with a name.  They do not heal it with a title.  It must be healed from within.  One must see their own light and one must vow if they choose to be a messenger to remain nameless.  That is the truth of the true message.   Namaste. 

Guest:   Now isn’t it true that they don’t really have names, like they do when they are speaking to us, the Ascended Masters, because we have names here and we must have names because of the way our vibrations are being identified.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share once again with you?

Guest:   Yes, oh yes.  I figured you would tell me.

Shoshanna:   You have made every attempt in your life to live from love.  You, even though there was a difficulty in your life for so long, you remained since that in believing that you exemplified love.  That is how you survived the many things that happened to you.  You remained steadfast in knowing that you are love.  Is this not true?

Guest:   Yes.  I finally came to that conclusion. 

Shoshanna:   So what we must tell you when you say that there are others like Ascended Masters that do not truly have names, that is correct because the only thing that matters here and anywhere is how you vibrate.  Do you extend love?  Do you extend compassion?  Because those are vibrations.  Do you extend service to others?  Do you radiate acceptance of others?  Those are vibrations that no name can call itself those things, you see.  So we are acknowledging you that in this lifetime you have made the decision to vibrate love.  That is all that is necessary, here.  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Yes, and I want to thank you.

Shoshanna:   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you so much.  Thank you, One Who Serves. 

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any others who wish to share?

Guest:   The other Sister talked about suns.  I saw many stars.  And then it came into my mind, “You are the light behind the light.”  What does that mean?

OWS:   You are the light behind the light.  We would ask you:  what does it mean to you?  What does it mean to you? 

Guest:   I AM the light.

OWS:   Okay.  What does it mean, you are the light behind the light?  Why do you feel you were shown this?

Guest:   I am the one that makes the light. 

Other Guest:   You are Source itself.

Guest:   Yes, I am Source. 

OWS:   Yes.  Not the only Source, certainly.  But you are part of the great Source, just as everyone here, everyone on the phone, everyone on the planet, everyone in the solar system, the galaxy, the universe is part of the God-Source.  You see?  And the God-Source is part of them.  You see?  So you are the light, and you are that which is before the light as well.  You see?

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.  

OWS:   That was quite deep, was it not? 

Guests:   Laughter.  Very, very!  Like wow, man!   (Laughter)

OWS:   Talk about getting a big head, here! 

Guests:   (Laughter)

OWS:   Anyone else wish to share?

Guest:   I would share. 

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Mine is very different.  I found my physical body, my head, very slowly turned to the left, and then my chin was kind of brought down to my shoulder, and that is where I stayed.  I didn’t see anything.  And my physical body was kind of contorted, actually.  Then when we came back to our conscious self, my left hand is really, really sore and to make a fist hurts.  So, what happened?

OWS:   What you are being shown here is that your expression is real.  There is a physical portion, or a physical connection to that which you experienced, to let you know that it is a real experience, that it is not just a figment of your imagination, you see?  It is a reality.  And it was given you physical expression to let you know that it is real.  Do you understand?

Guest:    So is that a parallel life maybe where my physical body is contorted? 

OWS:   It could be.  But what do you feel it is?

Guest:   I’m kind of confused by it.  When it happened, the thought crossed my mind that I almost felt like Steven Hawking.  That was an image that just came to my mind. 

OWS:   And that is something that you have a great deal of difficulty feeling a connection to, no?  In terms of your body having an experience such as this in a lifetime, here, correct?

Guest:   Yes, yes. 

OWS:   So this was shown to you so that you would know that it does not matter, because it is what it is.  You are who you are in any expression.  And in this expression, you are this Dear Sister, and in that expression you may have been, or may be, the Steven Hawking of that particular lifetime, you see?  And in an another expression you may have been something completely different than that, and again, and again, and again–all of your multi-dimensional selves, here.  You See?

Guest:   Okay.  Right.

OWS:   So, as your expression in this lifetime as this Dear Sister, you are having your experiences and learning from those experiences, just as your multi-dimensional self in that respect was learning from that experience.  And guess what?  All of your multi-dimensional selves are learning from all of your experiences.  So that means you do not need to go out and have that experience, because you are already having it at another level, you see?

Guest:   Yeah, yeah.

OWS:   That is probably something many of you have not thought of before.  All of your multi-dimensional selves are creating all of the experiences for the YOU. 

Guest:   So we are kind of teaching each other, aren’t we?  Helping each other behind the scenes. 

OWS:   Yes.  That aspect of yourself agreed to have that experience.  Whereas you, as this Dear Sister, agreed to have the experience that you are having, here.  You See?

Guest:   Okay.  Alright.  That’s very interesting.  Yeah, I was almost disappointed that I didn’t get to go somewhere, but I guess I did go somewhere. 

OWS:   You did!  You were shown what you needed to be shown, there.   But we are saying that because you were shown that and then you shared this, everyone else learned from that experience that you had.  You see?  See how this works? 

