19.09.15 – It Is Time My Friends To Fully Begin To Believe In Yourselves

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19.09.15 Sunday Call (Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.  As always, it is a pleasure to be with you, and to be able to share with you in these ways, to be able to come across through many different sources and bring information. 

For that is what this is all about, this vibrational experience that you are moving into now.  It is all about releasing information, remembering who you are, and the creator being that you are.  And as this creator being, there are no bounds.  There are no limits.  You are indeed a limitless being. 

But you have forgotten, and you have created within you limitations that you are a limited being.  But you are certainly not.  And all of the guidance that is coming to you from all of the many different sources that try and attempt to reach to you, and the whispers that you hear within you are all about bringing you the understanding, the awakening process within you that you are unlimited, that you are god, that you are not a created being, that you are a creator.  Know this. 

Know this as you continue to move forward now and finding within yourself every moment that you are in to be that perfect moment, even though there are times of travail, even though there are times of distress when everything doesn’t seem to be exactly as you want it to be.  Know that even in those moments they are happening for a reason.  They are happening to help you to learn and to remember once again who you are. 

It is time, my friends, to fully begin to believe in yourselves.  To believe in your creative abilities.  To believe that everything that is happening within this universe is happening because of you, all of you, and all of us.  For as you have heard many times, we are all in this together.  Yes, it seems at times that nothing is happening.  But that is when you are looking, when you are wanting to see before you believe.  But when in reality, it is that you must believe first, and then you shall see.  And that is the higher vibration.  That is the higher dimensional understandings.  Believe it and you create whatever you want.  So within even this three-dimensional illusion that you are still in, you can create within that illusion.  You can create.  And in that creation, you find yourself moving out of the 3-D world and into the higher 4, and even the fifth dimension. 

And there are those periods when all of you have experienced that fifth-dimensional vibration, that bliss that goes with the fifth-dimension.  And you long for that.  You may have had it within your dream state.  Many of you have said within that dream state, “I want to stay, I don’t want to go back!”  But yet you go back.  Just as you came here to begin with, volunteered to come here.  You left that dream state.  You left that perfect state that you were in and came here.  Just as in your dream state, you return again, and again. 

Knowing that because of the vibrations increasing all across the planet now, and consciousness also increasing, you know that you are moving into these higher vibrations.  And that those dream states that you have had, those blissful times of being in the fifth-dimension, are becoming more and more prevalent now. 

That is what this entire ascension process is about.  It is helping you to have those glimpses here and there, so that you long more and more for not only the glimpses, but the actual full reality of being in those higher dimensions.  And as you find yourself in those higher dimensions, you begin more and more to remember that you’ve been there before. 

Many of you have had these, what you call ‘de-ja-vu’ experiences.  “I’ve been there, I’ve done that.”  And yes you have.  You have all been there.  You have all been with us before.  The times are coming now when you will be with us again, and we with you.  For there are happenings that are fast approaching now.  You can call them announcements, you can call them experiences, but they are coming.  They have already happened at the higher levels.  We have spoken before that The Event has already occurred in the higher vibratory levels, in the higher dimensions.  And it is not going to come to the third-dimension. 

But the third-dimension, all of you within the third-dimension, are arising out of that third-dimension and coming into the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies where you will experience, and even are experiencing, the wonders that come in those higher vibrations.  The wonders of no aging, of no illness, of no distress, no de-struction of any kind.  Only con-struction.  Construction with your mind, with your imagination.  And all of your world will be only limited by that imagination, by that thought process within the fifth-dimension. 

Continue to trust in yourselves, my brothers and sisters.  For all is at hand now.  Continue to believe, and you will more and more continue to see what before you were not able to. 

I am Sananda.  I leave you now in peace and love, and all of the wonder that is coming your way.

ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani padme, hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here with you, and we believe Shoshanna is standing by, yes?

SHOSHANNA:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)


OWS:   Yes.  Very good.

Shoshanna:   But one moment please, I received a text saying that they couldn’t hear you, so I just want to make sure everyone can hear.

Technical Guest:   Yes, the issue was resolved.  Thank you.

JoAnna:   Okay, thank you.  Okay.

OWS:   Very good.  Are we alive and in person, here now?

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Then we are ready for questions if there are any.  We do not have a direct message at this point.  Any questions? 

Guest:   What type of questions can we ask?

OWS:   It depends on what type of question you want to ask.  You can ask it, and then we tell you if you can ask it or not.  How’s that? 

Guests:   (Laughter)

Guest:   I have a question just on focusing on our mission, our missions on charity work, or bringing about awareness to causes.  What would be like a beneficial place to start in focusing our intention and our mission toward helping others?

OWS:   My goodness, that is such a broad topic, here.  Where would you start?  But then the question becomes, where would you like to start?  Where have you been guided to start?  And we would even go further than that.  You have started a long time ago.  This is more of the end rather than the beginning, here. 

Now you are speaking of starting in terms of separate missions here, maybe one that you have been guided toward.  As far as that goes, then you begin wherever you need to begin.  Wherever it feels that it is right for you.  This is where your discernment comes in.  Whether you are hearing it right, whether it is coming from your Higher Self, whether it is coming from some other place within you or even outside of you, it depends on the situation.  You would need to be more explicit if you want more explicit guidance, here. 

But, in general, here, we tell you to listen to your guidance, hear it, and then go and use some discernment here as to whether it is the guidance that you are needing to follow at this point, okay?

OWS:   Shoshanna, do you have something to add?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we have something to share.  May we share our perspective with you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course, of course.

Shoshanna:   We would tell you, as we would tell all beings that wish to pursue a mission, the same thing that One Who Serves said, is you are on the mission. 

What is important here is not to think too much.  One thing that human beings do a lot is they think about things rather than doing things.  The important thing here is to do, not to think.  So to do is simply doing what is in your heart. 

So, an example can be that you are driving down the street and you see a being holding up a sign that says, “I cannot eat today, I do not have money, please help me.”  In that moment, your heart recognizes what you wish to do, but most just drive by and do not do what their heart tells them to do.  Even a dollar would help this being. 

So we find in your heart, Dear Sister, that you wish to do many things.  There are many things going through your mind every day:  where to start, what to do, how to begin.  But what we would tell you is to not think too much and just do.  And, as you do, your mission develops right before your very eyes in the moment, and you can do the next thing, and then the next thing, and then the next thing as it comes up. 

Because what we find in this universe is that when one begins something, another thing shows up, and then another, and then another, and then another.  We hope that this makes sense to you, Dear Sister.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you so much.  I appreciate you very much.

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other questions here, now? 

Guest:   I have a question.  I know that you guys don’t usually give advice, but I was hoping I could have a perspective.  I have one of my son’s friends who is wanting to live with us.  She doesn’t feel safe at home, and things have gotten kind of intense lately for her and her family.  I am not in a position to take her in at this point, and she might end up in foster care, and it is breaking my heart.  So I just wondered if you could give me some advice of how I can help her.  Thank you.

OWS:   Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   First of all, we must ask you if we may share?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   Your heart is very big.  Your love and compassion for all beings that cross your path is very big.  And you know this. 

The one that you are speaking of that is in need of protection, you must neutralize the challenge that you are having of whether to take her in or not take her in.  Because the parents would have to give you permission for this.  What we would tell you, and this is so important, what we would tell you is that you must contact her parents and you must ask them if there is something that you can offer them in terms of refuge for this child, as you are hearing only one side of the story.  So you must ask the parents to see if they are open to this.  If they are not, the next thing to do is talk to a Social Worker.  You must have those where you are.  And see if they have recommendations for you and for this child.  Is this child 16? 

Guest:   No.

Shoshanna:   Is she younger?

Guest:   Thirteen. 

Shoshanna:   Thirteen.  Okay, so she cannot be emancipated.  But you must ask the parents to give you information on what is going on in the home and get that perspective before you pursue anything.  And there is always room for one more.  If they allow you to have this child in your home, there is always room for one more.  It is your thinking that creates that there is not.   Namaste.

OWS:   We ask you, though, Dear Sister, did you not say that you were not in a position to take this one in?

Guest:   No, not at this time. 

OWS:   Yes, that is what we thought we heard here.  Ff that is the case, then it becomes more of a situation of do you help or how can you possibly help.  In some cases, there are those times when you are not able to do anything directly, but indirectly you can assist.  And that can be, as Shoshanna has given, contacting the parents, seeing if there is anything to be helped there. 

It is difficult, though, to become involved in the system, here.  We would not suggest to necessarily become involved in the system with this one.  But this one does need protection, does need help here.  So this becomes a part of your discernment as to how far to go here to assist with this one.  At some point, you can either go for it or not.  That has to be your choice, here. 

You say we do not give advice?  We do give advice.  We just do not plan to do it for you.  We will give you direction at times.  We will assist you, give guidance here, nudges here and there, but we are not going to tell you how to do it or what to do.  That is not for us to do here.  Okay? 

Shoshanna:   May we also share another thing for you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, of course.

Shoshanna:   We have a question for you.  Are you thinking this is not your business? 

Guest:   Um, somehow it has become my business.  I even have the mother calling me now.  So I guess Spirit wants me to be involved with this.  I don’t know.

Shoshanna:   Well, you have choice here, because you are in a free will zone.  But we would tell you that we find in your mind that you may not want to assist because you believe that maybe this is outside of what you can do.  Is this correct?

Guest:   Um, I’m just not sure what to do, really.  I want to assist.  Like you guys said, there are two sides to every story, so I guess I’ll just try to help both sides, then, and see if they can resolve it. 

Shoshanna:   Yes, and you must lead with your heart.  Each time you speak to the daughter or the mother, you simply lead with your heart.  And you must understand that everyone is on their path, and whatever is before them, they have agreed to at some level and, perhaps you have agreed to at some level to assist.  So you must watch the development in a neutral way, if that makes sense.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you, guys.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions here?  We are wondering if that one question is going to come up from those in your discussion earlier. 

Guest:   The photon belt, is that it?

OWS:   Yes, if it is something you wish to pursue here further, then we can give some more assistance in this.  It is somewhat important, here.   There needs to be question.  You have to come with question.

Guest:  Yes, One Who Serves. 

OWS:   We knew you would come for this! 

Guest:   (Laughter)  Yeah.  Obviously you heard what little we kind of really know about the photon belt, and it gets very scientific and everything.  We don’t really want to know that part.  What we would like to know is, okay we know that we are experiencing all these symptoms and stuff because of the effects of the photon belt.  But is it true that we are going to hit, like, you know, some real big part of the photon belt that will really activate it and will have maybe not THE Event or mini-events?  Or what does it mean to be in the photon belt, and how does that relate to our experience? 

OWS:   What is happening here is you are moving into this belt of light.  And this belt of light is enabling the process of ascension to occur here in terms of having it be with your physical bodies ascending, and not in the old ways of having to leave your physical body in the death process or in simply ascending from the physical body and leaving that behind.  Because of moving into this belt of light and this special energy that is there, it is enabling all of you here on this planet and even the entire solar system to be able to experience this raise of consciousness that is occurring and is going to occur more continually here, as you continue to move into this belt of light.  And the belt of light is enabling this ascension process to move forward more rapidly than what it would have before, you see? 

So everything that is happening as a result of moving into this area of space, and this incredible energy that is there, and this light that is there for the 26,000-plus year cycle here is enabling for not the end of a world in this case, but the end of an age here, and the beginning of a new Golden Age because of this.  Because of the energy that is there, because of the gamma light that is there to come into your physical bodies and change your DNA structure. 

