16.10.09 – Create The Reality You Want It To Be After The Event

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Channelers: James McConnell—“One Who Serves”
Susan Sammarco-“Ashira”

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on October 9, 2016)

“One Who Serves”
We were not yet recording? Maybe it’s because I am here (referring to himself as the #2 or #3 OWS and now for at least this session #1) . Anyway, where were we? Oh, yes. Everything is happening here for a reason, people. Everything is happening for a reason. Things are going on exactly as it needs to. You do not be concerned in any way whatsoever that you are going to miss the boat. It is not going to be any missing boat unless you decide to miss the boat. That is up to you.

For all of you who are wanting to move along with the Ascension Process. For all of you who want to be in the right place at the right time when “The Event” comes, when the “Changeover” happens, you will be exactly in the moment you need to be in the moment you need to be it.

Do not be concerned in any way. Do not be thinking about the RV, the money and all of this. That is part of it. Do not be concerned about NESARA being announced. That is part of this as well. Do not be concerned about the major arrests and all. This is part of it.

You see you are the ones creating this. It is your consciousness creating this. So, please get yourselves together. Get your minds right. Create the best thing you can. Alright? Create everything you want. Imagine it. Use your imagination each and every day. Imagine. There was a question earlier, “What will it be like after the “Event”?” And we will say, create it now.

Create what you want it to be after the “Event”. Create the changes. It is you who have created this. It is your creation. You as a collective whole. It is your creation. Create whatever you want. If you want replicators, create replicators. If you want no more money, create no more money.

All of this but understand it is a transition. You are going through a transition process. You are not going to go from A-Z without going through B, C and D and so on. It does not happen this way. Allow for the process. Be in the process and just be that process. OK?

We are ready now for questions. “Ashira” is standing by and putting up with us the whole time here. (laughter) We will see if she can keep up with us here. We will try. This is kind of an experiment here.

Question: How close are we for the timing of the RV?

“One Who Serves”
Are you really asking this question? You know our answer.

You are as close as you want to be. Close as you think you are.

Comment: I was thinking a few days.

“One Who Serves”
Please understand how we are going to answer this question. We are also in anticipation. We are also waiting for the same things to occur. From our point of view we see it from the larger point of view, from the big picture. We know all of this is going to happen, it is already happening. We can see what is going on behind the scenes. We have that little bit of understanding that you may not have.

It helps greatly to understand it is all in the process. And we can tell you that it is all in the process. But we understand that you hear all is in process and soon and all of these things and you wonder what are they talking about. They are blowing smoke up our buttes again. (laughter) You see?

To answer your question, it is close. It is in the process. It is just a matter of bringing everything together and as you know, the green light has been given. All systems are go. Full speed ahead you might say here. OK?

You heard the green light has been given. You have been told that this will come in working bits leading to the deluge for the energy changes, all of that. So you are looking for the little pieces, my friend. You are looking for those things to be shown to you that are now behind closed doors.

We are not going to answer the number of days or whatever but everyone in this group today has talked about something very big is coming! Have faith in that. Know that you have been told that the green light has been given. We know that you expected to see something happen in this past week with that announcement.

Be patient. Be patient. We know that there is so much that is just a moment’s breath away. Alright?

Question: I have heard that many people who experience past life regressions seem to have their energy systems awakened. Can you tell me what process takes place?

“One Who Serves”
Wonderful question and we would say that it is when you come to understand yourself as a full whole here. All is coming together. You understand that you are more than this body, this consciousness here at this time in this lifetime. You understand that you are a full being who has been around for a very long time whether you are looking at several lifetimes or even just one lifetime in the past. It takes this to find the fullest connection to who you are. OK?

Number one, it is not necessary to have a past life regression to experience what you are experiencing. If that is part of your question, that is part of your answer. We talked about the energy that is feeding your body and opening it up.

While we agree with “One Who Serves” that a past life reading can connect you with the bigger picture of who you are there is an also an opportunity to share with others and for yourself in prayer and meditation. Through reading and all types of investigation you can do! Learn about what you are, who you are and what you are for your future. Because that is your moment now and what is your future for you. OK?

“One Who Serves”
And as you are moving and the veil continues to drop you will have more understanding of not only your past lives here on Earth but your fuller connection to the systems you come through. It will be an awakening to you. Not all at once because that will tend to blow you away you might say. It will come more and more and you will become accustomed to these memories coming back.

It is the same as when you remember as a child. It is spontaneous memory that comes back to you and you had forgotten about that. It will come flooding back to you. It will be very similar to this but it will be fuller picture of who you are once this veil has dropped here. OK?

Question: A couple of times I have had this. When I am laying down it seems like things are going by very quickly and I can’t catch anything. What can you tell me?


This is one of those opportunities when the veil that is thinning for everyone, is thinning for you as well. What you are seeing is aspects of what is beyond the veil. It is not that you have to catch something. If something comes to you, something brings illumination, something has meaning for you then that is wonderful. If it is something that you are simply enjoying, sit back and enjoy, that is what we would say now.

“One Who Serves”
Many of you, if you have not already, than it will increase very much and you will have more and more glimpses into dimensional realities. They may be fleeting sometimes. They come in and out of your awareness and then disappear. They will become more and more where you will literally see inter-dimensionally. You will understand so much more than what you, in this little lifetime know now. You will come to understand the fuller picture of who you are and how you are part of this great Oneness here.

Question: My question is about the big heat wave I have in my back, through my neck and into my head. Is this something I should have checked?

“One Who Serves”
This was what James was speaking of earlier (during our discussion) when we encouraged to speak about the Kundalini Energy. The Kundalini is rising in many here. You are not aware of it and sometimes you are aware of it but it is happening. It is rising spontaneously where before it may have taken lifetime after lifetime or rise after various types of yoga postures and that. It is coming up spontaneously in many people now.

This will happen more and more as the energies grow, as the vibrations increase and certainly as the Galactic Pulse has reached the Earth here. Everything will shift at that point.

Question: The light coming in this week was different. Was the light coming from Gaia this week?

“One Who Serves”
What was occurring here, and you had heard this before, the Galactic Sun is about to sneeze. We are going to use this terminology again here because that is in the process. When that happens, everything in this Solar System, in the Galaxy shifts.

Consciousness is shifting in this waiting process. It is energy and a rest you might say. The Galactic Central Sun has been in a resting state for a very, very long time. It is about to move into an energy state and once it is in, its a reverberating shift across the Galaxy, the Solar System and here to the Earth.

When that happens everything will shift in that moment as it occurs. Again, this will be different for everyone when this happens. You are beginning to feel the precursors for this energy coming in here. Rather than it come at one time, it would be too powerful for this, it has been lessened somewhat. It is coming in but the full pulse of energy has not yet arrived.

You asked if it was from Gaia and it is not. It is from the Galactic Central Sun.

Question: Do you have any insight to “Ether”?

I do not know if I have an answer for this. This has been built up by those who are looking for opportunities for growth and options. This is not something we care to address at the moment.

“One Who Serves”
We will not address this either (ether). (laughter)

Question: I am having 3-4 hour talks inter-dimensionally. I do not have as many clients in this realm but I know that I am in connection with other dimensions. What can you tell me about this?

“One Who Serves”
We were talking about this earlier and we will talk about this in a more general fashion here. All are going to be having more of these multi-dimensional experiences. More of these understandings that you are so much more than you thought you were up this point.
That you are a greater being in those multi-dimensional images as you move up in those higher vibrations here.

