Winter Peace Beloved Emanuel and Pastor I am Ashtar Sheran I was commenting about the sounds that are heard in many parts of the world, they are associated with apocalyptic trumpets, I point you out, my beloved, that this is due to the great process that we are carrying out from the ships, raising and moving the energy points and control of the planet.

These days I spoke about the pyramids of Mexico and Central America and other parts of the world. The presence of our ships is making this energy shift, to transfer all this energy to the new earth. Remember we are in transition process and you will hear this sound very quickly, as it is very intense as we approach the surface level, to release this energy from the old earth and move it around, a sound is made more intense
This work has been done before, but now as times speed up, we have to pick up the pace and work very fast.

In addition, we also have the help of other brothers from other systems who are working to find and locate nuclear weapons, the tracking is like a kind of radar, a resonator they use to locate any kind of nuclear weapon or missile. They’re going to generate a sonar from the ships specially trained for this job, to disable all these activation systems and circuits.

What we are doing is to pull out of the darkness all these weapons, all these systems, because they endanger not only the stability of the planet, but from all dimensions, as I mentioned, because a detonation of such a point affects not only physically but energetically in all dimensions.

So that noise you’re hearing is associated with this, which doesn’t mean it’s not end time situations, because we’re already changing and that’s what happens when we get to the end of the century, the end of the age, as they’re most commonly known.

As we are close to the end, we are making all the necessary reviews. Because you can see a physical object, a pyramid for example, it has a number of stones placed there and everything else, but that leads to an energy, just as you have a physical and etheral body, it also has an energy and that’s what is moving towards off to New Earth.

First we are taking it to the ships and making some adjustments, then taken to the corresponding locations in New Earth 5D.
For the other brothers Emanuel and Pastora everything goes forward, everything goes on. As Father has already indicated, we are already in control of the planet. The light has already won. There’s still remains of the clones and dolls that haven’t finished yet, also the human darkness that is still present. The call that the Father has made, I humbly say to everyone, to respond to the Father’s call, so that we can advance much further.

We’re already walking, we’re at the peak moment as I commented. They will begin to feel and feel situations, events ever closer to you, ever closer to your space brothers and Terrestrial Brothers, ever closer to you.

Well my loves, that’s the information.

Winter peace

I am Ashtar Sheran of Command Ashtar and Intergalactic Command of Love and Light to Free Worlds.

Emmanuel and Pastor – Service
Holy Mountain of ERKS 11/03/2019
Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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