Now, does that mean you are going to go through a period of calamities and destruction, and all of that?  In the past, that would have been the case.  That was the timeline that you were moving along.  But that timeline has shifted now, as you know, because of all that the Galactics especially have been doing to allow you to move through this area of space and not have those particular catastrophes and destruction that would come with it.  You are not going to move into that period of darkness that has been spoken of. 

There may be a little bit, yes.  There will certainly be some discomfiture for many across the planet, but many of you that are resonating to these words and understanding these things now, as you continue to move through your own ascension process, you are going to be the ones that are going to take this light, these gamma rays, into you and it is changing your DNA structure.  And as it changes your DNA, your information, or your remembrances are returning as well, which is enabling you to more fully move into the ascension and be a part of the first wave of ascension.  And that is as much as we can give you here.  Shoshanna, do you wish to add?

Shoshanna:   We have a small thing to share. 

What we would like to advise is that each person that wishes to experience more of themselves to begin to ask before you go to sleep to have the experience of being in the photon belt.  We would ask that you ask that so that your imaging will begin to connect in your neurons to see what that is like and to feel what that is like if you wish to intensify or speed up the experience, you may assist this process by asking in what you call your dream state for information on what this is like. 

Also, we would advise you that when you meditate, if you do, to ask before you go into a deep meditation to understand and connect with this photon belt that will begin to retool your DNA to reveal to you more information than you’ve ever thought possible about who you are, what you are, and where you’re going. 

So those are two things that we would advise to do if you wish to intensify and speed up the process.   Namaste.

OWS:   And as Shoshanna is saying, Sananda specifically and purposefully took you in this guided meditation that was done here to experience the photon belt and experience what these energies are like, and for you to have your own experience with it, your own knowing about it.  That is for you to be able to continue to experience, as Shoshanna is saying, in your dream state or your meditative state to have this continuing experience as you can, here.  Okay? 

Does this answer your question, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes it does.  I guess all except for is there ever a point where we are kind of like in the most extreme point of it and something more eventful happens?  Or is, for instance, like when we are in kind of the thick of it, or the middle part of it, or whatever, is that like the 1000 years? 

OWS:   Well, know that as you have been moving through this belt of light, you are in it now, you are not in the extreme intensive light yet, but you are moving there.  So you are going to experience more and more of these energy waves as they are coming in, and they are going to get stronger and stronger, and stronger.  And there will come a point where you will have reached possibly the middle area, you might say, when the energies will become so strong that that will be when the division comes within your timelines, and those that can handle the energy will continue on, and those that cannot will not. 

Shoshanna:   We must add something here that we have been given.  It is difficult to put this into words.  The thousand years of peace that is spoken of historically is a metaphor.  It is not actually a thousand years.  It is a dimensional shift that could last as long as you are in the dimensional shift, and it can be forever.  But it is a third-dimensional reference that is a metaphor.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good. 

Guest:   Okay, thank you for clarifying that.  Yeah, my family seems to like to use a lot of metaphors, and so I am always trying to figure out what their metaphors mean.  But yes, thanks for clarifying that kind of the thick of it, what I call it, is kind of when the separation is, because I think I am really, really hoping for the separation, but it is kind of like it, well, beware of what you hope for, because you never know who will be left behind kind of thing.  But thank you for clarifying that.  I do have a better understanding.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other questions here now before we release channel? 

Guest:   Yes, Dear Brother and Sister Shoshanna.  I am going to ask this for a lot of us who have maybe been through extreme experiences.  Many of us who have come through extreme experience of pain, abuse, violation, etc. have built our world, if you will, I believe, around the concept that some day we would be able to give back.  We could make it through because some day we would actually be able to make a shift for other people in that same arena.  But now there are all these energies coming in, and there is all this new, I guess, world arising, and the question is, how much really in a 3-D sense is there really for us to do?  How will this be conscious?  It is going to be in the way that we might have imagined?  My belief seems to be maybe that if struggle and hardship is a part of it, which has been a part of trying to make it happen for me, by the way, then maybe that’s not actually the 5-D way.  So I would like to hear a little more that will put us at ease a little and allow us to, I guess perhaps release some of our sort-of stuck idea of how that’s gonna go, if you will.

OWS:   First of all, struggle and hardship are not part of the fifth-dimension, not part of the higher dimensional experiences.  Struggle and hardship are in your third-dimensional illusion.  And the more that you attempt to make it to the fifth dimension through struggle and hardship, you will not make it.  You cannot do that, because there needs to be the release of those attachments.  And those attachments are anything that holds you back.  Anything from your past that holds on to you that keeps you in that same story over and over and over.  And not to say that you are needing to forget, but you are needing to let it go.  You are needing to move beyond it.  You can still hold the memory, but do not let your memory hold you, you see?  That is the difference, here.  And that is very important for you to recognize.  You cannot make it into the higher vibrations by moving through the lower vibrations.  You must raise yourself up out of those low vibrations and embrace the higher vibration whenever you can, okay?   Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   Yes.  Dear Sister, may we share our perspective with you?

Guest:   For sure.

Shoshanna:   We would tell you that all things that you said are true.  All things you said are accurate.  What we would tell you is that if you wish to help someone that cannot understand or feel what it is like to use fifth-dimensional tools to heal, then you can revert to third-dimensional tools.  Everyone is on their path. 

There are people who will not understand what the heck you are talking about when you try to use light.  But they will feel it.  What we would tell you is that you have the perspective and the ability to reach everyone if you wish.  But it takes a lot of energy to do that.  There are still people on this planet that will remain as third-dimensional beings who wish to traverse the path of trauma, wish to have the experience of trauma, continue the story because that is their path.  If you wish to get off that path and not pursue that experience or that level of help that you could give, then you can choose not to.  Do you see what we are saying? 

Everyone is on their path.  Now, that does not mean that with your understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing, that you can use some of these tools that you wish to use on those who cannot experience those tools, if we are making sense.  So what we would tell you is that if you reach someone who wishes to have higher consciousness and is ready for that, then you can use your influence in that area.  If they are not ready, it does not matter what you tell them or what you use, because they are not ready.  Does that make sense?

Guest:   Yes, I totally get it.  I have seemed to think I was hearing that there was no place for three-dimensional tools, but maybe that’s not exactly what I’ve been hearing.  By what you say, there is some place for it, but it’s discriminating who is ready to try to move to that next place.  Is that correct?

Shoshanna:   Yes, but you have both perspectives, you see.  You have all of those perspectives, so you can bring someone along if they wish to by starting with what we call those third-dimensional tools and moving them past that if you wish to do that. 

We see you in the drum circle, Dear Sister.  We see what you did there, and we see your fifth-dimensional perspective is very high, and that you can help others rewire themselves to understand what that is.  However, on a one-to-one basis, you may have to start a little ‘not in the drum circle,’ if we make sense. 

Guest:   That does make sense.  I thank you so much.  It really does provide something.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions?  We will take one more, and then we need to release channel.  No other questions?  Then we will be releasing.

Shoshanna, do you have any final message here—or not final, but last message?

Shoshanna:   Yes.  We wish to tell all to heed the messages that have been given regarding the photon belt, or the belt of light, or the bands of light that the earth is fringing upon right now.  You are in the fringes of this.  And you may strengthen that and speed that up by doing the things that were suggested in your alternate reality, or your dream state, or your meditation state, which are all valid states of reality that do not use the third-dimensional mind to experience things.  That is why it is important to move past the waking state of third-dimension and move past that to experience at a higher level the light belt.  So we would ask you to take that seriously as you move on the ascension path.   Namaste. 

OWS:   We will just finish up here with as you continue moving into these higher vibrations and find yourself there more and more, embrace it.  Embrace the light that is there.  Embrace the feelings that you have there, and find that you are more and more wanting to be in those higher vibrations, and less and less in the lower vibrations.  And the more that you want to be there, the more that your intention is to be there, then you will be there.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One.

Guest:   Thank you.  Shanti. 

19.08.04 – You Are Not The Body

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19.08.04  Sunday Call    (Lord Sananda, Master OWS)
James & JoAnna McConnell


SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.   It is at these times as we come together that you are more and more becoming aware of who you are.   Not who you have been told who you are growing up,  not who you have become programmed to believe, but who you truly are at the deepest essence of your being.  And I say purposefully here ‘essence’ because that is what we all are is pure essence, pure consciousness, taking on a body of some type.

When you fully come to realize this, that you are not the body, that it is just an instrument or a vehicle for you to use, when you fully begin to realize that, a whole new universe opens up to you.  A universe that is beyond the illusion, beyond the dream state as you have been speaking about, and into the more full waking state of what you all are.

You are all spiritual beings, simply having a physical experience for a time, in a relatively short time at that.  Because this is not meant to be a schoolhouse.  Yes, you are hear to learn, to experience.  But not to learn as if you were in school, for that is just more programming.  You are here to experience life.  Life of all kinds.

And it just so happens that up until now you have been experiencing life as an illusion.  But many of you have begun to move out of this illusion.  Yes there are times when you are held back.  There are times when the programming continues on.  But there are also times when the programming is lifted, and who you are comes shining through.

These are those times now that you are all moving into.  These are what this group is all about, and many other groups that are meeting at these times.  It is all about finding yourself, remembering who you are.  And remembering who you are within the illusion.  Because once you remember who you are, then the illusion begins to disappear.

And when the illusion disappears, there is naught left but reality.  Reality that is your true being, your true being in consciousness, your true being in oneness.  For you are your Higher Self, and your Higher Self is you.  For you are the Source within you.  The Source within you is you.  All is one in the same, and the same in the one.

So let go now of all preconceived notions, all of the old programming.  Let it become burned away by the Violet Flame.  Know that everything here is happening for a reason.  You are all part of the flow of the energy here, and the consciousness here.

So move freely through the consciousness and into the next higher levels of consciousness, into the higher vibrations.  And when you are ready, you will then pass through the ‘ring-pass-not,’ as you have let go of all attachments that have held you back, and you pass freely into the next higher dimensional frequencies.  That is what you are all here to do.  Not only to do yourselves, but to then demonstrate to those after you how it can be done.

I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And to go forth together, and continue to share the light wherever you are able.  Because you are the Light-sharers and the Light-bearers.

I am Sananda.  Peace and love be with all of you.

ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani padme hum, hum, hum.

Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here with you.  Are you back here, all of you?

Guests:   Greetings, One Who Serves.

OWS:   We are ready to move forward, then.  Are there any questions here?

Guest:   Hi.  I was wondering if we can clarify something.  I am trying to picture what the fifth dimension might be like.  I’ve taken LSD before and I have raised my vibrations, so I know what that is kind of like.  Say for instance I have a house here, and then in the fifth dimension would I have the same house, but a much higher vibration?  Or is it a completely different scene altogether?

OWS:   What you are describing, the scene, as you are describing, is to be whatever you want it to be.  If you want a house as you have it now, you can have that.  If you want something completely beyond what you have now, you can have that as well.  For in the fifth dimension you will be able to create whatever it is that you want, and have that be sustained as long as you want it.  And when you no longer want it, you simply think it into nonexistence, and think something else to come into existence.  It is that simple.

Now, it is not something that is instantaneous, though.  It will take quite a bit of effort on your part; practice, if you will, to be able to create those things which you want rather than those things which you don’t want.

But you have had much practice in this over your three-dimensional illusionary experience where you create many things that you do not want.  So you have had the practice in doing this, and it is simply now to practice creating what it is that you do want.  But we would say for you to do that now, not to wait.  To be in the NOW and begin more and more to create what you do want rather than focusing on what you don’t want.  Because, as you move through this fourth dimensional experience into the fifth dimension, you will have the access to your imaginings, to your visualizations, and they will become manifest much, much quicker than they do not within this 3-D illusion where there is this buffer zone.  There is a buffer also in the higher vibrations, but not as large of a buffer.  It will take much less time to manifest that which you want.