It is all part of the orchestration that we have been speaking of. That more and more of you will be having the experiences. That more and more will feel the dropping of the veil and know it has dropped. Can you imagine what it will be like when the veil has dropped completely? Everything is opened. All the questions you have wondered about, asked about will all be the there! You already have all the answers you just forgot you do. You do not know you have those answers. Everything you are asking us, you know the answers. You could probably answer things we cannot answer.

Be patient. Allow for the process. Everything is taking care of itself. OK?

Question: Cobra talks about the energy has shifted and election might go on. “What do you say about that?

“One Who Serves”
What we can say is what the other “One Who Serves” always tends to say is based on probabilities. It is not based on predictions or psychic understandings or anything of this nature. It is based on probabilities. It is a science.

As we look at this situation right now, in this moment that we are speaking, it is still as we have been saying that the election you know of, is not going to occur as you have always had it here. There is going to be some changes to this here.

Now please understand that as the Cobra has spoken of here, based on timeline understandings and this type of thing, this can shift. Consciousness can shift this and if it does shift in this way then we will go with Plan A or B or C or D or whatever is necessary here. You see, it is all part of the process. If we cannot come in the front door we will come in the back door. We may come in the basement or something else.

We would answer very similarly that this has been an opportunity for change that we have been talking about for months and months. We have said that this will not be the same type of election. This is going to be the new future that you are creating.

Stay in the creation of where you are. Do not let one who is respected as “Cobra” change your mind. Continue with your mindset and your believing that this is not going to happen. The new process is in place and taking over and the people, who are to be in charge, even if for a little while, are people who are agreeable to all of America.

Question: It is said that there are discussions about which species is going to be first to connect with us.
What can you say about that?

“One Who Serves”
We understand the question. Please understand that it is not the three dimensional understanding that you are coming across here. Those who are looking at this are looking at various counsels and such saying we want to be first!

That is against the universal law. It is against the service to others. Those who are involved in this entire process would not be clamoring to come forth. It has already been decided by much higher beings than those you have mentioned at this point. We cannot say directly who it is going to be Pleidian or Syrian or something of this nature.

Whatever group it is, they will be very close to the condition of those on Earth. That will help to acclimate those on the planet and help them to appreciate and have no fear whatever as to what is coming in.

Maybe a slightly different take on this.

We have already seen some of the Agarthans visiting with people on the surface. You will see more of this. You will see more as they share technology as you move up in your vibration; you go through your “Event”, your “Changeover”.

You will see them on the surface sharing with you free energy, the Healing Chambers and more. As humans become more accustomed to that they will become open to opportunities for the landings to occur and the Cities of Light open for those who want to visit those as well. And attend to Healing Chambers in the Cities of Light, on ships or in the Earth.

That is our answer for this particular question.

Question: There is a belief that if we see something in another we don’t like, it is something we don’t like in our self. When I look at Donald Trump, I don’t believe it is anything in myself that I don’t like. What can you say?

“One Who Serves”
It is not so much that you are opposed to the energy of this one or the energy of the other one; it is that you are opposed to the energy of all of this that has come with this. You are opposed to the business as usual you might say.

So, in all of this is shifting. It is shifting within you, it is shifting within all of the Lightworkers, and it is shifting now beyond this. Many are coming to understand that we do not want the same thing over and over. We are ready to awaken. We do want the old ways here. We do not want the ways of the Cabal and all of this.

We want the new understanding. We want the new Golden Age. We want peace, we want love, we want harmony. All of this and anything that comes to you that is not, you will turn away from. You see?

While it is a part of you that is being mirrored here but it is not so much that you are like this one, it is that you are not like this one. You are not like the other one. You are not like any that have been previous to this. You see?

You are ready for the new understandings, the new ones to come forward. That will lead this country; lead this planet in a level of peace and understanding and oneness.

Question: I am confused about the elections. Do we have an impact or has it already been decided?

We smile for you. What we said was hold your vision of what you want to have happen. We continue to say that these elections will not take place. This will not be a part of your reality. We know that the time is growing short for the elections.

We know that, but we continue to say that at this time, what continues to be shown is that these two people have been outrageous. They have been outrageous in what they have said. They have been outrageous in what they do, they are outrageous. They have been outrageous to the point where people do not want to vote for either of them.

We know that there is information out there that makes you think that one or the other is a going thing. But we say that they have been outrageous so that people will know that they are not good choices. When the “Changeover” comes it will be easy to make the vote you want.

The person you want may not be anyone you know now. It may be a totally new person and that is perfect. OK?

“One Who Serves”
Tell you what you can do. If the election does happen and you want to vote, go to the box that is for write-ins and write, “none of the above”. (laughter)

Question: I’d like more information on the Galactic Central Sun. Who dwells on it and what Spirit is it?

“One Who Serves”
Just as “Gaia” you are on here is “ensouled” by a being, so is your Sun here. Each planet in your Solar System, in the Galaxy you have all your various Solar Systems at their “Sun level and so on and so on. And then the Galactic Central Sun is “ensouled” by a great being there. Not “Prime Creator” but Creator of this particular Galaxy, yes. You see?

It is the being that is at the center of this Galactic Pulse that is coming. The one that has given the green light though, is beyond this.

Question: Are the meditations and visualizations we are doing really helping us to get out work done? So many have had so many difficulties lifetime after lifetime. It feels hopeless.

“One Who Serves”
You are wanting a pep talk here! We can give you a pep talk. We think we have been giving you a pep talk for a long time here.

We have been saying over and over, you are the ones creating this. You are the ones you have been waiting for. You are the ones who are making the difference. Not only have we been saying this but “Sananda” and “St. Germain” and “Archangel Michael” and the “Guardians”. Everyone is saying this.

When are you going to believe it? Please, believe it and you will see it. “Believing is seeing”. It is no longer seeing is believing. It is believing is seeing. The more you understand that the more you will understand how powerful you are as individuals, as a group, as an extended group as well as a collective consciousness on the planet. Also, into the Solar System and even into the

I love the pep talk.

I will add this. We know that every person has one degree or another of suffering that they have done on this life, on this planet and all of the lifetimes on this planet. You are part of a group that has been developing and moving toward the creation of a new world with new rules and new opportunities for all.

You have made a very big difference in the collective consciousness of the planet. Each person in this room, each person who has participated with meditations have continued to bring light into this planet.

We would say that even though you have your down times, my friend, that when you connect with this group and you rise to the full height of your ambition, the full height of your vibration, everything will come. It will be as calm, as peaceful and as loving as you imagine it to be.

“One Who Serves”
We would like to use an analogy here. We find this in the James because it is your football season here.

If you are the football team, the collective whole here on the planet. You are out there on the field, playing the game. Going from end to end, throwing this little ball around. Doing the things you do in this game.

We are the coaches and the cheerleaders. We are also all of the fans. The Galactics and the Agarthans are the fans. They are cheering you on. Giving you the impetus and the pep talks. We are moving you along with our cheering, our applauding and all of this.

You are on the field. You have to play the game. We can coach you. We can give you the plays but you have to run them. You have to do whatever you can do to make it happen. Go from one end to another and score a touchdown here.

This a good analogy? (yes)

Question: Can you explain Prime Creator to me?

“One Who Serves”
Beyond Central Galactic Sun. Beyond your imagination. Beyond your understanding. At a three dimensional understanding you cannot quite grasp this. Once the veil has dropped, once you have moved up in higher vibrations, into multi-dimensional realities that you have not known existed, you will have more of an understanding of who and what Prime Creator is.