Guest:   Yes, I do.  Thank you for answering.  I was a bit intimidated to even ask, because it was so different and seemingly so kind of bizarre.  But it really isn’t, and I love you for answering this.

OWS:   Well we love you for asking the question, because everyone benefited from your sharing your experience. 

Guest:   Thank you so much.

OWS:   Yes.   Would there be anyone else who wishes to share, here?

Guest:   Can you ask James if he would be willing to share his experience?  I don’t know if he would want to or not.  I know he was getting kind of squirrely. 

OWS:   You are very perceptive, Dear Sister.  You and this one, James, are so close together, you really do not yet understand the connection that the two of you have.  It will come to you at some point.  But to answer your question:  yes, he was very tearful, here.  Because he found himself with his Dear Sananda and Lady Nada, and the connection is there with them, and the feeling of being long separated from that.  Even though he brings the Sananda through and Lady Nada through at times, it is not the same thing.  The channeling process is wonderful, but it is not the being process there with your loved one, you see?  So there is a deep portion within the James who longs to be there on the New Jerusalem with the Sananda, with Lady Nada, with Ashtar, with all of the family, we will say, here.  You see?  So does this answer your question?

Guest:   Yeah.  I thought it had something to do with Sananda. 

OWS:   What about you, Dear Sister?  Why don’t you share here? 

Guest:   Well, I basically had a lot of the same experience as the other Dear Brother did.  But I have things going on, you know.  I had that dream a long time ago that I told you about where I was at Mount Shasta and there was a window in the dream, remembver?  And you said, “oh, once you go through that window, you’ll be able to go.”  So I always go to that window now, go out my third eye. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   So it’s a little confusing, because you say to look at your body.  But my body is back over in Payson, I’m at Mount Shasta, and it was all kind of crazy.  Then I was the ball of light. And then I kind of went to meet my multi-dimensional self from Antares.  And then I felt like I was on the New Jerusalem at some point.  So I don’t know, it was just all kind of crazy. 

OWS:   My goodness!  Did you all hear?  She began this and it was just like the Brother had here, the Orv, but it was not at all, was it?  No!  She had an experience.

Guest:   Yeah, and it’s just like I don’t know if I am just making that up. 

OWS:   There we go again!  There it is, there it is again!  “I am making this up!  It is my imagination!”

Guest:   I have to concentrate so hard, like Orv was saying.

OWS:   You don’t concentrate.  You just let it be.  Let it be.  Yes.

Guest:   That was kind of the craziness, my experience, I suppose.

OWS:   Listen, we believe there are others that have a similar experience and are not sharing it because they feel like they are alone, here, but they are not.  Many of you have similar experiences because of what we said earlier about your upbringing, how you were told, ‘figment of imagination, not real.’

Well, what if they had told you, what if your parents, your teachers, ,your friends, all had said, “Wow, what an amazing experience you are having, can we meet them?  Can we sit down with them?”  What if that had happened?  Everything would have been different because, guess what?  You would believe, and then you would see.  Your whole lifetime would have changed from this. 

But, of course, the programming seeped in.  If it was not from your parents, it would come from your school process.  If not from the school process or your parents, it would come from your friends laughing at you, you see?

Shoshanna:   May we share?

OWS:   Yes, please do.

Shoshanna:  May we share with you, Dear Sister?

OWS:   Of course.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We will ask you a question.  And you know that this is especially for many when we ask a question.  So we must ask this.  What perspective do you wish to follow on this?

Guest:   Do you mean are you referring to when we were in many different places, like the fall of, or the places…

Shoshanna:   We are speaking of the perspective you have on your being.  Not the perspective you have on an incident, but the perspective you have on your being.  And we use this opportunity to ask everyone here, what perspective do you wish to have for yourself?  And we apologize for this directness, but when an individual such as yourself, or JoAnna, or anyone says, “oh, I am wrong, this does not happen, I am confused, I did not really experience this, I am unhappy, I am frustrated.”  Who is speaking those words? 

Guest:   Not my Higher Self.

Shoshanna:   Who is speaking those words through you?

Guest:   Well, I was personally attacked, I was in attack.

Shoshanna:   We will answer our own question.  That which was speaking through is you is your programmed agenda. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Your program wishes to speak through you.  Do you wish for it to speak through you?

Guest:   No, I would like to change it.

Shoshanna:   Well, then say something different!  Whether you express yourself or about an experience that they have, express it in joyous terms!   Express it as if it is the greatest experienceanybody could ever have!  You are the queen of experiences!  And we tell you this because that it how you change.  That is how you become the magnificent being that you already are–you just don’t know it.   

Because many of us say the same things over and over again, and we get to be older and older, and we don’t see that anything is changing.  Because we are saying the same words.  We will tell you from our perspective, because this kind of opened a can of worms…[end of conference call time duration]