So, in summary here, just simply create what you want, and begin to do it now, okay?

Guest:   And then just let it go?

OWS:   Yes.  Let it go.  Go with the flow.  Yes.

Guest:   I mean, I don’t have to keep repeating it to manifest it.  You do it once, then let it go?

OWS:   That is the key, the secret, in knowing that as you create within your visualization as you manifest something, then you already know that it is appearing in front of you.  When you are able to do that, you have arrived.

Guest:   Sweet.  Cheers!  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  I think many of us would like to know about this occurrence, this mass shooting, if this was somehow manipulated or manufactured by the cabal, and if people actually did, in fact, die.  I hate the term ‘false flag,’ but I have a sense and I could be wrong, but you can correct me on this, that sometimes they manufacture it and people still do die, and sometimes they don’t.  So, can you tell us, if you wouldn’t mind.

OWS:   That is correct.  There are those instances that are considered false flags where they are created by those of the cabal.

It does not necessarily mean, though, that there are not fatalities.  Because those that go through this process have agreed to do this in their contract coming into this lifetime.  So it is part of the expression that they came into to be a part of, here.

Now, that is not saying that what you are asking here is real or not real, or that those have perished or have not.  For it is not up to us to give you this information.

It is up to you to discern for yourself as the process continues on what the answer is, here.  We cannot give you this answer directly.  But you can find it within yourself and know the truth as more revealings come forward about this and about other instances that have already happened in the past.  Much will come as a revealing of those false flags, if you will, that have happened in the past.  Much will come forward on these revealings.  And, more will come on what has not yet happened, but may still occur.  Okay?

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.

OWS:   Any other questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question.  I am calling from Guatemala.  We have been hearing in social media about an event called “Storm 51.”  It is a gathering of people due September 20.  It is sort of like a joke, but I am wondering is it really a joke, or is something going to happen.  I have heard that people are thinking about invading or making a riot in Area 51 with the intent of rescuing or uncovering what is going on there.  I am a little bit concerned.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  You are speaking of the ruse that began of storming Area 51.  It was simply someone who put this out as a possibility, but not a probability.  In other words, they did not expect anyone to follow through with this.  It was more of a joke, here.

But it has taken a life of its own, as we find it.  And although we cannot say whether it will be or it will not be, we can say that it has captured the imagination of a great many people across the planet in terms of why anyone would want to do that if there was nothing there, if there was nothing real there.  So therefore, if the million, or two million, or whatever it is that have said they were going to become a part of this, if they are even ascertaining the possibility of this, then there must be some real reality to this place, here, this Area 51.  And certainly, those of you know that there is reality to this.

But many people across the world are becoming awakened as a result of these types of things.  Not just this, directly, but many things that have already come forward and many more that are yet to be revealed, here.  Okay?

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.

OWS:   Would there be any other questions now?

We hope you know that we cannot give directly these answers that you are looking for, because then it interferes with your own discerning in these matters.  And much of your preparation in the ascension process is about coming to understand your own discernment within yourself.  This is a major part of the process of ascension, here, and why it is happening as it is.  Okay?

Any other further questions before we release channel?

Guest:   Well, if no one is going to jump in, can I ask a second one that was requested earlier?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  So we were talking about the ‘ring-pass-not,’ and we were wondering if it is just, I mean, I experienced it as the ring-pass-not between myself and my Higher Self.  But is that it, or are there many derivatives of ring-pass-not?  Does it show up in different ways?  We are trying to understand a little bit more of that.

OWS:   The ring-pass-not is an understanding.  It is not a place.  It is not a thing.  It is not something you step into directly, as it was in The James’s dream.  But it is an understanding, a knowing, when you are ready to do this, when you are ready to move from one dimensional understanding into a higher dimensional understanding.  And this is a barrier that keeps you from moving from one to the other because you hold on to various attachments, programming of many different types.

And all of this process of ascension is about letting go of all of these programs and these attachments, moving through it.  You move through it at your own pace, whatever that might be.  There is not a forcing here of any type.  There is just a letting go and going with the flow.  And as you go with the flow and continue to work on raising your own vibrations whenever you can, then you will find yourself letting go of more and more of these attachments.  And as you let go of more of these attachments, you will be ready to step into that ring-pass-not and simply pass through it.

It is similar to the barriers that you came across when we took you to the Rainbow Bridge and to your Higher Self, to the connection with your Higher Self.

And those barriers are there.  They are real.  And you were able to pass through them easily because you were not passing through with your physical body.  It is another entirely different matter to bring your physical body through these barriers.  You see?

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you.  That is what I was going to ask you.  So we are doing it with the physical body!  Got it!  Okay, thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Any other questions, here?

Guest:   I have one more.   When you ascend into the fifth dimension, and ascension, is that the same as merging with your Higher Self?  Are they one and the same?

OWS:   They are directly one and the same.  You are moving from an understanding of yourself as being separate from your Higher Self, to an understanding of yourself as being your Higher Self.  Not just the thinking of being your Higher Self, but literally, actually being your Higher Self.  That is your ascension.  Connecting all of the multi-dimensional selves into the one.

Guest:   Perfect.  Thank you.

OWS:   Any other questions, here?  Then we are ready to release channel.

Understand the time as you know it is getting short in terms of coming to your next Advance.  And we have been preparing much for this Advance for some time now.  There is much to come that The James has no idea of yet.  He has just a smithering of what is to come, here, what is to be.

But we will ask you, each one, to be ready to participate at higher levels, maybe, than you have in previous times.  There is one thing to simply listen and to be part of that respect, and there is another thing to really, really participate.  And we are not speaking about talking on your telephone.  We are speaking of really being the participant within the experiences.  Okay?

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

19.07.28 – Ascension Symptoms (Archangel Michael)

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19.07.28 Sunday Call (Archangel Michael, KaRa, OWS, & Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell

Archangel Michael  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael.   It has been a bit of time since I have been with you.  But of course, we’re not measuring these instances by time. 

We are measuring these instances by vibration, and how vibration is shifting and changing across the planet, and how the timelines that you have been experiencing for some time now have been merging together until there are but two timelines left.  That is not complete yet, but it is coming to that point where there will be two timelines merging together, and then splitting off.  And they are coming to the point now where they are going to begin to split off:  one time line leading to the higher vibration and the higher dimension, the other timeline leading to remaining in a three-dimensional understanding and frequency, and therefore the continued illusion. 

This is what is coming now, rapidly, where you are moving.  You, those of you that resonate to these words, are moving rapidly into the timeline that is taking you into those higher vibrations.  You have all been experiencing more and more a sense of a heightened vibration, a sense of heightened frequency. 

You have been feeling it in your bodies.  You have been feeling it through your central nerve system.  You have been feeling it, giving you the understanding and the knowing through those symptoms of ascension that you have calling this.  And yet they are symptoms of this ascension process.  Many of you are being able to handle these energies more and more, which may be the reason why you have not been having many of the symptoms as much lately.  Some of you still are.  But some of you have not been.  And this is going to continue.  Those that are having these symptoms, they may continue yet a bit longer. 

But know that everything is moving according to the great plan at this time.  And those of you that have been acclimating to these energies and continue to do so, and continue to move onto this new timeline that is drifting apart from the old one, the old one that you have become accustomed to that has given you a sense of comfort, a comfort zone that you have held on to.  Because this illusion, this three-dimensional illusion has been somewhat of a comfort zone.  Some of you may look at this and hear these words and say ‘not so comfortable to me.” But know that it is something that you have become accustomed to. 

But you are moving away from this, and you are going to move out of this comfort zone.  And as you move out of this comfort zone, change is coming into your lives.  And the change is going to increase rapidly throughout all of you.  And as this change continues to increase, as these energies continue to multiply, and the waves of energy keep coming in, and they are coming in and they are going to get stronger and stronger, because those filters that have been being used throughout by those of what you would call the Ancients that have been holding these energies back are not holding the energies back as much any longer.  They are still filtered, but the filters are being taken away more and more, now.  And the energies are coming in stronger.  And they will continue to come in stronger and stronger. 

And those of you that continue to take these energies in, and I do mean take these energies in, accept them, allow them to come into your central nerve system, allow them to come in through your meridians in your body to release those energies that have been blocked up within those meridians as if there is an acupuncture or acupressure that is coming in and releasing those energies.  See it as this.  The energies are being unblocked, because they must be. And as these truths are coming forward, it is helping to unblock these energies as well.  Because the truths are coming out.  And they will continue to come out.  Those dominos, that have been spoken of, have begun.  Not the biggest ones yet, but some small ones have started.  And they are going to continue, and it is going to lead to those larger dominos.  Or, as some have called it, the avalanche that is gaining momentum coming down the mountain. 

All of these visualizations, all of these ways of understanding what is happening.  And we can give you different understandings, different visualizations, different pictures to begin to understand this, but none of this will do the righteousness to all that is coming that will give you the complete understanding, complete picture.  Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  And we can give you thousands of words, and give you many, many pictures, but nothing is going to come close to what is actually going to occur. 

So, all we can continue to say is continue to be ready.  Continue to be ready, continue to take these energies in, continue to work on yourselves at being in the NOW moment.  Because as you continue to be in the NOW moment, you will find yourself in those higher vibrations and higher frequencies. 

And, as you are in those higher frequencies, you will find that the illnesses, the symptoms, the various things that ail one that is in the lower vibrations will no longer affect you.  Know this:  know the illnesses of the past will be gone.  Know that the medical conditions of the past will be gone.  The cancers, the immune deficiencies, all of these things will be gone as you continue to move into these higher vibrations, so do so in every waking moment find yourself in those vibrations.  Just simply raise your vibration:  you can do it with your mind.  You can do it with your visualization ability.  Do it more and more.  And if it helps to be out in nature, and often it does, then do so.  Whatever it is that helps to work for you, do it.  Don’t delay any longer.  BE in those higher vibrations.  BE those higher vibrations.

I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now with my Sword of Truth to continue to hold you steadfast in your journey forward, to continue to allow for this Sword of Truth to cut through all of the vibrational frequencies that continue to hold you down, those ties, those binds, those psychic ties that continue to hold you back into the third-dimensional illusion which many of you, most of you, have now almost left for good at this point. 

I leave you now for another to come through, your Beloved Sister, Pleiadian Sister, KaRa, will speak momentarily. 

KaRa   (Channeled by James McConnell)

And I am KaRa.   I enjoy these times when I can be with you and share with you, and continue to give you parts of the bigger picture. 

I say ‘parts’ now, because we cannot give you the entire picture all at once, but we can give you the parts.  The parts that we are playing.  The parts that you are playing.  And you are all playing your parts to the best of your abilities at this point.  So allow for all of this process, this ascension process, to continue to move you forward.  And if you allow it to move you forward, it will. 

Continue to find yourself in those higher vibrations, as Archangel Michael has given, as much as possible, whenever possible.  And know that the energies, as they continue to come in, are leading more and more and more to disclosure.  Not only disclosure of those of us, what you call ‘the ET’s,’ but disclosure of all of the truths that are coming forward.  Because these truths must be revealed.  The truth shall indeed set you free.  And that was given long ago and has been reiterated many, many times over. 

And those truths are coming forward now and bringing those that have been in the shadows for so long, bringing them into the light.  And as they find themselves in the light, they cannot handle the light.  They cannot handle the truth themselves.  Because as they try to understand the truth, it brings them right back into the old illusionary comfort zone that they are used to.  And that comfort zone they will remain in.  And that is not something for you to be concerned about. 