Please understand this there is not a male or a female or some creature running around or anything of this nature. It is pure, conscious energy. It is a conscious energy that creates. And has created and this conscious creative energy is in each of you and all of us. We all have the conscious creative energy of Prime Creator.

This is how we can create. You have forgotten this but you will come to understand that you can create as well. And manifest immediately anything you wish to have.

We are going to release channel. We have enjoyed this time. We do not know if they will give me another chance to be the narrator here or the emcee you might say. (laughter) Hopefully will be back here and do this again. So enjoy the time we can spend with you.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the ONE.

I am “Ashira”.

What a fun time today. It was fun to have this “One Who Serves” with us as the mainstay for the day. He brings a different view of things. He brings a different humor to things which is wonderful.

I wanted to talk about joy today. That is perfect for “One Who Serves” who was with us. When we think about joy as an emotion that overtakes you and carries you through. When people think about joy they think of moments of joy in their lives.

As you move up in vibration the joy that takes hold carried you longer and longer. Do things that bring you joy. See things that bring joy. Feel things that bring you joy. A fifth dimensional being is one who feels joy at all times. Just to hang that over your head as a carrot. To help you see that the joy that is in your life brings you into higher vibration.

Take the time, wherever you are at this moment to seize the joy that is present in your life. Take time to see the greens of the forest where you are, see the sunset in the desert, spend time with children, share with them and see what interests them. Many of the children that are born today are fifth dimensional children. They will share themselves as the world continues its changes. They will surprise their parents with their insights and understandings.

These are times to enjoy one’s life. To move beyond those things that have been bothering one. Move into those higher dimensions. Share with others the opportunities that are coming for all.

We give you our love and our light. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated
“Believing is seeing!”

16.10.16 – “It Is Up To You, The Lightworkers, The Lightbearers To Show The Way” – Sananda

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“Sananda”, “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell
“Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on October 16. 2016)

I am “Sananda”. You may have already guessed. I was the one who guided you, somewhat, in this experience. (referring to our guided meditation just completed)

We continue to bring about the changes that are just in front of you and within you at this time now. And we wish for you all to know there has never been a separation. Never has been, never will. Separation is only in your mind. It is a programming technique that has kept you from understanding and remembering fully who you are.

Fortunately, when you came into this life you came in purposely knowing that you would forget not only this life but this entire evolution here on this planet. You knew that you would come here. You knew that you would forget all.

But you also knew that there were many working alongside of you, with you so that you would not completely forget. That there would always be an ember, a spark that could ignite at any moment. Those sparks, those embers have all ignited within you, each of you. As they ignite they turn into full flames. Flames of consciousness. Flames of remembering. Violet flames that purges out all that has prevented you from being who you are.

The times have come now, my friends, my brothers, my sisters. The times have come for you to take upon the mantle of remembering who you are and what you came to do. You spoke of councils earlier. I have spoken of these councils, the Councils of Twelve. Each of you here can be a part of these councils, will be if you choose this.

This will not be the same kind of volunteering as when you came into this life., this evolution not knowing what to expect. When you volunteer for these councils, and when that moment has arrived, you will fully know what is ahead. You will remember completely who you are and what you are here for and why you would be a part of these councils.

Please understand that it will not be business as usual. Those times have passed. It will be the moment now for consciousness to shift across the planet. And for each one of you to be a part of that great shift. Some greater parts. Some lesser parts. But each part the whole within itself. There is no greater part or lesser part. There simply just is in the moment, in the now.

You all have a mission. You all have a responsibility to yourselves and all of those outside of yourself that are connected to you. And all are. You will help them remember as well. Help them know and understand who they are. Come through the various problems, catastrophes, calamities, all of these things that have pervaded you over these many lifetimes. They will also come through these.

It is up to you, the Lightworkers, the Lightbearers to show the way just as I, as “Yeshua”, came to show you the way. I and many others come to show you the way. You will also be there to show others the way. As I have said before and I am saying again now, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no separation except that which you create for yourself.

I am “Sananda”. All of my peace and love be with all of you till we meet again.

“One Who Serves”
Greetings to you. “One Who Serves” here. Yes, it is the other “One Who Serves, not the one you had last time. We will try to be funny too…ok? Try to keep you entertained somewhat.

We do not have a message at this time but we only wish to say that you are all on the right track. As you have spoken earlier in your group discussion about coming together in the group process here. Not as individuals but also part of a group. Part of a deeper, higher level understanding.

As this group, you have a responsibility if you wish to allow for this. As a part of this group and with this responsibility you are creating this new level of light within the higher levels of consciousness here. You are creating the creation that you want.

We all have this ability. It is inherent within us as the Creator process that we are. You have simply forgotten. Many of you have forgotten the creative ability that you have. It has been shrouded over by the programming you have become accustomed to here.

But as you have heard many times, the veil is dropping. As the veil continues to drop, so too will the programming. So too will your understanding of who you are not. For you are to understand who you are. As you continue to allow this process to develop as a group you are coming together and creating an entirely new world, an entire new understanding.

We said we did not have message but we lied, I guess (laughter). We are now ready for questions. “Ashira” is standing by too.

Question: When are we going to know that our DNA has changed?

You will know because you will be awake and aware. You will know because it has happened. It is something in progress and continues to be in progress. When you go through the healing chambers you will step out with full understanding.

It is not something you have to prepare for or work for. This is something that is occurring now. When it is complete you will say, “Wow! I have new understanding, new belief and I am a whole person!”

“One Who Serves”
We wish to say here that is already in the now. The process that is occurring is already happening. Your DNA is shifting. Your Pineal Glands are opening and your High Hearts are re-awakening once again.

There are many things that are going on that are happening behind the scenes around the world but also within your own inner world here that you may not be aware of yet. Including your very cellular structure that are becoming more crystalline.

This is all about us that are happening. That does not mean that you can go to the medical profession here and have the tests that will tell them that your body is now crystal. That is not going to happen. They are not going to say, “OH, your Pineal Gland” is wide open!”

They are not going to say that because they do not know what the Pineal Gland is for the most part other than it is a particular gland. They do not know the processes that are involved with this. In terms of the higher frequency processes here and what happens here. And, by golly, they will not know anything about this High Heart thing here. (laughter) They only know of the heart. The chakras? Forget that too!

There is so much change that is happening but it is happening in the deeper levels within you. At the higher levels within you. But as you have come to understand, more and more, everything that is happening with you first manifests in the higher levels and then moves downward from this.

So just continue, keeping on with keeping on here. You are on the right track. OK?

Question: I have a lot of people coming to my door to talk me into becoming one with their religion. I bless them with love but they are very persuasive. What can I tell them or can you tell me what I should do?

“One Who Serves”
(Pause for effect) Yes. Don’t open the door! (laughter) Literally and figuratively as well. Don’t open the door. You see?

They are who they are and you are who you are. You are in your awakening process and they are in their own awakening process. They may be a little slower than you consider necessary here. But you are you and they are they so let the process to happen.

All will not come along on this Ascension Process at this time. That is for sure here. Many more will than if this had happened in your December 21, 2012 time. Many were to Ascend at that time, you know. But many more will now because you as a Collective Consciousness have sat back and waited for them and assisted them to come along.

It is as “Sananda” has said. You are running this marathon race and in this year you are ready to spring across the finish line. There are those of you who are jogging, trying to get to the finish line. There are those of you who have slowed to a crawl here. And there are those of you who have stopped entirely and will not continue. It is up you; those who have sprinted across the finish line can turn right around and help those who are struggling behind.

That will be your mission if you choose to accept it. Sounds like “Mission Impossible”, no? (laughter) But it is true. That will be your choice. Does this answer your question? It is not what you say. It is how you respond or act around them. That is what will make difference here. When they are ready, they will ask for your help.

We know that there are many out knocking on doors to save people because there is a common concern about the value of people in this world. This is something that has been going on for a long time, we know this. These are people in the three dimensional existence. These are people viewing the world through a specific viewpoint, from the Bible and all these things that you have moved beyond.

It may seem trite to not open the door but if you want to have a conversation with these people and tell them that you love them, that is wonderful. If it is not something you want to do, then do not get into it with them at this point in time.

After the “Event” may more people will have their eyes wide open. Many more will be willing to listen. Be patient a little longer and be in your heart. Everybody on this planet deserves your love. OK?
Question: I feel that anticipation sets me up for an attachment. Can you comment on that?

“One Who Serves”
We can look at that as deeper understanding. You are one who peels back the onion. One who looks at all the levels and understanding you can come to grips with. There are many though who are not at that point. Not ready for this.

Many look at the world and do not see the world through colored glasses. They see the world as it appears in black and grey fashion here. In other words, dreary and dull. For those particularly there is a need to create anticipation, even create hope at times. So that they will continue to move toward that finish line not even knowing there is a finish line to move toward.

So, we as the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, the Agarthans and all that are working on this Ascension Process here are all about creating this sense of anticipation to assist in helping continue to move those of you along. Move toward that finish line and not fall behind and struggle and slow and stop altogether. You see? Without the anticipation many would feel as if there is no need to go on. Does this make sense to you?
Question: Is anticipation opposite of going with the flow?

“One Who Serves”
Not necessarily. When we speak of going with the flow we speak of sitting back and letting go, letting God here. Letting the light flow through you, letting the entire process of Ascension take its course. But as you follow that course, while you are rowing the boat, going down the stream, there are times when you are going to take the oar and steer the boat.

That is necessary. It is not the antithesis of this, going with the flow; it is a process of going with the flow along here.

Question: In my experience of anticipation, it seems that if things don’t turn out the way they are expecting, people are disappointed.

“One Who Serves”
It depends on how you look at this. It can be that but it can be what we are saying here, movement towards the finish line. A more creative process to move towards the finish line. To allow for everything to happen and take its course within you and be a part of creating that course. You see?

Question: I have an opportunity to move to Texas. Any insight that will help me to come to a decision?

If you look around there are so many people being moved into new locations, new homes, new states. This could be an opportunity for you. We are not going to say you should do it or you shouldn’t do this but we will say that this is a time when many people are being given a direction that they are moving to a new location. It may not make sense to them at this point in time or there may be many reasons for it.

We would say look at all your options and remember that when you move into your new vibrations, your new higher order, that all kinds of travel will be easy for you. If you find yourself in Texas before all of this takes place remember that you will be creating ways to get back and forth to other areas of the world I an instant by your thought. OK?

“One Who Serves”
We would say go deeply within yourself. Ask the question to your Higher Godself. If you feel the tendency to move is because of money or financial circumstances and it does not resonate with you at the heart level then we would say it is not for you.

But if it comes to you from your heart level, as a whisper from your Higher Godself and it feels right then go through with the move here. Understand that this is a temporary process here. This is not something for years down the road. You do not make a move, and this is for all, you do not make a move to a new state, planet, solar system or whatever it might be, until it feels right to you.

And knowing as you contemplate these movements that they are not going to be permanent as “Ashira” has a said, so much will open in terms of travel and this type of thing. The idea of moving all your things becomes a moot point entirely because you will not be moving in the future with boxes and furniture and all these things that you do now. You will be moving just yourself and a little box called a replicator. Soon you will replicate the replicator.

Question: The city trims trees to keep them out of the street. The last time they mangles the trees so I told them I would do it myself. As I become more aware of the connectedness of all things I hate this. I apologize as I am trimming them. Can you help me?

“One Who Serves”
Here is a situation where you let it be what it is. You have your connection to nature. You have your understanding of the higher vibrations here and what it all means and you continue to have that experience.

But don’t expect, at this point, that you will convince others of your experience or of your understanding. Because they are not ready to understand that the trees have souls. Or that they have a consciousness within them. This is beyond most to grasp this.

Look at that movie, “Avatar”, and you will understand what we speak of here. There were those who felt the connection with the planet. Those of the native civilization there who felt this connection.

And there were those who wanted to mine and destroy the nature there. They did not see that there was a life force there. But at the end of the movie what came forth? What came forth was the life force here. This is what is shown in this movie. Very good movie for grasping this concept here.

I agree fully with “One Who Serves”. More and more information comes out about families of trees. Families of biological elements upon the planet that are all connected which is well depicted in that movie, “Avatar”.

Do what you need to do and as you apologize to your trees, assure t hem that you care about them. This is something you need to do to have a happy, healthy life in your community and not have any grief on your side. They do understand.

“One Who Serves”
No more questions. Then we are ready to release channel here.

We are in the process here of creating your next experience. We have begun the process of this, your next “advance”. We are in the process of creating this. It has already been established and determined at the higher levels what will take place. We are just coming to bring this to you.

This is the beginning. What can happen? Based on the Collective Consciousness of the group at that time. Much can be created at that point. Much can be manifested. That is a key here. A little hint. OK?

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

I am “Ashira”. Thank you so much for being with us today and sharing with us the wonderful conversations you had with one another.

Always, this is the time to look within and share without. It is good to share about the world. This has been an important week for the world. More and more things are coming from behind the curtain out into the world. We know that you are looking at your favorite sites and sources every day.

We share with you the love that we have. We are beside you walking with you, working with you, sharing with you. We know that at times it is difficult. We also know that at times, it is joyful.

Come with us each and every day. Move through your life with a sense of joy.

All of our love and peace. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated
“Believing is seeing!”

16.10.23 – “Call Out To Me And I Will Pull You Close Dear Ones” – Divine Mother

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“Divine Mother” and Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on October 23, 2016)

“Divine Mother” I am “Divine Mother, here to share with you today. I am filling this room with my love. Filling this room with my color of clear blue. And of those of you who can sense it, my scent of roses.

I am here to share with you today. I would love to share with you an invitation. An invitation on a daily basis to call out to me in meditation and prayer. Say, “Mother, I need to be nurtured by you.”

Every day I stand, I wait for you to call so that I may hold you closely. That I may love you and give you my joy, cuddle you. The Father and I love what you are doing in the business of your days but we know how your soul longs for the closeness with us, your friends and your Creators. Know that you can reach me by that call. Know that you can come to me.

We know that every day you are working and you are working without even being aware of it. Changing your bodies. Changing your world. Being aware of everything and every one that is upon it. But I say, help yourself by realizing that we are here. If you feel the call for Prime Creator, that is fine.

If you feel that you want to call on me, that is fine. I am here. The one who brings you joy. Even if it is for a couple of minutes, that is the rest that you need.  We know things are crazy upon this planet.

We know that these times are important for you to have love for you, for yourself and this is what I have to say today. Call out when you have time and I will pull you close, dear ones. I will pull you close. I will love you. I will raise your vibrations. I will heal your body. I will be there and that is what is today. Blessings.