The only concern [is] with where you are in this entire process and to this entire vibrational lifting-up process that you have all moved into.  Because as you continue to do so, you will continue to find yourself moving closer and closer to matching those of our vibrations.  And as you match our vibration, you will come closer and closer to full contact with us.  And that is the process that we are working on now, in bringing that contact to you, as you bring your contact to us. 

Be ready.  Be ready to open up to the higher vibrations so that you can meet more fully with us in a more physical fashion.  Those of you that want to do this, then you can bring this about.  Simply create it within your minds.  Choose it for yourselves, and you will move closer and closer to making that a reality.  Those that came in with the contracts to allow this to happen will, of course, bring this about as well. 

But even those of you that did not create this within your contracts before coming into this lifetime, even those of you now can choose to do so and can bring this about.  You can alter the contract that you came in with as you are ready to do so. 

And that is what this group, and many other groups, are working toward now at this point.  For we, those of us, all of the civilizations that come from outside of this planet, are working toward bringing this contact to you, and you to us.

All of my peace and love be with all of you as we continue to move closer and closer together.  

ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani padme hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna is also standing by, as she has just said “Greetings” also.  So we are ready to ‘rock and roll’ as your saying goes, and move forward here. 

We are so looking forward to this next Advance that you are going to have here in your next month.  We are looking forward to it.  Many are looking forward to this. 

And we can tell you that there are going to be many, many, many bystanders there that are watching the proceedings there, that are participating in the proceedings.  You are going to have many visitors, many guests that will be in attendance.  They will be all around you and within you.  So get ready for those energies, because they are going to be monumental. 

We are ready now for questions here.  We know there is one question coming from your email, and we will start with that, okay?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  This question came through the email and here it is.   When the event happens, meaning when the large energy wave flows across the earth and the people are knocked down and there is a major wave coming through, what is going to happen to those ones who are not stationary, as like those who are driving cars or flying in airplanes.  What will occur with those ones?

OWS:   What we can tell you is many of you are watching too many movies.  Many of you are seeing those things that are being depicted by those that are more bent on that type of scenario in that it is going to happen, or they are religiously brought into that understanding that the rapture or somethings of this nature will occur.  And if so, when that happens it will be instantaneous and people that are flying in planes will disappear from their seats, and all of these kinds of things that have been in your various movies. 

And we can tell you—no, that is not what is in the plan here.  That would be something that would not be for a loving Source.  That would be something that would not be beneficial to mankind.  So do not think in terms of what would happen in that sense, but what would happen over a period of time. 

It will not be so instantaneous that those that are flying, or those that are driving cars will instantaneously disappear.  No one is going to disappear.  It is not going to be in that respect.  You would still be able to do whatever it is that you are doing.  And those that would not be in the process of moving forward, in the First Wave, let us say, they will be moving into higher energies as well at this time, but they will be held back from this.  In other words, if there is a pilot flying a plane and this energy comes through and he or she feels this energy but they are not ready for this at this time, it will not affect them in that moment, but over a period of moments.  In other words, more when they have landed the plane, you see?  Or that one that is driving, when they have stopped their car.  Or whatever it might be. 

So do not think in terms of catastrophic events here.  Think in terms of spiritual event that would happen.  Okay?


SHOSHANNA:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We agree with you completely, and so we wish not to contribute anything to this.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are finished with this question.  We move on to are there any other questions, here?

Guest:   Hi.  I just want to get clarification of what we spoke of.  As a matter of fact, in this class, about being wizards, and I was told to find out who I was as a wizard, and the first thing that came to me was the name begins with an M, because that is my initial, MM.  So that is all I could think of.  But the name of the wizard that I attune to does begin with an M, and I am wondering if that is correct?

OWS:   As always, as we entertain these types of questions, we would ask you to look back at yourself, here, and know that as you are coming to these understandings, because you are moving into those higher vibrations, these understandings are coming to you more and more.  And as they come to you, it is as an intuition, an inner knowing that is coming.  And this is certainly bringing you on the right track.  As you listen to those whispers within.  That is what is important, here, as it comes from the heart center. 

So as it does so, your higher self is speaking to you and giving you a remembrance here, as we find it.  And this is exactly what it needs to be at this time.  It does not need ourselves or anyone else to confirm for you, because you have already done so, as you are asking this question.  Okay?   Shoshanna:

Guest:   Oh.  Okay.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We wish to share.  May we share our perspective with you?  Can we go forward?

Guest:   Yes please.

Shoshanna:   The idea of wizard is an archetype that is with all of you.  There are many famous wizards that brought forward the energy of wizardry into the culture and taught many how to use this magical power.  One most famous wizard was known as Merlin.  And everyone knows Merlin.  Everyone has heard of Merlin, because he is the archetype of wizardry.  What we will tell you is that it does not matter what your name is.  It does not matter what you call yourself:  that is a human idea that you must have a name.  What is more important is that you practice the art of wizardry in a white fashion, in a loving fashion, to heal others and to uplift all.  That is what we have for you.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you very much.

OWS:   Very good.  And we add here that understand that all is vibration and consciousness.  And within that vibration and consciousness, you have been in Lemuria, you have been in Atlantis and other civilizations here on this planet, not speaking of anything beyond this at this point, but here on this planet.  And at those times, you were in those higher vibrations, into the high fourth dimension and fifth dimension, and sometimes even higher than this.  And in those instances, you had access to these wizardry arts.  You knew of magic—’magik’ with a ‘k,’ not with a ‘c’ as you know it now.  So this was something that many of you experienced before and are moving in this direction again.  So as you continue to move into these higher vibrations, and therefore higher consciousness, you will have access again to these wizardry arts.  Okay? 

We move on now with the next question if there is one.

Guest:   Thank you very much.

Another Guest:   Hello Dear Brother and Sister.  Yes, we were talking about dreams today.  I remember that throughout my life there have been times when I would be coming back from a dream and I literally cannot move my physical body.  It’s like I would sit there and try to think, try to make it move, try to force it to move.  It used to panic me a little bit when I was younger.  And then it would take maybe 30 seconds to a minute and finally I would gradually regain the ability to move the physical body.  And as we were talking about dreams, it occurred to me, and I wondered if this had anything to do perhaps where I was traveling in my dream state, or high deep I was in my dream state.  Is that at all related in any way?  Can you say more about that?

OWS:   Very much so.  And we would say in that particular instance you were in high gamma state and even beyond that in many respects.  And your consciousness had not completely come back to your physical body, here.  So you were ‘way out,’ you might say.  And as you come back, you become aware of your physical body again, but yet you are still ‘out there,’ so-to-speak, and you have not fully merged back in. 

It is very similar to when you are working with the astral world, here, and you are astral traveling.  You come back into your body, but you do not fully bring yourself back in, and you are partially out and partially in.  That can bring about a sense of dizziness or other types of symptoms until you have thoroughly merged back in, you see? 

Shoshanna, we know you want to add here.

Shoshanna:   Yes, we have something to share here.  May we share our perspective with you, Sister?

Guest:   For sure.

Shoshanna:   What we would tell you, and all that One Who Serves has given is absolutely the story behind what was happening to you.  What it is, is it is exciting to know that you have traveled so deeply and so far and have accessed some other dimension that it takes a while to merge back into the physical body.  So this is a good thing.  This is a fun thing. 

What is wrong with this, is that the culture that you live in has named this something negative.  The culture that you live in has named this that you experience a thing called ‘sleep paralysis’ which is very far from the truth.  It is simply the idea that the conscious mind that operates within the waking state has been put to sleep and is waking up slowly to merge back in with the physical waking state body to pursue activities in the physical. 

So this is very normal.  And if you experience this again, relish in it.  Know that you have access parts of yourself that are deeply not available in the waking state, and this is an exciting thing.   Namaste.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you, thank you.  That’s great.

OWS:   Very good.   We move to next question if there is one.

Guest:   I have a question also relating to dreams, and the dream state I was just in since the meditation.  It has happened to me a lot in the past.  Sometimes it doesn’t, and often it does.  I mean, I do my extent of meditations so it does not happen much, but today the moment James started to guide the meditation I was out.  Then I come back at some point, and I am trying really hard to stay awake and aware, and I go in and out constantly.  What the heck is it? 

OWS:   It is very simple.  You are moving into a higher frequency state, into a higher brain state, as we just said here.  And your conscious knowing self is not available to you for a brief period of time.  Even though you might catch little phrases here or there or something, you are largely out of the picture.  Largely you have ‘left the building’ at that point. 

Guest:   (Laughs) Yes, that’s exactly how it seems.  But I don’t want to miss anything.

OWS:   And you come back in at a certain point, and then you are back.  It is that simple.  Almost as if you are moving through the dream state at that point.  But you are simply moving into higher brain wave states. 

It is nothing to be concerned about.  In fact, it is something that is quite wonderful, because you are moving deeply into those states and, in those states you actually accumulate a great deal more than you can possibly imagine.  So even though you are not consciously hearing what we are saying or others are saying, you are still getting it at some level, here.  Okay?


Shoshanna:   Yes.  We can share on this if you wish us to share our perspective?

Guest:   Please, Sister.

Shoshanna:   What we would tell you, Dear Goddess, is that all that has been given by One Who Serves is extremely accurate, and you must listen to this, as what we know of you is that you will tend to potentially analyze with your conscious mind what is being said. 

Your Higher Self, and we apologize for giving you this so directly, but your Higher Self prefers that you set your conscious waking mind aside so that that which is given is assimilated at a higher dimensional level where you go.  You still benefit, no—you benefit more from your conscious mind being aside than you would benefit if you could hear the words in a waking state. 

So this is a good thing.  We hope we have helped and clarified.  Although we are just regurgitating what One Who Serves said.   Namaste, Dear Sister.

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you, and namaste.

OWS:   We would add here that in this state that The James is in and The Joanna, here, with Shoshanna is in, is similar in some respects, although they can hear what is being said here.  They do not necessarily remember it.  But they are in a place where they can remember it at deeper levels.  In other words, it is getting into them.  They are receiving it and it comes back possibly at a later time as to the relevance to what was given in that moment.  Okay? 

Guest:   Yes, thank you.

OWS:   We move on now.  Is there another question? 

Very good questions, by the way.  We so enjoy these higher vibrational questions that have been coming in in these last months here, we would say.  Anything else? 

(Pause)  That scared people off! 

Guests:   (Laughter)

Guest:   I have one question now that we are all speaking about dreams.  I don’t feel like I am really awake.  I am taking a while to adjust myself.  Is there something that I can do in order to come back completely?  Because I feel like if I have a part somewhere else and a part in this dimension.

OWS:   This is what we were speaking of earlier in terms of being far out there, and not fully coming back in, not fully merging back in your consciousness into your physical body.  Nothing to be concerned about, just let it be. 

And notice though, and this is for all of you now, notice as you continue to move into these higher vibrations more and more, out of the third dimension and, as you heard from Sananda last week, you are largely out of the third dimension.  You may not think so.  You may think this is the same old, same old, but you are not.  You are largely in the fourth dimension now more, and more, and more. 

In the higher vibrations, you are going to find that your dream state is going to become more and more vivid over a period of time as the vibrations continue to increase.  So get ready.  Your dream state is going to become vivid.  Your waking state is also going to become quite vivid.  This is where we have said previously where the veil is going to be thinning more and more, and you are going to be able to see through it.  Things that before you might have called ‘going bump in the night.’  But you do not have to be concerned about this, because you are just simply going to be able to see into other dimensions.  And as you continue to ready yourselves for this, you will be prepared for it to be able to understand what is happening, here.  Okay?