“One Who Serves” Greetings to you.

It is time to speak to you of transition as you are moving through this transition process. And to understand, as you move through this process, how everything must change. Both within you and outside of yourself.

As you move into and through this process you are going to lose those things that are very familiar to you. That may be guides that you have. The familiar places that you are living in. The various energies that are very familiar to you are going to fade away. Those things that have meant something to you are no longer going to mean something to you. You are going to find new passions, new loves, and new understandings. New sense of adventure. All of these are going to come as you move through this transition process.

Because it cannot be business as usual. It cannot be the way it has always been if you are going to move into the higher vibrations, the new Golden Age. And as you have heard many times, you are the ones creating the new Golden Age. So if you want to create it, you need to remove those things which no longer serve you. Please understand that the old ways of the Third Dimension no longer serve you.

We are not speaking to everyone as all do not fall into this category. Only those of you who have been preparing and moving forward. Those of you, the Lightworkers, the Lightsharers, you are the ones we are speaking about. You are the ones who are moving forward at this time. Others are going to come after you. They are going to move along with you and all of this.

But you are the ones leading the pack and as you move forward you will find the changes happening more and more rapidly within you. As these changes happen rapidly within you, you are going to find that the changes outside yourself are happening with the same rapidity here. You are going to notice more and more and more of these happening, becoming no more in focus. Your focus is already greatly changing.

As your focus changes there will be very little that can hold you back here. So get ready. Move on and the show is about to begin. OK?

We are ready for questions with “Ashira” standing by.

Question: I have a question about my health. I am at my wits end and I need some help from you.

“One Who Serves” What you can do first of all is not to believe your heal is decelerating. You must understand that even though your age is increasing your health does not need to decrease with the increase of age. That is a misnomer. It has been programmed into you.

As you come to understand this, that it is simply programming that is within you. Another year older. My body must be breaking down. As we get into the upper age bracket, in terms of 80s and 90s and this thing, then you think you just find yourself in wheelchair or confined to bed or these types of things. But this is ridiculous. It does not need to be this way. This is the programming that has created this.

So, we would say to you who is asking this question and to anyone else at the same time no longer buy into this program. Know that everything is changing. Know that your vibrations are increasing. And as your vibrations continue to increase so too will your health.

But you must know your vibrations are increasing. You must be in that vibrational atmosphere for yourself. Find yourself more and more going into nature. This will help you greatly. Get out of the house and the energies that surround the city here and go out in nature as much as possible. Be around water. Be around trees. Trees everywhere. Leaves changing if you can. Be in that energy and it will help you with your own energy as well.

Also, when you find yourself where there is running water, in terms of a spring or a brook or a creek or something of this nature put your hand into the water. Do not drink it. We are not going to tell you to do that. Let your hand go into the water and let that water go through you. Feel the consciousness in the water. The water, even if it is polluted in some way, still has consciousness. Take that consciousness within you and that will help you greatly.

Also, one more thing because you are going to be attending the Advance. We are going to say this now, those who are going to be attending the Advance; James does not know this neither does the Susan. So we are going out on a limb here. We are going to say that there will be manifestation here. Manifestation of healing and manifestation of other types of energies as well.

So, if you find yourself there be ready because there is going to be some shifting going on. May seem a little bit disconcerting at points. Those who have had a bit of dizziness in the past now that it passes and it will pass. But you will find yourself, especially this one asking the question we know it seems like we are going on and on about this, you will receive a healing process if you are ready for this manifestation. OK?

Question: Can you tell us about the energies in this picture of Zorra?

“Ashira” The picture that “Zorra” has placed in the world during this transitional process has the energy that comes through our sessions here each week. The visualization process is to see, to speak and to take into your brain to utilize it in your own life.

The energy can be used for clearing whatever you hope to have cleared in your life. You can use this for a picture for your bathroom. You can put it on your refrigerator. You can put it around you house. You can put it anywhere. It will enable you to utilize those energies he uses in his regular talks. To be able to help you focus those healing energies wherever you need them.

Again, we utilize similar energies on our Sunday talks. This visualization tool will be a benefit wherever you may place it. OK?

Question: I have been looking at my life closely and realized that I have been transmuting for a very long time. Are we here to get the experience in and help others with this process?

“One Who Serves” You have been coming here as a result of your volunteering to be a part of this evolutionary process. To be one with this process, that is one with your collective brethren here.

In order to do this, you had to become one of them. As you became one with them you became one of this great experiment as well. As you became one with this duality you have gone through the ups and the downs, the darkness and the light, and all of this to better understand what everyone is going through. What this whole process is about. In order to grow through this you had to experience all of the different realms of emotions and different types of energy that were here in this 3D illusion. Of course, you did not realize that this was a 3D illusion until very recently here. But you have all come through this, shining through it we would say. You are all ready to move into the next step, the next part of this process where you will begin to help others go through the same thing you have come to understand. OK?

Question: As I see the level of pain and suffering, the level of intensity we have come through I find it hard to believe that we volunteered for this. I don’t understand what we can get from so much harsh pain at times.

Ashira” Dear One, it’s very interesting as we have watched you move through your experiences. When things have been good they have been very, very good and when things have been bad have been very, very bad. Everyone in the room probably feels that they have gone through the same thing. And everyone probably says, “I cannot believe I volunteered for this! I cannot believe I would actually walk into this with open eyes.”

But, of course, your eyes are closed when you come into this plane, this experience in this lifetime. You have the right to experience life in whatever you find right along your path. So this experience that brings you such sadness at times is part of Collective Consciousness. It is part of the collective whole and we know that as we have gone through this ourselves with this one, this lifetime, that this can be very disconcerting. It can turn one off to life upon this planet but know that this has all happened because you have come through this with a shiny new armor.

You can see others pain but as you move along your path of enlightenment, as you move along your path as an awakened being. You will have a more grounded background to reach down and assist others in the world who are struggling too and let them know there is light at the end of the tunnel. OK?

Question: It seems like it is getting more challenging to maintain our frequency. Any suggestions?

“One Who Serves” We say to you, all of you, as you get closer and closer to the finish line think about how far you have come here. Where this all started. Think about, visualize, back in the time when you first volunteered for this. You were told what was going to happen.

At that time you heard all the possibilities, falling into darkness, all of that and bring up the light through the darkness. You knew this going into it. Yet you were in such a state of Diviness that none if this mattered. The only thought that mattered was to assist, to be of service. This is what you are all about.

So you came into this with your eyes fully open knowing that your eyes would be closed. At some point your eyes would become wide open again. We do not speak of the physical eyes here but of the Third Eye here. It would open again and that time has come. So you have weathered through all of this.

You are nearing the point now to the finish line. As “Sananda” has said it is within your grasp. It is within your sight now. Do not falter at the end here. Make it through. Come through jogging/sprinting to it. Get that little bit of extra energy to take you forward here. That is all you need here. You knew this time would come and here it is! The time has come.

We’ve got news for you. After this is all over and you have had some rest and relaxation and all of this guess what? You are probably going to turn around and do this all over again somewhere else. This is who you are. You see? And you say, “One Who Serves, we are done with this”. But we tell you now that is not the case for many of you. You will see. OK?

Question: Yesterday I saw a streak of white light from my right eye. It continued into the night. I have been working with meditation but I was wondering if this is something to be concerned about.

“Ashira” It is interesting that you share this because we know that these types of things are happening to many, many people at this point in time. Part of this is the Veil lifting and you seeing a light that not in this dimension, not on this planet but is real for you. It is part of your path that is leading you forward on your Ascension Process. When you see this say thank you. You are glad that this is working. Do not worry about it, this is part of your Ascension Process and you are blessed with this experience. OK?

“One Who Serves” Simply know, as “Ashira” has said as the vibrations increase and the veil continues to drop thee ae all kinds of things that will come into your vision starting with your Third Eye center and culminating within your physical eyes as well. Your physical eyes will attune to your Third  Eye sector. So you will see those things that are ported though your Third Eye center here.

Get ready! There will be more and more of these visions and little things out of the corner of your eye, flashes of light, all of these things are coming. And you will also see through the Veil and see the ships and all of these things. Those of you preparing here are going to have more of these experiences in the very near future. OK?

No more questions? We are done here for this time. Just to reiterate here, when you come to the next Advance there are going to be some processes to occur that will create feeling and seeing and hearing and all of these things that are going to be very much more pronounced as a result of those experiences you are going to go through. That is not only for those there in person but for those who join on the phone as well. There will be a strong connection for the phone as we are finding it here. Just as in the last Advance, you will be able to participate as if you are there. Those who were there can share with the others of the healing processes that occurred last time. It will be even more pronounced the next time here. The energies have increased. Your energies have increased. The vibratory Veil has been dropping and dropping here. OK?

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One. ​​

Ashira” I am “Ashira”.

As always I am glad to with you this day. It is interesting to listen to you talk. Not only mainstream news that most of you has turned off a long time ago but also the alternative media.  The alternative pathway is noisy attempting to get you to their information and now you take cursory looks through those. Not spending a lot of time with any of them because they don’t matter.

A lot of information is out there for those who are awakening. To see the truth. To hear the truth. And yet so many things that you read are contradictory one to another and confusing even more. You try to go to the alternatives for truth and when it confuses you, you can out it in your waste basket or you can tuck it away for consideration later on. You may find yourself not finishing an article or listening to the thing you were listening to.

This is a great change for all of you from a year ago or two years past. When this group was all about what was being talked about or said at that moment in the alternative and mainstream news. These are differences that we want to make sure you pay attention to. This is all part of raising your vibration and not paying attention to those things which are not meant to help you grow. They are meant to help you understand. Meant to help you see but not meant to raise your vibration.

We would say play music in your homes or offices. Listen to sounds such as music or other types of recordings that take you to new places. This is time to move forward and out of your trenches.

Ignore the rest of the world as it talks at you. Pay attention to that voice inside of you. See through that Third Eye and see what is out there. Feel through that High Heart and know what you are feeling. All of these are real. As you continue to peel that Veil down for yourself, you will see and hear. You will see more and more portals on the road on which you are driving.

You will see others of the dimensions and things that are opening for you. There are so many things that are about to begin. As you come each week you can share the newness that is in this world. It is a newness that is new for you and new for all and you are creating. We are proud of you.

My love and blessings. Namaste.


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings www.ancientawakenings.org Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated “Believing is seeing!”


16.10.02 – “The Guardians Have Received and Announced The Green Light Has Been Given”!

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“Guardians”, “Sananda”, “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell
“Mother Gaia” and “Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

(Note: these messages were given during our 1st Sunday of the month Ancient Awakenings joint call with Hollow Earth Network over Blog Talk Radio in Phoenix, AZ on October 2, 2016)

We are the “Guardians”. As you know, we have returned. We have returned to this planet, to this Solar System, to this Galaxy to bring about the New Age, to bring it all about into perspective again. To find that energy that has been lost by the many and bring it back into the ONE.

You are all the ONE, you are all the energy. It is your energy on the planet that is creating all the changes. It is your consciousness, your energy. It is helped by all those that are ministering to you that are guiding you but you are the ones who are doing this. Without your consciousness shifting there would be no Golden Age.

Without your consciousness shifting this civilization you know would already be gone. There have been many instances in the past where those that are administering to you, have been guiding you, have had much to do about having catastrophes, calamities from overtaking the Earth. Many times has that happened? But because of your consciousness, what could have been has been averted over and over again.

We are here now, as the “Guardians”. We have returned, we have come back to be with you in these times. To herald in the New Times. These New Times are upon you now. We are here to tell you now, fully, with no hesitation whatsoever, that the “Green Light” has been given within this Universe, within this Galaxy, within this Solar System, and on this Planet.

The green light has been given by Prime Creator so that all may come forward now, as prophesized. Not the prophesy of old where there would be many Earth changes and many perished within these Earth changes. Not those prophecies but a new understanding. A new “Changeover” that you are within right now.

In this very minute you will begin to experience this “Changeover”. First as a trickle and then as a deluge as the waves of energy continue to arrive on the planet coming before the main energy, the one, Galactic Pulse, that has been spoken of which will fully bring about this “Changeover” and what some call “The Event”.

But as you know it is not one event it is many events. It is many smaller events leading to the larger one. Because the green light has now been given it is very shortly that you will receive this energy influx in ways that you have not known before. But you will know. The energy will be powerful. It will be beyond what some may be able to handle. Some will exit the body because of this.

Do not worry about this for it is all in the way it needs to be. This is the light. The plan and all is orchestrated the way it must be. So, as you have been told many times, sit back and relax and get ready. Because the show, as has been spoken of, is about ready to begin. You are ready to cross the finish line, many of you; most of you will cross this finish line. Then most of you will turn around to go back and to help all of those struggling behind, all of those in the darkness still not knowing the light exists within them.

You are that light. You will help to shine that light to all. That is your mission. That is what you have come here for. So be ready now, our brothers and sisters. All is about to commence. You are about to have announcements that will tell about what is to come. They will be announcements that will prepare the world for the next step, for the various dominoes that begin to fall.

This is what we tell you now, as the “Guardians”. We tell you all is right. All is as it needs to be. All is in the very moment you are in. The very moment you are in is about to shift and change into a New Golden Age that you are the catalyst for.

We are the “Guardians”. We share our love and our peace and for you to know that you are never alone. That there are so many with you now to guide you along your journey.

Peace and love be with all of you.

This is “Sananda”. I am here briefly now to provide continuing understanding of that which has just been given.

As you know, you are the Light. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. It was not only I, as “Yeshua” that was the Way, the Truth and the Life. When I said this, I meant all. It is a pattern and you are following this pattern. You are following this archetype that has been created. You are the archetype. As you have heard many times, you are ones you have been waiting for.

We wish now for all of you to understand and grasp this. Because it is all you, it is all your consciousness, your collective consciousness, all of our collective consciousness together that is bringing in the New Golden Age. It is raising vibrations across the planet. That is bringing everyone into higher understandings, higher knowings.

Helping many who are lost, as the lost sheep, helping many to find their way home. And you as the Sheppard’s are helping to herd those lost sheep back, to bring them back home, to bring them back to the fold. For we are here together now – all of us – to make this all happen.

The “Guardian” has said, “The green light has been given”. Yes, it has. The finish line, just out of your reach is not at all out of your reach. It is there right in front of you but as you continue to move forward it seems, at times to move away from you. Simply reach out and grasp it. It is there. You will cross it. All will cross it. As their time comes to do this. As their vibration increases. This is all about finding vibration, it is all about consciousness.

I leave you now as “Sananda”. Always know that I am with you. “St. Germaine” is with you. “Archangel Michael”, “Ashtar”, all of us are here to be with you. We are always a whisper away. Just call and we will be there.