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add, here?

Shoshanna:   We have a perspective to share with you, Dear Sister.  May we share?

Guest:   Yes please.

Shoshanna:   We heard you say that is there something that you could do that would quicken the process of coming back and merging into your physical body.  What we must tell you here is you must not rush the process.  You must not ask for a quickening here, as what is happening in this in-between time is processing time.  You are processing all that has been given to you outside of your waking state to bring back to your waking state. 

So what is required here is a patience to allow the processing to occur, and actually even relish in it and enjoy it, rather than ask for it to become quicker.  Does that make sense to you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yeah, it makes a lot of sense.   The only hard part is when I have a meeting to attend on something related to my 3-D work and I am not able to catch up on work because I simply can’t.  I even field weird; out of place.  But I understand. 

Shoshanna:   Yes, and we understand your concern.  You must perhaps give yourself a later meeting time so that you can process.

Guest:   Yes, I was thinking about that.  Thank you very much.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  That is the perfect solution.   Namaste, Dear Sister.

Guest:   (Laughter)  Namaste.   

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions before we release channel?

Guest:   One Who Serves?  Hi.  Right before you said ‘things that go bump in the night,’ I just uttered those words right before you said it, like one second before.  It was crazy!  Anyway, it made me laugh, Oh my goodness! 

Well, here are the experiences that I have been going through recently.  When I look around my space when outdoors in the dark, I see a lot of things happening.  So there is a lot of movement, shadows, things flying past me up in the sky or close by. 

Sometimes if I just focus in my closer vicinity, I see a lot of things.  A lot of times I am looking at the stars or for ships or something, so I am out further.  But I have noticed that when I bring in my perception or my focus of my vision to a certain area, I see more things in those areas like parallel something.  I see things come in and out.  Just crazy, crazy.  It’s wild, and I love it, I just absolutely love it.  Yeah, a lot of things.

But here is one thing that has come past me twice now.  And it is a white object, very luminous white.  It is not a bird, but it’s big.  It’s big like a bird.  It’s not a ship, either.  It’s just going by, not too high, just like a bird would be, at a little high distance, but not too high.  But it is big and it is moving kind of quick, but almost like a bird, but it’s not a bird.  I don’t see the flapping or nothing like that.  Twice now.  Now when I saw it the second time, it was quicker, smaller, but the same thing.  So any ideas what that could be?

OWS:   Can we be very frank with you on this?

Guest:   Yes.

OWS:   Do you know when we have said previously that some of you would literally be seeing dead people? 

Guest:   Yes (laughter).

OWS:   Seeing beyond the veil.  Seeing beyond into other dimensions.  This is what we were talking about.  And you specifically are being prepared for this process.  You’ve been prepared for this.  You set this into your contract that you would be one that would move ahead of others, not everyone, but others, and you would be in a position where you would be taking these energies in working with them, and then be able to open up those portals that take you into those higher frequencies and therefore through the veil and into that dimension where those that have passed over are waiting.  And you will be able to see through that, not too far off, as we find it.  You are moving quite rapidly in that direction, here.  So be ready for it. 

You are going to be seeing shadows at first, but they will begin to take more and more form as you continue to allow the process.  And we say very importantly, allow the process.  Because if you do not allow it, if you attempt to stop it, you will stop it.  Okay?  It is up to you if you want to continue in this direction.

Guest:   I do.  Yes.

OWS:   But get ready, because there will be those things which in the beginning will make you startled, we will say, here. 

Guest:   They have already (laughs).

OWS:   It will take some learning and working through this as you are ready for it.


Shoshanna:   We have something specific to share with you if you wish, our Dear Sister.  Do you wish for our information? 

Guest:   I do.

Shoshanna:   We must tell you that there are two individuals that lived in the third dimensional bodies that have passed over into other realms that you knew, that you knew at a very, not intimate meaning sexual, but at a deep level.  There are two.  And we would tell you, you know who we speak of because you have dreamed of these individuals, meeting them again, and perhaps the lights that you are seeing are their lights connecting back with you at a light spiritual level.  Does this make sense, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Um.  Okay, these were individuals that were walking the earth me, now they have crossed over:  is that what you mean? 

Shoshanna:   Yes.

Guest:  Or something from another lifetime?

19.07.21- My Father and I Are One

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19.07.21 Sunday Call (Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell
SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.   As always, it is a wonderful pleasure to be able to be with you, to share with you, to bring you these messages, these messages of love, and hope, and oneness, and joy, and peace, and calm. 

For it is all about the continued acclimation to these energies that are coming into the planet, these waves of energy that have been so-to-speak bombarding the planet for some time, now, but increasing in intensity over a period of time, wave after wave after wave.  And more waves are coming. 

I want you to think, or just picture for a moment, the ocean as the waves come in from the ocean, coming onto the shore.  At first they come rather small, then picking up intensity, getting larger and larger, stronger and stronger, more and more intense, until that final wave that comes in and washes across the entire area.  Think of this as that wave of energy that will eventually come to the planet as the Change-Over, or The Event, occurs.  But before that, many smaller waves, many smaller happenings, that have been coming in that many of the channeling sources are talking about now, these waves of energy, these dominos that are falling and will continue to fall, all that is happening to bring you into the higher vibrations, to keep you there longer and longer in those higher vibrations. 

For those of you that are resonating to these words now:  you are no longer in the third dimension.  You may think you are, because your programming continues to keep you in that state of mind.  But you are not there.  Your consciousness is not there.  Yes, it can slip down in there every so often if you allow it to.  But you can bring it right back out much quicker each time you do this.  You do not need to wallow in it any longer in depression, in states of illness.  You do not need to do that any longer.  You can move beyond it and stay beyond it. 

Because the earth herself, Gaia herself, has moved through the ascension and is continuing to do so, and yet hold the space for those of mankind who continue to have the opportunity to acclimate to these energies just as you are, to continue to be able to move through these waves of ascension, as they beginning now to come in more and more.

True, you have not reached those three waves that have been spoken of yet, not in your physical bodies.  But in your higher bodies you have.  It has already occurred.  The Event has already happened at the higher vibrational levels.  It only needs to manifest now when the vibrations have increased enough across the planet so that all of you have acclimated enough to be able to withstand that energy. 

And we of the Ascended Masters, The Celestial Host, The Galactics, The Agarthans, all of us are watching this process, watching this ascension process as it continues to move through, continues to move through this transition that is occurring now at this time as the many truths are beginning to come forward, beginning to be revealed, and will be revealed more and more. 

For the truth cannot be held back.  It must be told.  It must come forward.  For ascension to fully occur, the truths need to be revealed. 

You need to be able to have the space open to you to be able to move into those higher vibrations whenever you feel the urging, the encouragement, whenever you feel your consciousness reach out to the higher vibrations, the higher levels around you.  And as you do that, as you continue to reach higher and higher, you will find that which you are reaching for. 

You will realize that you have moved in, or moved out, of that old programming that continues to hold some of you back at times.  I say some of you, and I say at times purposefully, because there are those times when some of you still continue to fall.  But even when you fall, you do not stay fallen.  You continue to reach up, and your higher selves and your guides reach for you and pull you up out of the shadows, back into the light, back into those higher vibrations, and therefore higher dimensional frequency. 

It is all open to you now, my friends.  It is all open to you.  Just step aside, just as I did as Yeshua.  I step aside and I say, “Father, I give this all up to You now.  I step aside.  I and my father are one.”  It is up to you now to do the same, to step aside.  Let the Father within you doith the works.  Let your Higher Self continue to move you forward.  Your Higher Self will not hold you back, only the lower self, the lower ego self, can hold you back.  Let go now.  Move on.  Let the Forces of Light come shining through.  Then once those Forces of Light shine within you, then you shine that light out to all around you. 

I am Sananda.   I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and ask you to continue to call forth, not only for yourselves, but for those around you, for them also to reach to their Higher Selves to pull themselves out of the quagmire, the 3-D illusion.

Peace and love be with all of you.

ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani padme hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here.  Is Shoshanna with us here? 

SHOSHANNA   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)


OWS:   Very good.  Then we are ready to move on.   [We] do not have a message directly.   Shoshanna, do you have message for us?

Shoshanna:   No.

OWS:   Then we move on with questions, here.  Would there be questions, here?

Guest:   Yes, I have two James gave me from an e-mail. 

This first one is from a woman who essentially is asking when we ascend, what happens to our bodies.  When we ascend, do our bodies remain in physical form, is there full consciousness, is there full DNA restoration?  Could you just explain as it would apply to us when these waves come.

OWS:   Yes.  We can tell you is this is what this is all about, people.  This is what we have been working with you, is to bring you to a point where you are moving through this ascension process through the transition that is occurring now, and moving to a point where you are creating your Light Body within your Physical Body, if that makes any understanding for you. 

You are taking your Physical Body along with you because you are crystalizing the cellular structure in your body.  It is becoming more crystalline rather than carbon-based.  This is not an overnight sensation, or you would not be able to withstand the pressure of doing this directly at this point, but it is a process that is occurring over time here and, more importantly, over vibration. 

As your vibrations continue to increase, you continue to move more and more through this ascension process so that you are able to take the energies, withstand the energies, as they continue to come in so they do not cripple your central nervous system, and these types of things that can occur, and allow your Kundalini energy to fully rise through the process. 

For as some of you know, when the Kundalini rises when it is not time, when the vibration has not reached a high enough level, if it is done ‘taking heaven by storm” you might say, then you can find that your central nervous system is not ready for this and can create much havoc, much illness, can create insanity, and all kinds of other things can come as a result of this, including that which is the spontaneous combustion of some that has occurred in the past when this happens, here.  Also, some have gone into what you call the ‘funny farm,’ the mental institutions, and things of this nature because of this Kundalini energy rising too quickly. 

But it is very safe as it is happening now because we, the Ascended Masters, and all of those that are working with you and, of course, your Higher Self, are monitoring this entire process.  So you are moving to a point where you are beginning more and more to crystalize your cellular structure, and your DNA is coming back online, or will be coming back more fully online, so that you are able to take your physical body through the ascension in a complete manner, whereas before you would have had to have dropped the Physical Body and become the Light Body and leave the physical behind.  That is no longer the case here for most, not all, but for most will be able to have this process finalize when the vibrations have increased enough.  Okay? 


Shoshanna:   No, you have explained it.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are done with this question. 

Guest:   Thank you.   I now have a question from another e-mail also concerning The Wave, asking if you could give a clear example of the three waves of ascension and how they work. 

OWS:   Shoshanna, would you like to begin, here?

Shoshanna:   No.

OWS:   Very good.  Then what we can tell you about the three waves of ascension is they are exactly that:  they are waves of consciousness that are going to be coming into the planet.  They are coming at this time, actually.  And they will continue to increase and increase and increase. 

And when these waves of ascension fully begin, there is what you, those of you, this group and many other groups, and many of the Light-workers and Light-warriors across the planet are being prepared to be in that first wave of ascension.  Whether you will be or not is up to you.  It is not up to us.  It is not something you attain.  It is not a title or anything like that that you attain.  It is not even initiations that you go through that you can attain this.  It is simply a choice that you are making at this time to allow for these energies to continue to come in and continue to acclimate within your body.  And by that, you are then going to be able (again, as you choose) to be in that first wave of ascension.  And as you move through that wave, you will realize at that point that you are in those higher vibrations and therefore being in those higher vibrations, in a higher level of consciousness. 

And in that higher level of consciousness, you are now in a position where you are thinking in terms of service to others rather than service to self at that point.  And when you are thinking of service to others, your immediate concern is going to be to others.  So therefore, you will likely, most of you will likely want to turn around and go back and assist those others that are coming after you.  And that is the process as you move through these waves of assisting those that come after you.  And then those that come after you will go through this as well, as will go back and assist those others. 

Now when we say ‘go back,’ that does not mean you are going up on ships and then you will decide, “oh, I’ve had enough R&R here, so now I will come back to the planet and assist.”  No, it is not that at all.  It is not about leaving, it is about moving into higher consciousness, higher vibrations, higher dimensional frequencies.  And as you do that, you will again, as we say, realize that it is all about helping your fellow man.  And that is what you will be about doing at that point.  Okay?

Shoshanna, anything to add here?

Shoshanna:   We believe you have explained it perfectly.

OWS:   Very good.   Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question. 

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   I was wondering when the large wave comes and goes through the solar system, will it free Saturn from her chains?

OWS:   Will it free Saturn from what, now?

Guest:   From what I heard, Saturn is actually being held by the Dracos.  The rings are actually holding her in.  Is that true?

OWS:   When we speak of the ascension process, we are speaking of not only here on this planet, but the entire solar system and even beyond the galaxy.  So that in itself would likely answer your question.  Because there will be no more darkness anywhere at that point. 

Guest:   So what I heard is correct.

OWS:   It is correct.  It is a happening that is going to reverberate.  What happens here, we will say, is going to reverberate across the entire galaxy, and even beyond that.  We will just stay with the galaxy for now.

Guest:   Great.  Thank you.  That’s great.

OWS:   Shoshanna, anything?

Shoshanna:   No, we believe you have explained it.

OWS:   Would there be other questions?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  Hello Dear Brothers and Sister.  I have recently come across an individual who is pretty powerful psychically, and we can remember having some lives together where we were working for the Good, or for the Light. 

But now what he seems to be doing, and I am curious about this because I know I don’t want to get swooped up in energies that I don’t want to get swooped up in, but now he seems to be tooling around the galaxy, going here, there, and all over the place literally, and he can see it in vivid technicolor.  And I know because he showed it to me in my dream once.  And so I saw that one flash of it, and that was it.  And I would like to learn that, you know! 

But I am wondering, though, if all of his energy goes into that and not really so much that I can see into like a Lightworker communication with the rest of the world.  Is that what you are calling the fourth-dimensional sort of “magnetism,” or is it that it is more important for him to do that work out there than the actual work with the humans, here? 

OWS:   Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not understand. 

Guest:   Let me rephrase it.  So this person’s energy is very much like into spending 12, 14, 16 hours literally teleporting himself psychically here, there, and everywhere.  He sees it in vivid technicolor.  And this is something I would love to learn, and he said he would like to teach me.  But I am also concerned that this is a fourth-dimensional thing, what One Who Serves has spoken to as being sort of hypnotized by the fourth-dimension and the power that we have in the fourth-dimension, or is it?  Okay, whatever work he is doing out there is more important maybe than spending the time out here with the humans.  That’s what I am trying to figure out.

Shoshanna:   This is a dilemma.  This is a difficult thing to approach or address, as this is your experience of this individual, and we cannot know what is more important to him or less important to him, or what direction he chooses to go in.  All things are a puzzle.  All things are parts of a picture.  So his importance in the fourth dimension, his importance with human beings is not relevant.  He chooses his experience.  He chooses to be in the fourth dimension.  He chooses to work with humans.  He chooses those things based on what experiences he wishes to have.  So we cannot put a finger on this and say this is better, this is more important, this is less important, we cannot do that, if you can understand our approach, here.  

Guest:   I don’t know if I am making myself clear.  I am not trying to ask that.  I am trying to ask, is that a fourth-dimensional thing?  I am concerned to get involved with someone that might be just pulling my energy just to toll around in the fourth-dimension.  Is that what that is? 

Shoshanna:   Yes, Dear Sister, we feel your ambivalence.  And we apologize for not asking if we could share our perspective with you, but we assumed we could. 

Guest:   No, no, you are fine.

Shoshanna:   We sense your ambivalence, because we have it as well. 

Guest:   Okay.

Shoshanna:   So you must be cautious, as we are easily drawn in by magicians and magic, and great experiences.  We are easily drawn in by that.  So your ambivalence is correct.  So simply take what you can, enjoy what you can, and create a boundary.  If that makes sense to you.

Guest:   Yes, it does.  I appreciate that.  Thank you so much.

Shoshanna:   Yes.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes, and we would add here that his path is his path, and your path is your path.  And you have a saying:  ‘dance to the beat of your own drummer.’  So whatever that beat is for you, you dance to that.  Allow your Higher Self to guide you through this entire process.  And don’t let another individual that may or may not be delving into areas where they need to be more careful. 

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   That is what we are saying here to you.  Have caution here.  Do not throw caution to the wind in this case.

Shoshanna:   Yes.

Guest:   Awh, that I appreciate.  Because I mean it is very, very enticing when you get this.  You never saw the technical, and suddenly you see the technicolor, and it’s like, oh, man!  I want that, but let me just look, here.  You know?

OWS:   You can do that, but do it with much protection.  When we do these things with you during these calls and also during your Advances, there is much protection.  There is nothing that can interfere in those experiences, unless you bring it in yourself, allow it to come in.  You see?  But there is so much protection.  And we have been working with you I those experiences to do somewhat exactly what you are speaking of, but doing it in a very safe calculated way to allow for the continuing process to occur within each and every one of you.  When we do these things, each and every one of you are being monitored.  Okay?  And we will not allow for anything to occur beyond what you are ready for at that time. 

Guest:   Okay, I appreciate it.  So could not being protected (this is what I was wondering too) open up some sort of a portal to something that I didn’t want, is that what you are saying? 

OWS:   That is correct.  That can happen,

Shoshanna:   We agree with that. 

Guest:   Okay.  So I need to just choose the time to say this is the time, not any ol’ time, and this is when I okay it, and put the protections up and go about it that way?

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Yes.

Guest:   Yeah.  Ok.  Thank you.  That really gives me a lot.  I appreciate that.

OWS:   Yes.   Would there be any other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes.  Hello One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  My question is really not so much a question, but a clarification.  Is that okay?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  A few days ago I had a dream when there must have been a scout ship because it was like one or two, I’ll call them people, in it. 

OWS:   Hold please.  We cannot understand what you are saying directly, here.  Please be more specific.

Guest:   Okay.  It is a clarification that I require between a dream I had and what information that came through a channel.  So a few days ago I had dream when there was a scout ship, because it was just with one or two people in it.  And it was in trouble.  So when I saw it, I beckoned for them to land on my property.  And when they landed, the guy came out, she was very friendly, but then again appeared as a lady, so it was like a man and a woman.  I invited them into my house and we were talking, laughing, and they were telling us stories about what happened on the ship.  Then as we were talking, another two gentlemen appeared, although they came more like they were coming to protect these two that landed first.  But then when they realized that we were all just laughing and having a good time, they ______ us in.   

So then on awakening, I thought well, maybe I made some kind of contact, like what you have been telling us about.  However, a few days later, I read a channel that said contact would be in a physical waking moment.  So I am just trying to understand is this going to happen in both ways, both in our lucid dreaming and in our awakeness, or is the physical contact going to be considered when we are actually awake? 

OWS:   So what you are asking basically is that is contact with those of the Galactics going to occur with your Physical Body or only with your Astral Body and Etheric, or in your sleep state or meditative state?  This is your question. 

We would answer this by saying it can be both. It can be both, not that it will be both, but it can be both.  In other words, more and more of you will begin to experience these types of experiences, we will say, here, during your dream state, during your meditative state, and even during your waking state in terms of a connection to those that are coming to experience with you. 

In order words, your family from the stars, all of them, are coming back.  And they are going to be interacting with you in many different various ways, just as they are beginning to do now, as KaRa is coming through, and, of course, Ashtar, and Sananda, and so on and so on.  And they are all coming and experiencing with you in these different various ways at this time. 

Now it is moving, though, to a point where there will be the physical contact as well.  Again, can be the physical contact as well.  It is not something that you can create.  It is not something that you can make happen.  You cannot simply say I want to be visited and therefore you are going to land in my yard.  It is not going to be like that.  But it is something that has been preconceived, preset you might say, but it can be affected over a period of time by your raising your vibrations, just as many of you are. 

And many of you, as you are raising your vibrations, are altering some of those contracts, you might say, that have occurred, that you agreed to earlier on, and you can alter those contracts.  And in altering those contracts, now you have an opportunity to be one of those that can be visited in these different ways, both nonphysically and physically, when the vibrations have increased enough within you to be able to allow for that vibrational exchange to occur that will be necessary to have the physical interaction with them.  Okay? 

Shoshanna, anything you can add?

Shoshanna:   May we share our perspective with you?

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  We would tell you that you are an individual that has many dreams and, dreams are not what we think they are.  Dreams are a reality that we experience.  Perhaps we wish to have those experiences in the physical because we think they are more real if we have them in the physical.  That is the perspective of many.  Well, if I just have that experience in the physical, then I will know for sure that I have had that experience. 

What we would tell you is that you are favored, and it is a favorable experience to have a scout ship be invited to land in your backyard, and that those that occupied the scout ship could come into your home and visit with you.  What a wonderful experience!  We would tell you to relish the experience, to enjoy those experiences, and not to be too concerned whether or not you will have them in the physical because the fourth and fifth dimension that you experience in your “dream state” is just as palpable, just as real as any reality.   Namaste.

OWS:   Wonderfully said.  Very good.

Guest:   Thank you so much, I appreciate it. 

OWS:   Would there be any other further questions, here?

Guest:   Can you hear me? 

OWS:   We hear you, Dear One, yes.

Guest:   Oh good.  I have been trying to unmute myself for 20 minutes now!   I have a question.  You said the Protocol of Pandora during meditation:  does that help to accelerate the change of the Physical Body into the crystalline state? 

OWS:   Yes, what you are speaking of, the Pandora Protocol, and many others that have come forward and are coming forward yet, are all tools:  crystals are tools, Tarot cards are tools, etc., etc.  It is simply that the human body, the human consciousness, needs those tools at this time to feel that they are doing something real, as Shoshanna gave here earlier.  And we would say to you that all of these things are real beyond what you are believing could be real.  In other words, it is not something that has to happen at a physical level only for it to be real.  So these protocols that are being given by the Pleiadians and, again, others that are going to be coming forth, coming from the Cobra experience, and others as well, all they are doing is assisting in bringing you into these higher vibrations and, once you are in those higher vibrations, to be able to experience the well-being that comes from those higher vibrations, rather than the illnesses and the debilitating depressions, and all of these kinds of things that are still continuing to be a part of your programming experiences, here.  Okay?   Shoshanna, anything to add?

Shoshanna:   I think you have explained it well.

OWS:   Very good.   Is this sufficient for you, Dear One?

Guest:   Thank you very much.  I will continue to use that during my meditation until I understand it thoroughly.  

OWS:   Very good.   And please, while you are at it, do not forget to work with the crystals, as you had been guided to earlier.  It is very important for you to continue the work with those crystals, and the remembering of who you were, but more importantly who you are with the use of those crystals.

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you very much.  I will continue even more.

OWS:   Yes.   Are there any other further questions now, before we release channel?

Guest:   One Who Serves. 