All of my peace and love be with all of you. I am “Sananda”.

(One Who Serves begins to come through but realized that they needed to turn this over to Mother Gaia first.)

“Mother Gaia”
I am the one you know as “Gaia”, as “Mother Earth”, this planet.

You may not be aware o9f this but I am a spiritual being. My body is this planet, inside and out. I have had so many people for such a long time who have been part of this experience. I have had many eradications of life over many tens of thousands of years.

I came into this experience as a 5D Being and I dropped down into a 3D experience for a long time. I know that I have had many storms, earthquakes. I know that I have had many ways of causing destruction to my human family over the centuries, over the eons. This was not intended to hurt you. Many times it was opportunity to stretch, to move things around. To allow you the growth you were meant to have.

You can think of me as a dog with fleas on my back and you are the fleas. This is a little joke but we know that with the time you have spent on this planet, as you have moved up the realm of redemption. You, too, are moving to a time and place where thee s no going back, there is only moving ahead.

We heard the green light go on too! We knew that when we had conversations with Susan this week, that everything was about to change. Everything that you have known about me as a planet is changing. I am moving up in that Ascension Process as well. As well as all my brothers and sisters across this galaxy and others.

You may have heard this before. All of you have had past lives. You have been animals and trees and clouds and plants as well as human. You may also have been a planet of a sun. You have had many, many different lives. I am here to experience life in this way as wells as you ae experiencing your lives in your ways.

There are many changes that are happening upon the surface of my planet. I have new minerals that can be picked up from the Earth without the need to corrupt my skin. There are new waters coming from the ground in deserts around the Planet. There will be no need for water from this Planet as we all move ahead on our Ascension Process.

Everything is coming to a head. We know that this is an expression that you will never forget. You are to be blessed with abundance such as you have never known. You will be blessed that you can help others help me clean my lands. You will be blessed by learning about those and meeting those from Agartha and Inner Earth and then, meeting your brothers and sisters from the skies above.

I have spoken with this group before at your “Advances”. You had jobs to do from me. All of this led you here to be where you are, exactly where you need to be to make this next step.

“Obeediyach” wanted to speak today but we agreed that this is not a good venue for him because it is not easy for Susan to bring through his high pitched sing-songy voice but we will say that all of the animals on the planet ae making this change too. All of the animals on this planet are making a pathway to Ascension. The pets you have are holding the doors for you. For the meat eaters, you are moving along too where this shall no longer be needed anymore.

Everything is being orchestrated perfectly. You think “Oh, we are going to flip on this switch and we are going to have money” or we are going to flip that switch and we are going to see the Cabal going away. None of these things are for you to think about any longer. It is not for a Fifth Dimensional being.

Go forth! Have wonderful week and watch as things unfold. Thank you.

“One Who Serves”
Greetings to you! Back again. We put our foot in our mouth, almost, now quite.

“Ashira” is standing by and we are ready for your questions.

Question: Is it more important to settle issues in past lives like those in Atlantis and Lemuria or more important to work from here forward?

“One Who Serves”
It is only important to those who think it is important. It is important because you have a connection to your past lives. You have many memories there. You have had many memories come forward into your present life. Therefore they affect your present life or at least you think they do.

It is all in the mind here. This is not something you have to do or you will not have a good life or you won’t understand your life or anything of this nature. The past life regression is only a tool. Look at it as a tool. Just like crystals are tools. There are many tools. Your Tarot cards are tools. See? All of this is the same thing.

We would say yes. Look toward the future now. Look where you are going, not where you come from. Not where you have been but where you are going. Along the way of finding your way where you are going you will also find where you have been as well.

Question: Can you tell us about some wonderful and new things we will experience in 5D?

We will say that much that you are creating you are still creating. It is not something that is set in stone. The opportunities for your future start in the Now and move into your future with you to manifest as you choose.

Much of what you are speaking of were Lemurian or Atlantean at fist and part of Inner Earth as well. You may when you meet the Argathans, you may find that you can take what they do and bring it to the surface.

We are not going to speak specifically. We heard Susan share what was given long ago and was meant for this meeting today,

“One Who Serves”
So much of what you have coming in your future is yet beyond your wildest imaginations. You can take your wildest imaginations and take them and multiply them a hundred times over and then you get a little bit of a grasp of what is ahead.

It is correct to say that this is a process. You are moving through an Ascension Process and you will continue to move through levels of this process as you continue to evolve. You will continue on your journey and continue to rise in your vibrations.

The more that you more along your pathway through the Astral Plane and the Mental Plane, you will find that more and more that you want is right there, in your grasp! You simply think it and it is there.

This comes after your various technologies are released to move you in this process. You are going to have some technologies that are released, some that are already available, some that are not going to be released. There will be some from the Agarthans and others from the Galactics.

They are going to assist you in your everyday life and helping you move through your everyday life in a blissful manner because you will no longer have to be concerned about survival and this type of thing. No one will. No one who is in these vibrations will ever have to be worried about survival again.

You can see how these technologies will increase your lifespan and increase your way of life. As you move up into the higher levels of Fifth Dimension you will find you will no longer need technology because your thought can create whatever it is you want.

Question: We are all in shock about the “Divine Creator’s” green light. What is the next step? Do you want to meet with us?

“One Who Serves”
Are we going to meet with you? We are already meeting with you again and again. We have been meeting with you a lot! (laughter) Will we be physically meeting with you? Yes, that is coming.

Those who are coming from the Agarthan Network, they will be coming up to meet you and you down to meet them. All of this is coming. Those of the Galactics will be coming down to meet you too. You have lots of meetings coming. (laughter)

We were wondering if you were going to ask about what is going on behind you and what is the opportunity for a landing?

Question: Yes, thank you. We want to build this group up. Anyone who wants to come for a healing. Our landing center. Anything, we want to do this.
We thought you may have forgotten. This has been an amazing week for this household. Has it not? Yes.

What we would say is that they are trying to make these lots more acceptable to buyers to build a house on. They are not going to have time to do this.

You need to put your thoughts down on paper. Sketch out what you imagine this is going to look like. Place it on a standing board so that others in this group can work with you. Start to put your energies into this mountaintop. Stat to put your energies into where this going and how it is being directed.

We do not care what somebody wants to do or are willing to do with their spaces. It is your responsibility to build this and with this group. What do you think about that? We will do that together.

“One Who Serves”
You have saying here from a movie. “Build it and they will come”. Take this to heart here. All will come as it needs to, whatever that might be.

Question: There are a lot of people who are using the Masters and others for false readings and are charging a lot of money for their information. Is that going away?

“One Who Serves”
This is already in the process of becoming resolved. There were many false prophets spoken of in the prophecies. This is that time for this and there will be more of these but there is less and less of a concern because of your consciousness. As your consciousness raises no one will come into you that is not supposed to be there.

This is the point. You have to allow it. If you allow for it to speak through you as an entity to come through or in, then you are bringing this on yourself. But if you know about protection and fill yourself with light, this cannot happen. As your consciousness rises it becomes less and less of a concern and as consciousness rises across the Planet, it is becoming less and less of a concern.

We are hearing that you have a concern about others. We would say that this is not a concern of yours. If you take care of yourself as “One Who Serves” says, then clear your path, give forgiveness and allow yourself to bloom on your path.

Don’t take in false information. That will be falling aside. We know that believe they need to earn a lot of money or learn to prove themselves to the world. All of these things are being passed and moving on.