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Hi, Dear Friend.  There is a question that has really been on my mind for quite a long time and really would like to ask it.  You know, when we do the meditations…I wasn’t at the December Advance, but that was magnificent when you and Yeshua Sananda took us back into the time of Christ on earth!  Anyway, that was so magnificent!  I am very emotional any time Yeshua comes into conversation, or Sananda, more Yeshua for some reason, but really, really moved to tears, emotion.  My thoughts have always been, you know, somehow I am just kind of in those thoughts, that I may have not been on the planet walking next to Yeshua during those times, but I was above in a starship guiding the whole time and being with Yeshua in that sense.  This has always been on my mind for so long since that time of December.  I know you can’t really give us information like that, but boy, I would love to know if that is anywhere close to what I am feeling. 

OWS:   So you are wondering if you were above the experiences that were going on with Yeshua during that lifetime, if you were above in a ship looking down on the process, is that your question? 

Guest:   Right.  Being a part of all of that, but in the guiding and protecting through it in and around, but in a ship, being a Galactic, not a human on the ground at the time.

OWS:   In order for us to answer this question, we must first ask you a question.  Where are you receiving this understanding from? 

Guest:   Well, I just felt that, and then I have a pendulum that I always communicate through, and then I would ask is this feeling, is this where I am heading, is this correct?  And so yes, through a pendulum.

OWS:   So therefore, you have already received a confirmation that this is correct.  Is that right? 

Guest:   Yes.  Yes.  You’re right.  I was told yes, but I just wanted to see your point of view, I suppose.

OWS:   Then, we would say, why would you then question it beyond that?

Guest:   True.

OWS:   And the only answer to that would be that you do not fully believe that what you are doing is accurate.  So?

Guest:   Well, only because so much more leads to that.  The starships that I see on a nightly basis, you know, just a lot of activity.  With the first starship that I saw, there was telepathy between us, it took me home, the starship.  So something huge was there, and didn’t understand it for many years until I looked back, and I went “oh my goodness, what the heck happened, here?!”  So that is why I am thinking, oh I think I belong to the Galactic community more than living on the earth in those lifetimes, you know what I mean?

OWS:   That is accurate.  That we can confirm.

Guest:   Very good.  Thank you.

OWS:   And the rest that you gave as to the experience at the time of Yeshua can be confirmed by your going within yourself, just as you have, and receiving the answer, just as you have.  That should give you a hint of the correctness of where you are going with this.

Shoshanna:   May we share.

OWS:   Yes please do, Shoshanna.

Shoshanna:   Our Dear Sister, may we share our perspective with you? 

Guest:   Yes, Dear.

Shoshanna:   Here is what we would say, and we would say this to all:  it is important as a lifetime progresses, as we live from day to day in a lifetime, that the experiences that we have are savored, are enjoyed, and are accepted and allowed. 

The One Who Serves often says ‘go with the flow.’  What prevents a human being from immersing themselves in the experience, and feeling the experience, and allowing the experience is analyzing the experience. 

So it does not matter truly if you were in a galactic body, or in an earth body, or in a ship, or on the ground—none of that matters.  What matters is that you sense and feel and savor and enjoy the connectedness of the lineage of Yeshua to yourself, and understand that that is the reality that you are enjoying, not necessarily how you got there, but that you are there, and that the emotion that you feel and that you sense when you recall these things are because you are very connected.  You cannot have a deep sense of emotion and a deep sense of devotion and love if you are not connected.  You are closely connected because of those feelings.  We hope that we made sense to you.   Namaste. 

OWS:   Very good.   Then we are ready to release channel here at this point.  Before we do, Shoshanna, anything?  Final message?

Shoshanna:   We do not have a message. 

OWS:   Very good.   Then all we say to all of you is to keep going.  Do not let yourself become slack in your energy, in your continuing to move forward.  Do not become stagnant in those things which you know to do, in those things which you are being guided to do, whatever they might be.  Go forward and continue to allow the Light to continue not only anchor within you, but to continue to spread from you.  This is very important as you continue to move through this ascension process and to become the being that you not only are meant to be, but always have been.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

19.09.15 – The Photon Belt

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19.09.15 Sunday Call
(Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell
SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.  As always, it is a pleasure to be with you, and to be able to share with you in these ways, to be able to come across through many different sources and bring information.

For that is what this is all about, this vibrational experience that you are moving into now.  It is all about releasing information, remembering who you are, and the creator being that you are.  And as this creator being, there are no bounds.  There are no limits.  You are indeed a limitless being.

But you have forgotten, and you have created within you limitations that you are a limited being.  But you are certainly not.  And all of the guidance that is coming to you from all of the many different sources that try and attempt to reach to you, and the whispers that you hear within you are all about bringing you the understanding, the awakening process within you that you are unlimited, that you are god, that you are not a created being, that you are a creator.  Know this.

Know this as you continue to move forward now and finding within yourself every moment that you are in to be that perfect moment, even though there are times of travail, even though there are times of distress when everything doesn’t seem to be exactly as you want it to be.  Know that even in those moments they are happening for a reason.  They are happening to help you to learn and to remember once again who you are.

It is time, my friends, to fully begin to believe in yourselves.  To believe in your creative abilities.  To believe that everything that is happening within this universe is happening because of you, all of you, and all of us.  For as you have heard many times, we are all in this together.  Yes, it seems at times that nothing is happening.  But that is when you are looking, when you are wanting to see before you believe.  But when in reality, it is that you must believe first, and then you shall see.  And that is the higher vibration.  That is the higher dimensional understandings.  Believe it and you create whatever you want.  So within even this three-dimensional illusion that you are still in, you can create within that illusion.  You can create.  And in that creation, you find yourself moving out of the 3-D world and into the higher 4, and even the fifth dimension.

And there are those periods when all of you have experienced that fifth-dimensional vibration, that bliss that goes with the fifth-dimension.  And you long for that.  You may have had it within your dream state.  Many of you have said within that dream state, “I want to stay, I don’t want to go back!”  But yet you go back.  Just as you came here to begin with, volunteered to come here.  You left that dream state.  You left that perfect state that you were in and came here.  Just as in your dream state, you return again, and again.

Knowing that because of the vibrations increasing all across the planet now, and consciousness also increasing, you know that you are moving into these higher vibrations.  And that those dream states that you have had, those blissful times of being in the fifth-dimension, are becoming more and more prevalent now.

That is what this entire ascension process is about.  It is helping you to have those glimpses here and there, so that you long more and more for not only the glimpses, but the actual full reality of being in those higher dimensions.  And as you find yourself in those higher dimensions, you begin more and more to remember that you’ve been there before.

Many of you have had these, what you call ‘de-ja-vu’ experiences.  “I’ve been there, I’ve done that.”  And yes you have.  You have all been there.  You have all been with us before.  The times are coming now when you will be with us again, and we with you.  For there are happenings that are fast approaching now.  You can call them announcements, you can call them experiences, but they are coming.  They have already happened at the higher levels.  We have spoken before that The Event has already occurred in the higher vibratory levels, in the higher dimensions.  And it is not going to come to the third-dimension.

But the third-dimension, all of you within the third-dimension, are arising out of that third-dimension and coming into the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies where you will experience, and even are experiencing, the wonders that come in those higher vibrations.  The wonders of no aging, of no illness, of no distress, no de-struction of any kind.  Only con-struction.  Construction with your mind, with your imagination.  And all of your world will be only limited by that imagination, by that thought process within the fifth-dimension.

Continue to trust in yourselves, my brothers and sisters.  For all is at hand now.  Continue to believe, and you will more and more continue to see what before you were not able to.

I am Sananda.  I leave you now in peace and love, and all of the wonder that is coming your way.

ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani padme, hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here with you, and we believe Shoshanna is standing by, yes?

SHOSHANNA:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)


OWS:   Yes.  Very good.

Shoshanna:   But one moment please, I received a text saying that they couldn’t hear you, so I just want to make sure everyone can hear.

Technical Guest:   Yes, the issue was resolved.  Thank you.

JoAnna:   Okay, thank you.  Okay.

OWS:   Very good.  Are we alive and in person, here now?

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Then we are ready for questions if there are any.  We do not have a direct message at this point.  Any questions? 

Guest:   What type of questions can we ask?

OWS:   It depends on what type of question you want to ask.  You can ask it, and then we tell you if you can ask it or not.  How’s that? 

Guests:   (Laughter)

Guest:   I have a question just on focusing on our mission, our missions on charity work, or bringing about awareness to causes.  What would be like a beneficial place to start in focusing our intention and our mission toward helping others?

OWS:   My goodness, that is such a broad topic, here.  Where would you start?  But then the question becomes, where would you like to start?  Where have you been guided to start?  And we would even go further than that.  You have started a long time ago.  This is more of the end rather than the beginning, here.

Now you are speaking of starting in terms of separate missions here, maybe one that you have been guided toward.  As far as that goes, then you begin wherever you need to begin.  Wherever it feels that it is right for you.  This is where your discernment comes in.  Whether you are hearing it right, whether it is coming from your Higher Self, whether it is coming from some other place within you or even outside of you, it depends on the situation.  You would need to be more explicit if you want more explicit guidance, here.

But, in general, here, we tell you to listen to your guidance, hear it, and then go and use some discernment here as to whether it is the guidance that you are needing to follow at this point, okay?

OWS:   Shoshanna, do you have something to add?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we have something to share.  May we share our perspective with you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course, of course.

Shoshanna:   We would tell you, as we would tell all beings that wish to pursue a mission, the same thing that One Who Serves said, is you are on the mission.

What is important here is not to think too much.  One thing that human beings do a lot is they think about things rather than doing things.  The important thing here is to do, not to think.  So to do is simply doing what is in your heart.

So, an example can be that you are driving down the street and you see a being holding up a sign that says, “I cannot eat today, I do not have money, please help me.”  In that moment, your heart recognizes what you wish to do, but most just drive by and do not do what their heart tells them to do.  Even a dollar would help this being.

So we find in your heart, Dear Sister, that you wish to do many things.  There are many things going through your mind every day:  where to start, what to do, how to begin.  But what we would tell you is to not think too much and just do.  And, as you do, your mission develops right before your very eyes in the moment, and you can do the next thing, and then the next thing, and then the next thing as it comes up.

Because what we find in this universe is that when one begins something, another thing shows up, and then another, and then another, and then another.  We hope that this makes sense to you, Dear Sister.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you so much.  I appreciate you very much.

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other questions here, now? 

Guest:   I have a question.  I know that you guys don’t usually give advice, but I was hoping I could have a perspective.  I have one of my son’s friends who is wanting to live with us.  She doesn’t feel safe at home, and things have gotten kind of intense lately for her and her family.  I am not in a position to take her in at this point, and she might end up in foster care, and it is breaking my heart.  So I just wondered if you could give me some advice of how I can help her.  Thank you.

OWS:   Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   First of all, we must ask you if we may share?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   Your heart is very big.  Your love and compassion for all beings that cross your path is very big.  And you know this. 

The one that you are speaking of that is in need of protection, you must neutralize the challenge that you are having of whether to take her in or not take her in.  Because the parents would have to give you permission for this.  What we would tell you, and this is so important, what we would tell you is that you must contact her parents and you must ask them if there is something that you can offer them in terms of refuge for this child, as you are hearing only one side of the story.  So you must ask the parents to see if they are open to this.  If they are not, the next thing to do is talk to a Social Worker.  You must have those where you are.  And see if they have recommendations for you and for this child.  Is this child 16? 

Guest:   No.

Shoshanna:   Is she younger?

Guest:   Thirteen. 