The time you spend with other people doing special things is much more valuable to you than worrying about this. OK?

“One Who Serves”
You will come to a time where telepathy becomes more and more important. When you come to use this you will not be able to deceive anymore and no one will be able to deceive you.

Questions about the “Guardians”. “When were they here, where are they from, what can you tell us about them?

“One Who Serves”
We can tell you that the “Guardians” are from everywhere. They are not from one place. They are everywhere. They are so long ago that they are beyond our imagination at this point.

Understand that they have come for a reason. They have come for the time frame here, for the vibration, and yes, as you have said, because of the Collective Consciousness here has called to them. As well as Gaia herself, the Solar System, and the Galaxy here. All have called to the
“Guardians” to come.

It is not only the “Guardians” who have answered this call, it is many have answered this call, even you did this long ago. This was a clarion call here. All is a process of coming together to bring about these changes. The “Guardians” are here to do their part. “This is an immensely important part.

We would say that without them, the orchestration would be little bit less here. Their presence moves the orchestration along much more so. That is why they have come and why those who know them are happy to welcome them. That includes the Agarthans who have been waiting for the return of the “Guardians” for a very long time.

Question: Last time we spoke you recommended the “Prepare for Landings” book. I bought that book and had a reading with Michael Elligion. I was listening to the reading recently and I had an experience of receiving info about “Kwan Ying and me. Can you tell me, is my Higher Self, ”Kwan Yin” or are we very close?

Yes, “Kwan Yin” is a being you have a closeness with. We encourage you if you have not investigated her wonderful story to do so. We have spoken of her as a her and have others in the audience raise their hand and say, “We thought she was a man?” We believe that this one can come forth as either male or female, depending on the message.

This one has a message for you. Has a message to share heart to heart. If you take the time to get to know her story, she will share information with you about your next step. OK?

“One Who Serves”
We wish a moment here. When we do these meditations at the beginning of these sessions there are encodements in these. Whether you are on the phone or listening later, if you listen over and over it will do the same thing.

This meditation is called the “Celebration of Light”. It is a process. It is ancient and we have adapted it a little for your Western Culture here. It has been done for thousands and thousands of years. It brings about consciousness shift patterns here.
Question: I just wanted to clarify “Gaia’s” info. Did she talk about our pets dying?

You are mistaken. This is an area that has been covered in the past 3/12 years. The animals in your laps. Your pets, the ones you care for are operating in a much higher level as well. They are tools for your Ascension. They have encodements as well and they are leading you through the doorway to help you get through your experience.

If you think they are purely a cat or dog, do not worry about that my friend,. These animals that are with you now have made a decision to come into your life. They are holding the door for you and saying, come one. It is not a matter of death; it is a matter of Ascension.

“One Who Serves”
Adding one thing here. They are here to show you unconditional love. We think that those of you who have pets understand this here. When you are cuddling with them, do you not feel the love imbued within them? It comes out from every pour of their body towards you.

Question: Can the GCR occur without Putin verifying and ratifying his part in the Paris Peace Talks?

“One Who Serves”
Do you want a simple yes or no (not sure we can do that) (laughter) or can we give more information?

It is part of the orchestration we have been speaking of. It is one of the events we might say leading to the more major events. One of the dominoes that begins to fall. There will be more. Your Hillary Clinton will be one of the dominoes. There are many different things that are coming. This one you call “Putin” is part of this.

It is important that he signs this as it will cause a reverberation effect. Just as Brexit started a reverberation effect, many other events will too. All part of the greater orchestration here.

I will answer too. What we would say is that this is a situation that comes from that 3D realm. What we would look at is what it will take to move everyone forward now with this green light?

It does not matter what’s on the books or what people may say or may do. It’s not up to individuals to decide. Remember, so much is behind closed doors. So much is out of your view. So much is behind the Fourth and Fifth Dimensional pathway. Do not worry about things that do not seem to be accomplished in the 3D realm.

Now, you are moved up and moving forward with this green light! OK?

“One Who Serves”
Remember, there is a plan A, plan B, plan C and so on. Remember, this is part of the orchestration. If a plan fails, the next one comes in and the next one. As “Ashira” has said, it is not up to one individual. If they won’t do what is needed, another steps up.

This is what has been going on behind the scenes that the general public and even you, the Lightworkers, are not aware of.

Question: I’d like to ask about the “Gathering”. From “Zorra” it seems like it is taking us from the planet as an evacuation and I thought it was a party.

“One Who Serves”
We believe you have misunderstood the idea of the “Gathering” here. This is not a state for you , where you are now, to be beamed up to ships so the Earth can cleanse herself. That is later after Disclosure and many things have happened. After you have moved through your Ascension Process. Maybe even after you are in your Crystal Chambers and all of these things. This is not something that is going to happen in the near future here. It is down the road here some.

We have been talking about gatherings and parties everywhere. Talk about parties like you have not seen before. Those parties will be for your “Earth brothers and sisters, your Agarthan family and those from the ships. These parties are going to take place on the Earth, in the Earth and on board ships.

This is the time to share and celebrate. It is time to greet everyone! We call this a party that includes everyone ion the planet, in the planet and above the planet. It is time to share and be jubilant with all.

Question: When that man was speaking about Putin, you mentioned about Hillary Clinton being one of the dominoes to fall?

“One Who Serves”
Woops! We think we may have given a little more than we were supposed to. (laughter)

The election will not happen as you have already known it. What is in the process now is not going to be what it appears to be. OK?

Question: How soon do you see things happening?

“One Who Serves”
We see all things happening in the Now. We see all things based on probabilities. Probabilities that they will happen in the moment. In the moment we are speaking, there are certain things under way. In the next moment, because of individualized and mass consciousness things can shift. As things shift things move in a new direction and a new plan is developed.

This can go on and on and has been going on for some time now. There have been many moments where this was to go forward and it was held off. It was held off again and again and we had to move to the next plan and the next. When we talk of the “we” we talk about the collective, all of us together. We talk of the collective consciousness of human kind and we talk of process and change and moving on.

“One Who Serves #2”
(in response to something Anne says about not wanting to rock the boat)

We have news for you, Anne, you have been rocking the boat for some time now. Another “One Who Serves” here. All here have been rocking the boat. The more you rock it, it will tip over. It’s good for it to tip over because it brings change. It brings us to the next level.

You have been given the code, green light. Does that not mean go? Once you get a green light and you go forward that is what you are to do now. Go forward with all your various plans. Those things you have created, those things you have held back on. Find ways to contol your thoughts and all of these things.

Begin to do that, more and more. Begin to find yourself in the higher vibrations more and more. As you continue to move forward you will move up in the higher dimensions in the Ascension Process.

Then you will be looking back and not seeing any of these things that concerned you. WOW! What a ride that was. I am glad I am done with it now. And you are done with it now. Look at it as a rolleer coaster ride where they go up and down and faster and slower and all. It is time to get off of that stupid ride now. (laughter)

That roller coaster ride has been your life, lifetime after lifetime. Let it go. “Let it be”. Yes! The Beatles had it right. “Let it be”.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Yes, I will keep it short. We have had a full session and lots of good questions. The type pf questions and the people who asked them, there was never an argumentative moment. All in peace. All moving forward. That is a wonderful thing to see. Not that people are afraid to call. We know that is not a situation that is an issue.

We are with you and we are excited about the green light. Let’s all move now!

I bring you my love and peace. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

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