Shoshanna:   Thirteen.  Okay, so she cannot be emancipated.  But you must ask the parents to give you information on what is going on in the home and get that perspective before you pursue anything.  And there is always room for one more.  If they allow you to have this child in your home, there is always room for one more.  It is your thinking that creates that there is not.   Namaste.

OWS:   We ask you, though, Dear Sister, did you not say that you were not in a position to take this one in?

Guest:   No, not at this time.

OWS:   Yes, that is what we thought we heard here.  Ff that is the case, then it becomes more of a situation of do you help or how can you possibly help.  In some cases, there are those times when you are not able to do anything directly, but indirectly you can assist.  And that can be, as Shoshanna has given, contacting the parents, seeing if there is anything to be helped there.

It is difficult, though, to become involved in the system, here.  We would not suggest to necessarily become involved in the system with this one.  But this one does need protection, does need help here.  So this becomes a part of your discernment as to how far to go here to assist with this one.  At some point, you can either go for it or not.  That has to be your choice, here.

You say we do not give advice?  We do give advice.  We just do not plan to do it for you.  We will give you direction at times.  We will assist you, give guidance here, nudges here and there, but we are not going to tell you how to do it or what to do.  That is not for us to do here.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   May we also share another thing for you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, of course.

Shoshanna:   We have a question for you.  Are you thinking this is not your business?

Guest:   Um, somehow it has become my business.  I even have the mother calling me now.  So I guess Spirit wants me to be involved with this.  I don’t know.

Shoshanna:   Well, you have choice here, because you are in a free will zone.  But we would tell you that we find in your mind that you may not want to assist because you believe that maybe this is outside of what you can do.  Is this correct?

Guest:   Um, I’m just not sure what to do, really.  I want to assist.  Like you guys said, there are two sides to every story, so I guess I’ll just try to help both sides, then, and see if they can resolve it. 

Shoshanna:   Yes, and you must lead with your heart.  Each time you speak to the daughter or the mother, you simply lead with your heart.  And you must understand that everyone is on their path, and whatever is before them, they have agreed to at some level and, perhaps you have agreed to at some level to assist.  So you must watch the development in a neutral way, if that makes sense.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you, guys.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions here?  We are wondering if that one question is going to come up from those in your discussion earlier. 


Guest:   The photon belt, is that it?

OWS:   Yes, if it is something you wish to pursue here further, then we can give some more assistance in this.  It is somewhat important, here.   There needs to be question.  You have to come with question.

Guest:  Yes, One Who Serves.

OWS:   We knew you would come for this!

Guest:   (Laughter)  Yeah.  Obviously you heard what little we kind of really know about the photon belt, and it gets very scientific and everything.  We don’t really want to know that part.  What we would like to know is, okay we know that we are experiencing all these symptoms and stuff because of the effects of the photon belt.  But is it true that we are going to hit, like, you know, some real big part of the photon belt that will really activate it and will have maybe not THE Event or mini-events?  Or what does it mean to be in the photon belt, and how does that relate to our experience?

OWS:   What is happening here is you are moving into this belt of light.  And this belt of light is enabling the process of ascension to occur here in terms of having it be with your physical bodies ascending, and not in the old ways of having to leave your physical body in the death process or in simply ascending from the physical body and leaving that behind.  Because of moving into this belt of light and this special energy that is there, it is enabling all of you here on this planet and even the entire solar system to be able to experience this raise of consciousness that is occurring and is going to occur more continually here, as you continue to move into this belt of light.  And the belt of light is enabling this ascension process to move forward more rapidly than what it would have before, you see?

So everything that is happening as a result of moving into this area of space, and this incredible energy that is there, and this light that is there for the 26,000-plus year cycle here is enabling for not the end of a world in this case, but the end of an age here, and the beginning of a new Golden Age because of this.  Because of the energy that is there, because of the gamma light that is there to come into your physical bodies and change your DNA structure.

Now, does that mean you are going to go through a period of calamities and destruction, and all of that?  In the past, that would have been the case.  That was the timeline that you were moving along.  But that timeline has shifted now, as you know, because of all that the Galactics especially have been doing to allow you to move through this area of space and not have those particular catastrophes and destruction that would come with it.  You are not going to move into that period of darkness that has been spoken of.

There may be a little bit, yes.  There will certainly be some discomfiture for many across the planet, but many of you that are resonating to these words and understanding these things now, as you continue to move through your own ascension process, you are going to be the ones that are going to take this light, these gamma rays, into you and it is changing your DNA structure.  And as it changes your DNA, your information, or your remembrances are returning as well, which is enabling you to more fully move into the ascension and be a part of the first wave of ascension.  And that is as much as we can give you here.  Shoshanna, do you wish to add?

Shoshanna:   We have a small thing to share.

What we would like to advise is that each person that wishes to experience more of themselves to begin to ask before you go to sleep to have the experience of being in the photon belt.  We would ask that you ask that so that your imaging will begin to connect in your neurons to see what that is like and to feel what that is like if you wish to intensify or speed up the experience, you may assist this process by asking in what you call your dream state for information on what this is like.

Also, we would advise you that when you meditate, if you do, to ask before you go into a deep meditation to understand and connect with this photon belt that will begin to retool your DNA to reveal to you more information than you’ve ever thought possible about who you are, what you are, and where you’re going.

So those are two things that we would advise to do if you wish to intensify and speed up the process.   Namaste.

OWS:   And as Shoshanna is saying, Sananda specifically and purposefully took you in this guided meditation that was done here to experience the photon belt and experience what these energies are like, and for you to have your own experience with it, your own knowing about it.  That is for you to be able to continue to experience, as Shoshanna is saying, in your dream state or your meditative state to have this continuing experience as you can, here.  Okay?

Does this answer your question, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes it does.  I guess all except for is there ever a point where we are kind of like in the most extreme point of it and something more eventful happens?  Or is, for instance, like when we are in kind of the thick of it, or the middle part of it, or whatever, is that like the 1000 years?

OWS:   Well, know that as you have been moving through this belt of light, you are in it now, you are not in the extreme intensive light yet, but you are moving there.  So you are going to experience more and more of these energy waves as they are coming in, and they are going to get stronger and stronger, and stronger.  And there will come a point where you will have reached possibly the middle area, you might say, when the energies will become so strong that that will be when the division comes within your timelines, and those that can handle the energy will continue on, and those that cannot will not.

Shoshanna:   We must add something here that we have been given.  It is difficult to put this into words.  The thousand years of peace that is spoken of historically is a metaphor.  It is not actually a thousand years.  It is a dimensional shift that could last as long as you are in the dimensional shift, and it can be forever.  But it is a third-dimensional reference that is a metaphor.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.

Guest:   Okay, thank you for clarifying that.  Yeah, my family seems to like to use a lot of metaphors, and so I am always trying to figure out what their metaphors mean.  But yes, thanks for clarifying that kind of the thick of it, what I call it, is kind of when the separation is, because I think I am really, really hoping for the separation, but it is kind of like it, well, beware of what you hope for, because you never know who will be left behind kind of thing.  But thank you for clarifying that.  I do have a better understanding.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other questions here now before we release channel?

Guest:   Yes, Dear Brother and Sister Shoshanna.  I am going to ask this for a lot of us who have maybe been through extreme experiences.  Many of us who have come through extreme experience of pain, abuse, violation, etc. have built our world, if you will, I believe, around the concept that some day we would be able to give back.  We could make it through because some day we would actually be able to make a shift for other people in that same arena.  But now there are all these energies coming in, and there is all this new, I guess, world arising, and the question is, how much really in a 3-D sense is there really for us to do?  How will this be conscious?  It is going to be in the way that we might have imagined?  My belief seems to be maybe that if struggle and hardship is a part of it, which has been a part of trying to make it happen for me, by the way, then maybe that’s not actually the 5-D way.  So I would like to hear a little more that will put us at ease a little and allow us to, I guess perhaps release some of our sort-of stuck idea of how that’s gonna go, if you will.

OWS:   First of all, struggle and hardship are not part of the fifth-dimension, not part of the higher dimensional experiences.  Struggle and hardship are in your third-dimensional illusion.  And the more that you attempt to make it to the fifth dimension through struggle and hardship, you will not make it.  You cannot do that, because there needs to be the release of those attachments.  And those attachments are anything that holds you back.  Anything from your past that holds on to you that keeps you in that same story over and over and over.  And not to say that you are needing to forget, but you are needing to let it go.  You are needing to move beyond it.  You can still hold the memory, but do not let your memory hold you, you see?  That is the difference, here.  And that is very important for you to recognize.  You cannot make it into the higher vibrations by moving through the lower vibrations.  You must raise yourself up out of those low vibrations and embrace the higher vibration whenever you can, okay?   Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   Yes.  Dear Sister, may we share our perspective with you?

Guest:   For sure.

Shoshanna:   We would tell you that all things that you said are true.  All things you said are accurate.  What we would tell you is that if you wish to help someone that cannot understand or feel what it is like to use fifth-dimensional tools to heal, then you can revert to third-dimensional tools.  Everyone is on their path.

There are people who will not understand what the heck you are talking about when you try to use light.  But they will feel it.  What we would tell you is that you have the perspective and the ability to reach everyone if you wish.  But it takes a lot of energy to do that.  There are still people on this planet that will remain as third-dimensional beings who wish to traverse the path of trauma, wish to have the experience of trauma, continue the story because that is their path.  If you wish to get off that path and not pursue that experience or that level of help that you could give, then you can choose not to.  Do you see what we are saying? 

Everyone is on their path.  Now, that does not mean that with your understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing, that you can use some of these tools that you wish to use on those who cannot experience those tools, if we are making sense.  So what we would tell you is that if you reach someone who wishes to have higher consciousness and is ready for that, then you can use your influence in that area.  If they are not ready, it does not matter what you tell them or what you use, because they are not ready.  Does that make sense?

Guest:   Yes, I totally get it.  I have seemed to think I was hearing that there was no place for three-dimensional tools, but maybe that’s not exactly what I’ve been hearing.  By what you say, there is some place for it, but it’s discriminating who is ready to try to move to that next place.  Is that correct?

Shoshanna:   Yes, but you have both perspectives, you see.  You have all of those perspectives, so you can bring someone along if they wish to by starting with what we call those third-dimensional tools and moving them past that if you wish to do that.

We see you in the drum circle, Dear Sister.  We see what you did there, and we see your fifth-dimensional perspective is very high, and that you can help others rewire themselves to understand what that is.  However, on a one-to-one basis, you may have to start a little ‘not in the drum circle,’ if we make sense.

Guest:   That does make sense.  I thank you so much.  It really does provide something.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other further questions?  We will take one more, and then we need to release channel.  No other questions?  Then we will be releasing.

Shoshanna, do you have any final message here—or not final, but last message?

Shoshanna:   Yes.  We wish to tell all to heed the messages that have been given regarding the photon belt, or the belt of light, or the bands of light that the earth is fringing upon right now.  You are in the fringes of this.  And you may strengthen that and speed that up by doing the things that were suggested in your alternate reality, or your dream state, or your meditation state, which are all valid states of reality that do not use the third-dimensional mind to experience things.  That is why it is important to move past the waking state of third-dimension and move past that to experience at a higher level the light belt.  So we would ask you to take that seriously as you move on the ascension path.   Namaste.

OWS:   We will just finish up here with as you continue moving into these higher vibrations and find yourself there more and more, embrace it.  Embrace the light that is there.  Embrace the feelings that you have there, and find that you are more and more wanting to be in those higher vibrations, and less and less in the lower vibrations.  And the more that you want to be there, the more that your intention is to be there, then you will be there.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One.

Guest:   Thank you.  Shanti.